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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I might as well jump in. I also had pain. I thought it was orthopedic and was shocked it was a tumor. The good thing that you mention is you are young and you quit smoking. If I were you I would continue to try to find out what is causing your pain. I also had a bulging disc in my back when I was 26 years old. I would not wish that on you but I must say that is the most common cause of back pain. Donna G
  2. Hi "Cluck". I am so sorry you lost your sister Sue to this dreadful disease. Sounds like you guys were very close. Welcome. Donna G
  3. Connie your time and efforts have helped sooooo many people. You are so generous. Your friend, and so lucky to be, Donna G
  4. Geri we are so blessed you found us. Donna G
  5. Now I am really glad I love Arby's "Martha Vineyard Salad" with rasberry vinegaret dressing- They sprinkle dried cranberries on it! Also Post "Cranberry Almond Crunch" cereal is great. Cranberry juice is also well known for promoting kidney health now for cancer. Let's hear a cheer for OCEAN SPRAY! Listen, this was just making me think of Edaville, home of the Edaville Railroad in South Carver! You ride the train through the cranberries bogs, is an Amusement park that's gift shop even sells cranberry taffy. http://www.edaville.com/index.htm Wonder if they, as cranberries are so good would like to chip in on the cost of the Boston walk or perhaps they would even give us a day there as an event! What do you think? Donna G
  6. You can use this pic or on Connie B's posts the top additional picture ( Connie is on left, Sandy center and I am on the right) Donna G
  7. Good Morning Connie and all. I survived! Donna G
  8. Welcome Rob. Boy your Dad must be watching over you. That tumor could have been there a long time and growing without any symptoms! Sometimes Doctors feel it is better to take the tumor and send to pathology than taking the risk of biopsy too. We will be watching and waiting for how this all pans out. Best Wishes, Donna G
  9. Angela first I want to wish you well today and pray all goes smoothly. Your last post said you are having surgery today, Wed. 2/22. Hope you get an Epidural and a PCA for your comfort post op. I had chemo and had instant menopause. I had never missed a menses til then and have never seen one since but I was 50. I did take hormones for about a year because I had severe hot flashes night and day. I stopped when my sister got breast cancer, that scared me for I am at risk and hormones increase that and believe me I did not want another cancer to deal with. I could deal better with a flash and those had died down. Where you are younger I am not sure whether you will get a monthly again, did you ask the doctor? Again wishing you well today. Donna G
  10. Hi Sheryl, welcome. Glad you did find us. Please let us know how the test comes out. Donna G
  11. Debbie, I am so sorry we have lost Jen. I offer my prayers for you and the family during this most difficult time. Donna G
  12. Jodi, I was just talking about you! On the 16th we had a new member ( northstar) post about her husband being diagnosed with Mesothelioma. I metntioned you. Here you are! 6 years! Wonderful news. See "My Story". THe Cancer experience was a huge teacher, a very tough class, but I really learned a lot about cancer, about suffering, about depression, about stress, about enjoying every moment, appreciating what I do have, about the power of prayer, about the power of love, about the power of friendship, family, and much more. It was a huge class and I just hope I got a lot of it down and I passed. Donna G
  13. Great to see and hear from you Fay. Sounds like you have a good treatment plan to try and keep you comfortable. We are so blessed that you are on the board. Prayers for you going up. Donna G
  14. Donna G


    Welcome . Please keep us posted on that next test results. Donna G
  15. Welcome and glad you found us. SCLC is very susceptable to chemo . Also many have radiation to the brain as a preventative measure because it tends to spred there. Those friends of Connie's are also friends of mine , they had radiation and like Connie says they are NED ( no evidence of disease) and enjoying life. Keep us posted. Donna G
  16. Where will you walk, on the Charles, at the Aboretum, Beacon Steet? Up on the hill ( capital) or how about the Boston Gardens, I haven't been there in years. When? If I know several months ahead maybe I can fly back east , walk , and visit the family. Let me know. Family live in Foxboro and Franklin now. Donna
  17. Welcome, hope we can help. Keep us posted on those results! Donna G
  18. It sound nice to me. Wish I was there today. I have to work, it is -12 degrees out with a high of 4 expected! I hope my car starts! Have fun and enjoy. Donna G
  19. I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  20. We have one person I know of that has had Mesothelioma. She lives here in Minnesota and I have known her personally. She is now 32 and a 6 year survivor. I got an email from her this winter so I know she is OK. She does not go to group any more and I am not sure she is here on the board often either. I think she is getting on with her life. She had major surgery to get rid of the Mesothelioma. She was so young and it takes years and years to develop , she must have been a toddler when she was exposed to Asbestos. You might be able to email her. She really knows a lot about it. Best wishes, Donna G jodi page Joined: 29 Jan 2003 Posts: 12 Location: minneapolis, minnesota Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 12:17 am Post subject: Mesothelioma survivor hello, my name is Jodi Page, i am 29 years old. i was diagnoised with Mesothelioma in December of 1999, at the age of 26. i had surgery, a left thoracotomy; radical extrapleural pneumonectomy. i recently found out i have asthma, and am having trouble finding the right meds for that. i would like to talk to and get to know more people dealing with Mesothelioma. why do they always give such long names to cancer? Back to top
  21. Prayers going up. It is always hard to loose your parents. Donna G
  22. I am so sorry you lost your Mom. I know from what you write she will live on in your heart. Praying for peace for you and the family during this most difficult time. Donna G
  23. Welcome. Looks like you get to celebrate a one year survival anniversary tomorrow! So glad you found us. I did not take Tarceva but many here have so I know you'll get some good info. Keep us posted. Donna G
  24. Two major types Small Cell and Non Small Cell. There are several types of Non Small Cell. The most common is Adenocarcinoma. You can learn more if you go to the left side of the page and click on topics under LC info. Donna G
  25. Mary, welcome, welcome welcome to our community. Many signing up here have been recently diagnosed ( or their loved one) and just reading your signature will be such an inspiration to them! I am sure you have much experience that you can share. We are so lucky you found us. Please keep us posted. Donna G
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