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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Prayers going up Shirley. So sad, too fast. Donna G
  2. Geri, great news. Happy, Happy , Happy news. Donna G
  3. Linda, welcome. Boy it sounds like your plate is really full! I hope we can be of some help. Donna G
  4. Lisa I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for you and your family for peace. Donna G
  5. Donna G

    3 Years

    Yippee! Wonderful Happy News! Congradulations! Donna G
  6. I just want to say I am so sorry you have the beast! Cancer! I really think if they only found cancer in your lungs, no where else that you ought to get a second opinion. You can have another pathologist , at another facility do another pathology report. Mistakes happen. No one is perfect. As Connie said, cancer in different areas , different types of cancer respond to different treatment. You want to be comfortable that the diagnosis is absolutely correct as possible. Sincerely, Donna G
  7. I had chemo and radiation at the same time. That was 8 yrs ago. Mostly I was just very tired. I am sure some of the fatigue was also from the "stress" of being told you have lung cancer that is pressing on nerves and blood vessels and pleura etc and going through all the testing etc. I am alive. I am NED. I think it was well worth it. Besides that the pain I was having was gone in just a couple of treatments. Donna G P S I forgot to mention I did loose hair! The up side, no shaving for months! Very quick blow dry ( very few stands of hair to fix)
  8. Karen I am so sorry you have now lost your Mom. Prayers going up for you and your family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  9. Prayers going up for a speedy recovery for Katie. Donna G
  10. Welcome Tammy. We all know the waiting is awful! You say it was a week ago that he got a biopsy? When is his doctor appointment. There are several different kinds of tumors, SCLC and NSCLC ( and several of the non small cell also) all are treated differently so the biopsy report is very important. Keep us posted. Donna G
  11. First , welcome. Boy your husband has had a lot of treatment already. I am a little confused. You say he was diagnosed in November 05, but completed brain radiation in September. Does he have 2 different cancers? Please keep us posted. Also you may have a question for "Ask the Experts" , if you would like to try that area of the board. Best wishes. Donna G
  12. Welcome. So sorry to hear your Mom has cancer. You are so quick to search for information! She is lucky to have you helping her. There are links from this site to more info as chemocare.com etc that will also give you the info you folks will be needing. Hopefully it is limited SCLC and if she gets into treatment she will have a great response. Keep us posted. Donna G
  13. Welcome. I hope we can be of support and help during this difficult time. Glad you found us. Donna G
  14. Beanie, Heparin is the drug of choice for those afflicted with blood clots who have Cancer. It works on a different part or stage of the clotting mechanism. Also Coumadin levels can need to be checked and changed often due to the fact that just eating a food that is high in Vit. K can quickly make it neutralized or inaffective! You can, once stable, go home on Levenox, sub cutanious shots of low molecular weight heparin, once or twice a day. You give it like Insulin shots. Prayers for a good solution for her. Donna G
  15. Larry I am so sorry you are going through so much. The good thing is you have wonderful friends, our Lady is so loving and caring. I am sure when it is time for your wife to pass to where He lives for ever and ever that she will have perfect joy and you will have a special advocate. Donna G
  16. Mark , thanks for the update. Sounds like you are very busy! I will let Jay know. He has skipped town on business. I really think since it is 7 degrees out here in the Twin Cities, and where he is headed will be in the 50's or more, that this is a real get-a-way trip! Donna G
  17. Hi Patty, welcome. I had just turned 50 when I started having shoulder pain after moving here to Minnesota. I thought it was lifting heavy boxes and unpacking. Boy was I shocked it turned out to be lung cancer. That was 12/3/97. I had to have chemo and radiation to shrink it before they did surgery in February and chemo after. I bet by now you have done the math and figured out that was over 8 years ago. I am still NED ( no evidence of disease). Believe me this war can be won! Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. I am so sorry to read about your Dad. He is so young. I wonder why he does not want treatment, it is so sad. I am glad you found us. This is a really difficult disease for bothe the patient and their family, we all need help. Keep us posted. Donna G.
  19. Happy to hear no progression. Also it is good news that a plan is in place to continue the battle. Prayers going up that this drug helps her. Donna G
  20. Prayers going up that here that all her needs are met and she will be feeling better very soon. Donna G.
  21. Welcome. You are a lucky guy! Bet you never thought coughing up blood would be a good thing! It sure allerted you to get yourself checked out. Glad you found us. Are they thinking of doing chemo? recent studies have found that it is worthwhile to be sure any "loose" cell is gunned down before it has a chance to multiply. Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. Kasey, I just got home from visiting Connie! Sandy and I drove up there and we bothe agreed just to stay a short time so we would not wear her out. Well we stayed hours! It was just so wonderful to see her and talk to her. I hope we didn't over do it. Next thing we knew glansing down at our watches we had been there 3 hours! Her husband Maurie is taking real good care of her. Her dog Dawson was lying on the floor at her feet just waiting in case she needed him. Just 2 weeks post op it is amazing how she has recovered thus far from such a major surgery. Praying soon she will be speeding down the road to complete recovery. Donna G
  23. Hi Judy. Welcome. We are bothe Leo's. I turned 50 Aug 4th and the following December was told I had lung cancer ( that was in 1997). Sounds like you have responded well to your treatment. Will be looking for your updates. Donna G
  24. Welcome Julie. So sorry to hear you lost your brother and now your Mom is battling the beast. Cancer treatment generally is very tiring. Most of us need to nap and rest when we can or we are totaling wipped out. Short visits, help with errands, meals etc are wonderful. Statistics are not what will happen to your Mom in particular. We don't know for sure which of the statics she will be. Also many of the statistics are slanted because of the average age of lung cancer diagnosis up in the 70's "The average age of lung cancer diagnosis is 70 years and 5-year survival after diagnosis continues to be poor," The above statement means 1/2 are over 70! So if you look at it, did they die in 5 years from the cancer or just old age? Also many very old people never get any treatment! They either fear the chemo and it's affects or are discouraged from taking it! Please keep us posted. Donna G
  25. Several here have started their battle with this beast at very young ages. Welcome. I hope you have friends and family also that are there for you during this fight. Many of us here know what the battle is like first hand. Hope we can help. Donna G
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