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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I just want to say welcome. I pray your Dad gets his pain under control. There are specialist who deal with pain. As you say it wears you out and then where do you get the strength to deal with the cancer treatments. Keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    Peak a boo!

    Hi Connie, just got home from work and found you had posted. Hope you are getting some sleep! Donna G
  3. COMMON & BRAND NAMES Percocet (w/acetaminophen); Percodan (w/aspirin); Oxycontin (time-release); RoxicodoneEFFECTS CLASSIFICATIONAnalgesicCHEMICAL NAME(5a)-4,5-epoxy-14-hydroxy-3-methoxy-17- methylmorphinan-6-oneDESCRIPTION Oxycodone is an opiate, narcotic analgesic, used primarily in the treatment of pain. It is one of two derivatives of morphine, the other being hydromorphone. CAUTION Oxycodone preparations may contain analgesics such as acetaminophen, which can be toxic to the liver in high doses.
  4. Just got off the phone with Maurie ( Connie's husband) She is napping. He went down to Rochester early yesterday and picked her up and brought her home. The meeting with the doctors went well, she passed all the tests ( echo, angio etc ) . They got home around noon. She has the O2 at home. He says Dawson ( her lab) is weiry of the machine that concentrates the O2. She is getting a little more rest, was up some during the night though. I do think Maurie really wants to take good care of her ( be an extra special private duty nurse to her.) The pain in her shoulder is still bothersome but she has drugs. She is to go back to Mayo in 3 months, April. Donna G
  5. There is oxycodone in Percocet and also Tylenol. There is a limit of how much tylenol you can take in 24 hours before it is toxic especially to your liver.
  6. Welcome. I had NSCLC but do want to mention that SCLC if more susceptable to chemo. Boy did they get your Dad's started really quick! When is he scheduled for his next dose? How is he doing. Best wishes Donna G
  7. These studies have been going on a while in different places and have been very fruitful. This was posted Jan, 05 Tonight on 60 Minutes they were talking about how our dogs know more about us than we think because of their nose! They mentioned those poodles able to detect lung cancer, many studies in England where dogs detected bladder cancer from urine samples. They also had testimonies of owners who's dogs detected breast cancer, skin melanoma etc. Donna G http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/60minut ... 3415.shtml
  8. WElCOME Ginnie, glad you found us. Have you had any treatment? How are you doing? Donna G
  9. Welcome Jen. Glad you found us. Do you live near your Mother in law? Chemo makes you tired for sure, it is so helpful to have someone willing to chip in on the everyday tasks. Does she have a good support team? Hope we can help you. Donna G
  10. Boy I can't boycott this company, I would never ever even considered buying "soverign silver" or what ever it is that they think is the answer to our immune system. They are nuts! They think this is the natural way! Donna G
  11. http://health.discovery.com/news/health ... &year=2006 Family History a Risk Factor for Lung Cancer on 01/06/2006 FRIDAY, Jan. 6 (HealthDay News) -- Current and former smokers who have a strong family history of lung cancer should take a lung function test and undergo screening with spiral computed tomography, says an article in the current issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. This screening -- meant to detect lung cancer in the early stages -- is especially important for people with a relative diagnosed with lung cancer at a young age (around 50), the study said. People with a family history of lung cancer have about a twofold to threefold increased risk of developing lung cancer, study author Ann G. Schwartz, of the Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, said in a prepared statement. The article noted that smoking is linked to 85 percent to 95 percent of all lung cancers. While there's been a dramatic decrease in U.S. lung cancer rates over the previous two decades, an estimated 49 million current and 46 million former smokers in the United States remain at risk for the disease. More needs to be done to identify people at high risk for lung cancer, Schwartz said. "Because cigarette smoking is such an overwhelming risk factor and preventable, the importance of family history and genetic susceptibility to lung cancer risk has been overlooked," she said in the prepared statement. "While debate continues about the efficacy of spiral computed tomography screening for lung cancer in a broad population of smokers, the ability to focus screening efforts in a truly high-risk subpopulation would clearly be of benefit now," she noted. More information The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more about lung cancer screening.
  12. Just got off the phone with Connie. She just finished breakfast. Her Angiogram was done yesterday and "no life threatening problems". She has not had her total update talk with the Doctors yet. She still has pain issues to deal with. Her BP is doing good. They are setting up home O2 for her and the plan is she will go home tomorrow. Hope and pray today she gets pain control , some good walks and some good rest. Donna G
  13. Yippey, Kasey our POSTER GIRL! Great news. Now how do we find your picture at NIH. Donna G
  14. Talked with Connie last evening and this morning. The trip is off for today. Yesterday she had an Echocardiogram. Today she is going to have an Angiogram done. They are "working her in" so no idea when she will be taken to the cath lab and be gone for hours. She is in a lot of pain with the change of meds and didn't get but an hour of sleep last night so she is very tired. Good thing she said she is not having to cough as much today. She met with her doctors this am but they want to wait til they have all the info and tests in before they update her. Perhaps they will sent her home tomorrow or the next day. Sandy and I wanted so to see her, but perhaps we'll get to see her soon at home. Donna G
  15. We "tuned" in and I immediately fell asleep. Therefore, for those of you who did catch this episode, clue me in on how it went! Donna G
  16. Welcome Michael. Glad you came out in the open and let us know about your Dad's journey. Hope we can help. Keep us posted. Donna G
  17. Sandy and I are driving down to Mayo tomorrow to visit with Connie. I thought it would be fun to bring with me all your well wishes. I will print them off and bring them to her. Thanks, Donna
  18. Prayers going up for Chuck for a speedy and smooth recovery. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    Question !!!

    All I could find. Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:54 am Post subject: I never posted my fives.. but every day I still do my "fives". Some days it's darn hard to do them.. but when I struggle, I always think of Melanie .. and how she always seemed to have her five in line and probably at least another 10 to go with it.. When I first saw this post.. I could barely catch my breath..but thinking of her... since, I realize.. that I should do my best not to be sad.. because her gift to us and probably so many others has left this world a better place.. love and fortitude elaine
  20. Welcome Linda. Have you and your Dad been to an Onocologist. Perhaps the surgeon is jumping the gun. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Denise, I am so sorry. My prayers are offered for you and the family for your loss and to find peace. Donna G
  22. Boy, this is all over the news, entertainment tonight, the paper. He was a good man. Donna G
  23. Welcome Patty. Your Mom raised a fine daughter. I just want to mention with this care that you have taken on You need support also. Is there family, friends, church commmunity that can help you? It's a big job. Keep us posted. Donna G
  24. Welcome. This is a most difficult time, before you see the Onocologist, before you have a plan of treatment. Please keep us posted. Donna G
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