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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome , I am glad you found us. Has your Mom had any further testing , like a bone scan to see if she has it any where else? Please keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    4 going on 5!!!!

    Good News, I love it. So glad you celebrated and a good time had by all. Donna G
  3. Happy News, a day to enjoy and celebrate. Donna G
  4. Best wishes Gracie. May the radiation zap that tumor! Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Anyone watch Entertainment Tonight last evening. They have been interviewing Carol Burnett- she is doing a couple of shows with the nutty housewives. Yesterday I think they asked her how she felt about Dana Reeves dying. Last night they talked about her loosing her daughter Carrie Hamilton to lung cancer 4 yrs ago at the age of 38. Donna G
  6. Welcome. Your sister sounds very sick and very overwhelmed. Just being in intensivecare is plenty and you say they may vent her, she's dropping her BP. Wow. As Connie says making blood clots and having lung cancer is fairly common. The cancer messes up the clotting mechanism. Usually we need to be on Heparin if this happens and eventually at home there are Low molecular weight heparin shots you inject in your belly like insulin that prevent a reoccurance while your in the fight with the cancer. Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Found a picture of the Virginia plate, very simple; http://www.lungusa2.org/virginia/art/vaplate.jpg
  8. Welcome Fran. Prayers going up that the chemo does its job and your Mom meets NED or another good friend around here called STABLE. Donna G
  9. Just got the diocese newspaper and low and behold they started a Wellness area. This week about a women with lung cancer. http://www.thecatholicspirit.com/archiv ... ticle=5202 Donna G
  10. Donna G

    Good News!!!

    wonderful news, so happy for you. Donna G
  11. Donna G

    Round 2

    Wendy you are in my prayers. Hope to get to a meeting in St. Paul and get to see you. Hope all goes well. Donna G
  12. Sent an email to my hubby at work and got this back. why don't you forward all this to the Governor and/or Connie and/or the BV mayor. Needs to be sponsored in the MN Senate which is now meeting. Got a design?? Lots for you to do. Any ideas for a design? Donna G
  13. Too cute! Thanks, you brightened my day. Donna G
  14. Welcome! You are over 4 years survivor! Great news. Most people don't have any early symtoms of lung cancer so your jaw pain was a blessing. I had shoulder pain because the tumor was up in the apex under my collar bone. In that area nerves and blood vessels pass and also the pleura ( lining of the lung) is close. Was yours up in the apex? Just wondering if yours wasn't one of us who got the tumor close to those nerves. Tumors in that area are called Pancoast or Superior Sulicus tumors. Best wishes , glad you found us. Donna G
  15. Wow, what a neat idea. My husband just bought a plate for his truck "support our troops". They have lots of plates up here in Minnesota too. I definitely would put one on my car! Donna G
  16. The mayor of Burnsville who you can see here on this site in pictures of the Cancer Awareness Event just got out of the hospital today. In an accident she broke ribs and got a collapsed lung. Bet she learned what chest tubes are all about. She was helping in this event to raise money for a good cause. Here is the story. (WCCO) Burnsville, Minn. A Saturday fundraiser sent the mayor of Burnsville, Minn. to the hospital. Mayor Elizabeth Kautz was in satisfactory condition at the Hennepin County Medical Center after participating in a mattress race at Buck Hill in Burnsville. Kautz and the mayor of Bloomington, Minn., were racing in the first race of the day, but apparently the race began before the organizers were ready. Don McClure, Buck Hill General Manager said, "The race wasn't ready to begin, but the mattresses came down for whatever reason." During the race, the mayor's mattress ran into the back of an all-terrain vehicle. Kautz hit the vehicle straight on. The ski patrol evaluated her and she was taken to the HCMC by ambulance. McClure, "From what I understand it's bumps and bruises. I don't have any other information at this point." The races continued after the accident. The event raised more than $83,000 for Bridging, an organization that helps people in transition set up a household. Fran Heitzman from Bridging said, "We're going to buy beds, because tonight, 5,000 little kids are sleeping on the floor and that's not right in this country. Forty-eight teams participated in the races. Event coordinators said in the eights years of the event, the accident was the first. Donna G PS Here in Mn. 3 years we have worked with the mayor at her Cancer Awareness event, and had tables to get our cancer, lung cancer info out there and also offer support to those afflicted.
  17. Connie, great job! Donna G
  18. Welcome. 4 yrs , that is great, HAPPY NEWS! Those who have been recently diagnosed will be comforted by your post, This can be beaten. Donna G
  19. Right now I am on CBS, The Early Show, and women with lung cancer who never smoked is the topic this morning also. Dana you sure jumped in quickly from heaven ! The women is saying we must find ways to diagnose early and find a cure! Donna G
  20. Welcome Gracie. So glad you found us. Boy the news the past few days is full of those like yourself afflicted with this disease. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Lung Cancer the quiet Killer, re Dana and us! http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... cd.01.html Got home from work las pm and turned to CNN and found Anderson Cooper 360 show and that was the topic. They had Lance Armstrong as a guest who said " Nobody deserves lung cancer". Besides Dana they talked of Joans Legacy who was a news producer, 47yrs young and died of lung cancer. Her only symptom was a cough. She died 9 months after diagnosis. She had lost her mother to lung cancer when she was 52. Her Mom had died in 7 months , 20 years earlier. They mentioned they felt no progress had been made in the 20 years. They said "People die, love does not" Much more was said, it was on hour program. Dana is working on her "next cause" from heaven. Donna G
  22. Right now they are showing her last interview with Diane Sawyer, she is saying she as a non smoker has a good prognosis and she plans to take on as her next cause, Lung Cancer. She will have to do that now with Christopher from heaven. Donna G
  23. So sad. I just heard about it on the morning news. Their son is only 13 and now he has lost bothe parents. Donna G
  24. Hi Barb. I see you really have been posting without telling us about yourself! I am so glad you finally did. Your post will give so much hope to those diagnosed recently with BAC. Especially where you say you are a five year survivor! You have much to celebrate! Believe me the old thorocotomy surgery is no fun for any of us! I had an epidural "for pain" that had fallen out. Essentially I was fresh post op with no pain control. It was horrible! So glad you are "out" Donna G
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