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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I went to your web site, great job! I read your story, yes, I say again, we are so glad you are here, you have been through the valley and now are on the mountain. You have a wealth of experience in your treatment and so much HOPE to give to those just diagnosed. In march it will be 5 years since your diagnosis! Wonderful. Are you planning a party? Thanks for joining us. Donna G
  2. I agree. Depression is so common with lung cancer treatment. Just think - to be told you have a disease that "every one knows" is fatal, to go through chemo and radiation which is doable but wipes you out, to have surgery that includes breaking ribs, cutting the nerves that run along the ribs, being told you have to quit your addiction, ( cigarette smoking is one of the most powerful addictions) etc etc etc. All of this is not only very trying on the patient but is also very trying on all family members especially the "care givers". Sometimes getting on an antidepressent is enough but some counselling or support group would be great not only for him but for you too. I am glad you spoke up, just having someone who understands can be of help. Just want you to know I am nearly 8 yrs since I had surgery and not like those first few months but I still am very aware I had thoracic surgery , it still is painful at times but not so much that I am not very greatful for having had it and survived. Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Pain control, yes that is a very good thing. Glad he was able to spend some family time in more comfort , a great gift in itself for the Holidays. Prayers continue. Donna G
  4. Brian , thanks so much for coming here and sharing that wonderful news, "off the vent". Hope she is doing even better today. Prayers continue. Donna G
  5. Happy Mike got home for Christmas. Redskins 35-Giants 20 may have helped also. Prayers going up for Mike to continue to feel better each day and a happy Holiday Season. Donna G
  6. Welcome Pam. I am sure you have a wealth of info for those just being diagnosed. We survivors know all that they go through. Donna G
  7. My prayers going up. Donna G
  8. Merry Christmas Frances. Donna G
  9. Welcome Bobby. Sorry to hear your Dad has been through so much and the beast has reappeared. I think it is really best to wait til the biopsy results when deciding what treatment is necessary. There are lots of new drugs and types of radiation but some work best on lung cancer, some on prostrate etc. So you really want to know what you are treating. Please keep us posted. By the way , did your Dad have chemo or radiation besides surgery when he was treated? Donna G
  10. Welcome. So sorry your Dad has this beast. Glad what they have done so far has made him more comfortable. Sounds, since your Dad was to go hunting , that on the whole he must have been in pretty good shape. Perhaps with all the treatment he has been through the doctor wants him to have time to "recover" from that. Please keep us posted. If in the future chemo is recommended please know it can be done. There are great drugs now that make you more comfortable during treatment. Donna G
  11. This is the video. http://www.kare11.com/health/health_art ... yid=114253
  12. This was on TV last evening.At their web site also a video. Minnesota plays key role in potential lung cancer breakthrough A Minnesota doctor is at the forefront of a new study that is making a case to use X-rays to try and catch lung cancer in its very early stages, before symptoms send a person to the doctor. North Memorial Oncologist Doctor Martin Oken sees some potential in the early findings of the study about a Chest X-ray Screening test for Lung Cancer. Currently, Doctor Oken says X-rays are not recommended for screening. But they are used in diagnosis. Wednesday, the "Journal of the National Cancer Institute" reported that in the largest lung cancer screening study ever - 155,000 participants including 30,000 Minnesotans - chest X-rays led to the discovery of early or Stage One cancer in 44 percent of those diagnosed with lung cancer. Lead author, Doctor Oken says that's nearly triple the current rate. He says "The trick with lung cancer is to get it early when it's still curable by surgery." When caught early there's better than a 50/50 chance of living at least five years. The Journal says usually by the time symptoms begin to occur, the cancer's often advanced. In fact, 90 percent of newly diagnosed patients are dead within two years. Before X-rays are recommended for use, researchers must review more data from the study, which could take a couple of years. By Greg Vandegrift , KARE 11 News (Copyright 2005 by KARE. All Rights Reserved.) Last Updated: 12/21/2005 5:50:33 PM
  13. Donna G

    my son terry

    Prayers for you and your grandson for peace. You bothe have had such a terrible loss. I am so sorry. Donna G
  14. In order to get shingles you have to have had Chicken Pox. You never get rid of the virus, it can stay dormant in your nerves for many many years. I have seen people with shingles and it does not look like fun at all. My mother told me I had chicken pox as an infant. So far (keeping my fingers crossed) I have not broke out ever. Prayers going up that it clears up soon! Donna G
  15. Welcome Jay. Hope someone here knows of the drain method you mentioned. I have seen sort of stop clock type valve inserted where you open the stop clock periodically to drain off fluid, but have not heard of recirculating. Donna G
  16. Welcome Bradi , I hope your Dad is responding well to his treatment. Donna G
  17. Thanks for the update Brian, prayers going up. Glad to hear it is not a reaccurance. Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. I join the others in welcoming you to our family. Hope we can help. This is bothe a physical and emotional disease. It is tough but with help we can fight it. Please keep us posted on how Bill is doing. Donna G
  19. Welcome Trish. Hope we can be of some help. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Holiday Help

    This was in our Church Bulletin this weekend Holidays can pose a time of intense emotional turmoil. It is hard to imagine joyful activities when you feel overwhelmed with anxiety and depression. Family celebrations only seem to affirm the absence of a loved one. It is important to practice "love and kindness" for yourself as you approach the holiday season and those special occasions. The following suggestions may help you to cope with your feelings as you encounter the holiday season. 1. Pace yourself. Reduce the expectations and unnecessary pressures of how to prepare for the holidays. Reduce the gift list, symplify the holiday menu, send out fewer cards-friends and family member will understand. 2. Change traditions. Trying to keep everything the same as before only magnifies the absence of your loved one. 3. Maintain adequate sleep. Experiencing grief can be exhausting in itself. A hectic schedule of holiday activities and lack of sleep can only result in a decreased ability to cope with the emotional pain that may be part of the holiday season. 4. Allow yourself time for quiet. A time to refect on the happy memories, time to find spititual renewal: time to allow yourself to grieve. 5. Reach out. Choose company for the day. Your grief easily slips out of the minds of family and friends. Don't hesitate to present your need and ask for companionship.
  21. I am so sorry. My prayers for you and your family for peace. Donna G
  22. Donna G


    Wow! What can I say? That was wonderful. Donna G
  23. Nancy, wonderful news. We have 5 and 6 yr survivors of SCLC in our local support group who are still NED. I pray your Mom also enjoys lots of time of good health and good humor. Donna G
  24. Welcome. Blood clots happen with lung cancer. They are serious. If they travel they can go to your lungs or to your brain causing a stroke. Hope they are able to regulate the amount of Heparin she is getting. Usually they do blood test called PTT once if not several times a day and make ajustments to the Heparin rate. Is she in a lot of pain? Things can be done. Let us know how it is going. Donna G
  25. Donna G

    Update from Z

    Praying for the best Z. I had chemo and radiation before surgery. None of it is simple but the good news is that was 8 years ago and I am here to talk about it and living my life. Waiting to hear your plan. Donna G
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