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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Rose! Yes you are normal. Congradulations on your first year survival anniversary! Hope you become long term friends with NED. Donna G
  2. Hi Jen . Welcome; Donna G
  3. Welcome John, your Mom is lucky she has someone helping her through this most difficult time. Let us know what she decides. Donna G
  4. That's great news Sandra. So happy for you guys. Donna G
  5. Happy to hear you have a good plan in place . Keep us posted how this goes. Donna G
  6. Donna G

    Stupid Survey

    I believe we are body, mind, and spirit. When I was in Nursing School , Nursing was defined as the "Art and Science of fostering or promoting Physical , Emotional, and Spiritual Health." Several years ago Harvard did a double blind study that showed that prayer even when the patient was not aware they were being prayed for did show less complications, and better outcome. I was not surprised they did this study because in nursing school we had a Harvard service and way back in the late 60's they would wait for the chaplain before even starting emergency surgeries. I was very surprised when I left Boston City Hospital that other hospitals did not "serve chaplains" like offering food, that a patient could refuse but you always offered. Even this week on TV they are discussing how what you think does affect how well you are. I believe it is true and if ignored any more we are heading for big trouble. Pills are not a cure all. Donna G
  7. On the news they said some study found that it is not healthy to keep secrets. People keep secrets because they fear if any one knew they would be rejected. Keeping the secret they also in the end feel rejected. Our emotions affect our health and immune system. Most important is that your Mom knows no matter what you love her and would never reject her. Donna G
  8. Welcome Diane. Boy your Mom has been very busy this year! Glad she is home now. Keep us posted. Donna G
  9. Dennis , I am so sorry for your loss. Donna G
  10. Got my TV guide for this evening marked! Thanks for the reminder. Donna G
  11. This morning I read in the Pioneer Press an article about "Kick Butt Day" of the campaign for tobacco-free Kids. It says they want pictures for a "memorial" that will be displayed nation wide to protect keds from the dangers of smoking ( to raise awareness about tobacco's deadly toll ) I do not want kids to start smoking. I also do not want anymore bad press that people get lung cancer and it's their own fault! Therefore no more funding etc for research, prevention, treatment or cure. http://kickbuttsday.org/ I just wish they would tell the whole truth. Donna G
  12. Prayers going up Kasey, benign would be best. Donna G
  13. Minnesota- summer --(only time no freeze for sure) New England--fall --(gorgeous foliage) South ----winter --( warm ) West------spring --( no hurricances, no rain)
  14. Wow! "Excellent Remission" There ought to be a hit song we can sing with this title. Music to my ears! Wonderful news. Donna G
  15. This is very true. One of the questions we ask when we are doing an initial admission accessment at the hospital is " Have you had any stress recently, a death in the family, illness or loss of a spouse?" Donna G
  16. Roger, I hear what you are saying. This is a very stressful time. Most of us get depressed from all the stress. If you want the chemo to do it's best and want to quit , ask your doctor for Wellbutrin, it is an antidepressent and many have found it a huge help to quit smoking. What ever you decide, wishing you the best. Keep us posted. Donna G
  17. Hi Barabara, sorry I some how missed your post yesterday. I also want to welcome you. I had chemo and radiation first, then was able to have surgery. Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. I know some here in Minnesota that are 5 and 6 yrs post treatment and still in remission. Bothe had preventative brain radiation also. best wishes. Donna G
  19. Would you believe this ! SMOKE , SMOKE , SMOKE, ( those cigarettes) by Tex Williams. Donna G
  20. We are real people. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, doctors, nurses, teachers, veterans, etc. At least 1/2 of the people diagnosed do not smoke. Many never smoked. No one "deserves cancer." Also all of the above noted by Randy. Donna G
  21. I was home last evening too! It was about a dancer getting new hips and another man had his heel fixed and got a very realistic arm and hand that worked to pick things up and even had hair on it! Still want a miracle lung cancer cure! Donna G
  22. May her new plumbling keep her comfortable. Donna G
  23. We are white here too but they are predicting a major melt down this next week. Donna G
  24. Glad for you that surgeon knows how to do a VAT. If you are able to get that type of surgery , you have less pain and get back to normal quicker. Keep us posted. Donna G
  25. I also had a pancoast tumor, chemo and radiation. When I next had surgery I asked "well did you find out for sure if it was Adenocarcinoma or Squamous" figuring the pathologist who got the "mass" would have found out and they answered "no, it was all just dead tissue". Dead tissue is good when you had cancer! Donna G
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