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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Melissa. Your Mom and Dad are lucky you are close and willing to help. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    3 Years

    Best wishes Carleen. We worry, yes, but we must also think and realized what we have to be thankful for and 3 years and counting is great! Donna G
  3. Welcome. Glad you found us. Chemo is not always that bad. There are great drugs available if your Mom has problems with nausea etc. You say your Mom is otherwise healthy so that is on her side for sure. Did she have pulmonary function tests? Do hope you keep us posted on how she is doing. Do you live close, does she live alone, does she have help, someone to drive her and be with her for appointments and take notes ? Again , welcome. Donna G
  4. Welcome Roger. Hope all goes smooothly with the port-o-cath. Nice to have. Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Donna I am so sorry. I offer my prayers to you for peace in this difficult time. Donna G
  6. I have neuropathy. I had just one more Cisplatin to go when I was out walking my dog, stepped from the pavement to the grass on a nice day and fell on my -ss. I told the doctor when I went to the clinic and he said I had neuropathy, and forget the last dose of cisplatin. He sent me to a neurologist and had tests etc. They told me it would either go away or maybe not. I don't fall down anymore and it is much better but it never went away completely. My feet are very sensitive. If I have a grain of sand in my shoe it feels like a piece of sharp glass. My feet only like certain shoes, must be comfortable. I don't walk barefoot , never! If I don't have shoes on , say I am sitting with my feet up, they wiggle. Doctor said they search for information. If I follow their rules it is not such a big problem. The chemo saved my life. I can live with fussy feet. Donna G
  7. Welcome Kris. How is your husband doing? Donna G
  8. Welcome Luann. Glad to hear that your Mom is taking chemo. Did they do any radiation to that surgical area that was the Metastasis? Keep us posted. Donna G
  9. Welcome. Boy he does sound like he has been throught the mill. Can he drink Boost? At least it has some calories and vitamins in it. Keep us posted. Donna G
  10. Debbie, did you know that St. Patrick was English?
  11. 100% Irish (I married a half breed though. ) Here in the Twin Cities we can eat the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage today! Our Irish bishop said so. We have reservations for the dinner at 5pm at Rascals. Donna G
  12. This is a great day to celebrate. Every one is Irish on St. Patrick's day! So happy for you, one year out and many more to come we pray. Donna G
  13. Welcome. You sound like a great support person yourself! Glad you have come out. Donna G
  14. Hi Tom, welcome aboard. Glad you found us. Somehow I missed living in New Jersey, I married a sailor and we moved a lot. He "built" and is a plank owner of 2 ships, The Jesse L. Brown and the Virginia. I understand they used a lot of aspestos in the ship yards and I did his laundry! I also remember ship stores, a carton for $1. We are so fortunate that Katie and Rick started this board. This is a great site. We all want to help each other. I will be looking for your plan. Have you had all the other tests we all seem to get? Bone Scan, Brain Scan, Pulmonary function tests etc? How did they come out. How big are the tumors? There is a Doctor here at the University of Minnesota that does VAT surgery , can even take out a whole lung through small incision , much less pain, much less to heal. Well let us know, keep us posted. Donna G
  15. Welcome. Boy your Dr really treats SCLC differently, doing surgery. Also even if it was NSCLC,if it is in bothe lungs they usually always start with chemo first. Keep us posted. Donna G
  16. Is there a social worker there? Usually they know about and set up these things. Donna G
  17. Welcome Pam! SHRINK , yes another word that is music to the ears around here. I am offering prayers that you continue to share great news with us. How is your son handling this? Donna G
  18. There are a few people your age that have gotten lung cancer who never smoked. Your decision to quit is a wise decision. Most likely however it is an irritation, this is winter the time of coughs, colds and flu, dry air because the heat is on in our homes. Have you been sick? Don't panic , just check it out if it continues. Donna G
  19. Audrene I am so sorry. My prayers are offered for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  20. Sounds like your Aunt has been riding on a tough road. Hope she turns a corner soon. Prayers offered. Donna G
  21. I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are offered for you and the family in this most difficult time. Donna G
  22. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  23. I have not seen the new program "Miracle Workers". It airs on Monday evening and the last 2 Mondays evenings I have worked 3-11:30 PM. Yesterday however before I left for work I saw an advertisement for the show. They interviewed one of the doctors who said " Much of the time when people have unrealistic expectations that drives the doctor to do research and find new treatments" ( or something to that order) Hope to see the show next week. Did any one see it? Was it good? Sure hope they show a miracle lung cancer cure! Donna G
  24. Welcome. You beat me by a year and 2 months, Great news. You are right. Knowing people who do survive does give hope. Glad you're here. Donna G
  25. Welcome Janice . Cancer makes all of us depressed at some time. Many of us have been on antidepressents. As your Dad is bipolar, he has a psych doctor already? Perhaps this mood change needs to be addressed with him, a change of meds may be needed. Keep us posted. Donna G
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