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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Great job! I'll be looking for it. Donna G
  2. Hi Jamie and welcome. Glad you found us. You say the doctors feel it is Limited Small Cell. Really tough it popped up were it did. You mention he started chemo today, Monday the 17th. Good news is that SCLC is very susceptable to chemo and it is great they are jumping right into getting it started! Please keep us posted. Also it is great that he has quit smoking because chemo is not as affective if you continue to smoke. Waiting to hear how things are going. Donna G
  3. Donna G


    I am sorry for your loss. My prayers are offered to you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  4. I am sorry Jodi. Thanks for telling us about him. That wonderful poem he wrote has to be a comfort to his family and friends , it also shows his deep faith and kind soul. Donna G
  5. Those of us long term survivors know David Grant. Recently he registered as "DaveGr" I am glad to hear he is doing well. Glad to hear he went to Washington and spoke for us. He also has run a golf tournament in Wisconsin for fund raising and awareness for several years. Thanks for the article. Donna G
  6. Chris I am so sorry that you have lost such a young and precious friend. People don't know that thousands die from lung cancer who never smoked and many more who quit years ago. You are a great friend to hold your friend in your heart and continue the battle to find a cure. Welcome. Donna G
  7. WOW !!!! and fun to boot! I stayed in New York once in Time Square. We went to Radio City Music Hall, saw a live show and a movie. Ate at some great restaurants. Keep us posted! Donna G
  8. Welcome Christy. Has he started Chemo yet? Any radiation? I bet he had lots of tests so far, we all do. Just wanted to say I had chemo and radiation to shrink my tumor for possible surgery . It worked, after surgery I found out it was all dead scar tissue and best of all I am an 8and 1/2 year survivor with no signs of cancer. My tumor was larger than your Dads. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  9. I am so sorry. He was much to young. What a shock. His last post about 10 days prior and he had NED only a month prior. My prayers are offered for his family and friends during this most difficult time. Donna G
  10. I sure would stay away from a public swimming pool. Recently I took care of my fellow worker ( a nurse and her husband) who had been in a hot tub at a hotel. Young, healthy, in their 30's, they nearly died after being in that hot tub. When she got off of the vent and they bothe were finally well enough to go home they went home on Oxygen! It seems in the pumps - nasty germs can lurk that don't necessarily get treated when the tub water is treated. Hot tubs don't look as inviting to me now. Donna G
  11. Welcome Barbara. Being told you have lung cancer causes a huge emotional thing in all of us. Most of us get depressed. Alcohol is a depresent so I would think it would make you more depressed. Being told you have Lung Cancer also could make you grieve the loss of good health, one of the stages of grief is anger. I am so glad he has not smoked since surgery. Being that he was a 2 pack a day smoker that is amazing! Smoking does make chemo less affective so it is great he has been able to lay them aside. Best wishes. Donna G
  12. Hope he is continuing to feel good. Happy news. Donna G
  13. Do you think Arby's "Martha Vineyard Salad" with Rasberry Vinegaret dressing would do the same thing? It has apples in it. I just love it! Donna G
  14. Great news Charlie! Take Pixie for a walk and have some fun! Donna G
  15. Is he taking any pain meds? Narcotics? he could be "bound up" Does he eat plenty of fiber? to keep him regular? Donna G
  16. Welcome. I took those same chemo drugs and developed neuropathy. Some has gone now after so long but I guess some will be with me from now on. Did he have a brain scam also? Donna G
  17. I am late but today I pray he is up walking and on the road to recovery! Donna G
  18. Donna G

    Lucky Again!

    Kasey I am so happy for you, we love NED! Your niece is blessed to have you in her life, I hope she also keeps searching for the best treatment possible. She has you as an inspiration. Donna G
  19. Hi Tina and welcome. My husband comes from Cloquet. Hope we can be of help to you and your Mom. What kind of treatment is she having? Donna G
  20. Sandy I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are offered for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  21. 4 years is so wonderful to hear. Celebrate today! Donna G
  22. Saw a small blip in the new Cure Magazine that motivated me to do a web search. We watched all the Olympics , they never mentioned this or I missed it. http://www.usfsa.org/event_story.asp?id=33040 2/7/06) - U.S. pairs skater Rena Inoue, 29, spoke for the first time today about her experience with lung cancer eight years ago. Doctors diagnosed Inoue with lung cancer in the fall of 1998 after she went in for what she thought was a case of pneumonia. The doctors, however, were confident that they had caught it early enough for a full recovery. “It was at the really very beginning,” said Inoue, who explained the cancer was found in only one lung. “The doctor [said] ‘You're lucky.' He was very confident.” She began a six-month treatment of chemotherapy in the Los Angeles area and has been clear of the cancer since. Complications since chemotherapy have been few. “[After chemotherapy] my immunity system was so low that I was getting colds easy and getting tired easy,” she said. “I had a higher chance of pneumonia. But I recovered really quick.” She returned for check-ups once every six months for the first five years but now needs follow up only once a year. The hardest part of the ordeal, she said, was making the call to her mother to tell her about the cancer. Her father, Masahiko Inoue, had died just 18 months earlier from lung cancer. Inoue said she told very few people about the cancer but recently the word has spread. “When somebody asks me I don't really hide it,” she said. “It's just not something I would have told.” Donna G
  23. Donna G


    Thank you , thank you, thank you. I must have tried every 20 minutes all mornig to get on. After working the weekend , I really wanted to know how every one was doing! Donna G
  24. Wow! That was great. Thanks so much for sharing your story and helping to bring a better understanding to this disease. Donna G
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