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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. First may I say welcome. Where your Dad had back and shoulder pain, makes me think he could have a Pancoast tumor. That is what I had and a few others at this site. A Dr. Pancoast described the syndrome when a tumor is in the apex of the lung ( way up high) and it pressed against nerves in that area. Where in the lung is his tumor? Donna
  2. My prayers are offered for Jim's sister. Donna G
  3. Wendy, great news. So glad to read your post. So happy this is working. We were worried not to see you at the survivor lunch. Perhaps it was the "side effects" that kept you home. Donna G
  4. Sounds like really happy news to me. . It is great to have NED around! and 2 years , I hope your husband stays real close to him. Donna G
  5. I know I do! My friend Sandy who had a lobe of lung removed 5 years ago has been going to Curves ever since and looks great! Recently I read an article in the local Diocese newspaper about a women who has lung cancer and got a job at Curves. Sandy and I found her! I said wow, I guess I have to join Curves. Well yesterday I did and guess what! I picked up their magazine "The Curves Magazine diane, Spring 2006 and saw there was an article in it "The Suprising Truth About Lung Cancer". The lead paragraph said: Lung cancer claims 32,600 more lives every year than breast cancer does. And as Dan Reeve's recent death shows, you don't have to be a smoker to be among its victims. Here are 5 simple strategies to minimize your risk. Fill up with fruits and vegetables Don't skip your workout. Sneak in soy Check out Radon Protect yourself against passive smoke The article even put emphasis on the lack of research funding. The author was Karen Cicero
  6. Donna G

    It does Work

    Wonderful News! Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  7. I am so sorry you for your loss. Your Dad in many ways will still be with you. My prayers for your peace during this difficult time. Donna G
  8. I am so sorry. Prayers are offered for your peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  9. Rhonda, 5 years , great news. Are you going to have something to celebrate that weekend up in Forest Lake! Hope to see you there ( or sooner). Donna G
  10. Donna G

    It is done.

    Suzie I am so sorry. I am sure your Mom is at peace now. I pray that you and your family will also have peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  11. Donna G

    5 years!

    Gail that is HAPPY NEWS for sure! Party, Party, Party! Donna G
  12. Saturday, 4/22 most all of our local Lung Cancer Support group showed up for a Survivor Lunch. There were 17 of us at 2 huge tables. There were also many other survivors there of other types of cancer. It was great. One speaker was a chaplain who "thanked us" for all he learned from us in our fight against this beast. Another was a women who spoke of her walk with her husband who has been going through treatment for colon cancer. The 3rd speaker was a local KSTP channel 5 news reporter who last year went through Ovarian Cancer treatment, Kristi Piehl. She said first all should plan a "Kickin Cancer Party" and invite all our friends to get them on board. She also said she keeps in mind now the 3's rule. Make a list of all you would want to do if you only had 3 years, all you would want to do if you had 3 months, 3 weeks. She felt people would be the most important task on each list, to say I love you and things like that. The box lunch was good too. Most important was to have all ( but Connie and Wendy) my survivor friends there to hug , to laugh with, to smile with for all we have accomplished.
  13. Hope he is getting relief as I type. As I read this ribbon I was thinking "He needs to go to surgery" . Then as I continued to read I was glad to see it was in the plans. Waiting to see how he is doing. Donna G
  14. Hi Lori , Welcome. Not many people would be glad to have a dislocated shoulder but perhaps you should be! There are no early symptoms so it is a blessing that you were tested for something else and they found it. Hopefully soon you will come back and tell us what treatment plan is in place. Did they do a biopsy to find out what kind of tumor it is? I hope you have a notebook and a close friend or relative to go with you to these appointments. It is all so upsetting , it really helps to take notes and have an extra set of ears. So much to take in! Waiting to hear how it is going, Donna G
  15. Every day the paper has an article about the smoking bans in bars in Minneapolis and now in St. Paul. Every day they say that their business is down and they worry about loosing their customers. They are not really worried about loosing their customers, it is money and only money that they are worrying about.
  16. Donna G

    Mike K

    I am so sorry for your loss of Mike. My prayers are offered for you and the family. Donna G
  17. Linda I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad he was peaceful. My prayers are offered for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  18. Welcome Penny. SCLC is very suceptable to chemo. I have several friends that are more than 5 years and doing well. Wishing you the best results. Keep us posted! Donna G
  19. My surgery was in February, in Minnesota. O well. Perhaps getting out and walking the dog gave me some Vit D exposure. Donna G
  20. I agree with Don. For certain stages and types there are protocols, it's not one fits all. It also sounds like your mom was pretty sick when first diagnosed and then has had several serious problems. ( Low O2 sats and needing blood transfusions) These would and could make the doctor alter the course to what she tolerates. A good doctor would do that. Prayers for her good response. This is such a tough battle. Donna G
  21. A friend from the east coast sent me this in an email. Amazing. I take my dogs to a dog park and there are several handicaps dogs that go there. One that was born with a spinal problem and her back legs don't work , one that has knee problesm etc. They are so happy! Tails wagging! You see no complaints. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    What a relief

    Bill, I am so happy for you! Donna G
  23. Hi Wendy. Welcome. Does your Mom begin chemo this coming Wednesday? Hope she does well. Donna G
  24. Ask for a Duragesic Patch or Fentanyl Patch. It delivers narcotic medicine continuously through your skin . Usually you change it every 3 days. http://www.duragesic.com/ Donna G
  25. I am so sorry for your loss of Charlie. My prayers are offered for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Our Lord surely honored him calling for him on Easter. Donna G
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