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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. When I was diagnosed I was given a prayer pamphlet of this saint. Yesterday on TV they were talking about a Saint that is buried here in Minnesota. I find out it is his patron saint who died in 192. (Mine died in 1345.) His remains were in a church in Germany last that burned down. So a monk from Collegeville Mn. who was in Germany in 1895 brought them here because they had been "homeless" since 1854. There is a picture of his remains, they still are in the shape of a body and it has been one thousand eight hundred fourteen years since he died. See this site. What a blessing to me to have been given this when I was diagnosed. Prayer is powerful. St. Pedigrine died 1345: http://www.ewtn.com/Devotionals/novena/peregrine.htm St. Pedigrine died 192, buried in Mn. http://www.saintjohnsabbey.org/info/peregrine.html Donna G
  2. Hi Darrell and welcome. Those of us who have been through the diagnosis stage know exactly what you are saying. So many tests, so many appointments, so many new doctors and specialists, so much new info and so much emotional stess. It is tough. Hope you have some good support from family and friends also. What treatment is in place? What have they done for your hip and lumbar spine? Have you started chemo? Do they plan to do preventative brain radiation? Keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  3. Welcome. So sad the monster started again after so long. They say that once you have had lung cancer you always remain at higher risk for a new tumor than the general public. Which lung did he have removed the first time, left or right? Praying that all other screening tests are negative. Please keep us posted on how he does with chemo. Donna G
  4. Donna G

    Prayer request

    Prayers going up. Donna G
  5. Hi Jackie and welcome. I'll be watching to see how your husbands tests come out with this chemo. Did he have any treatment for the bone or liver? Radiation? Keep us posted. Donna G
  6. Welcome Linda. So sorry to hear about your husband. What a shock for you. I am concerned about the pain he is having in his calf. What did the doctor say? Blood clots are a commom problem when you have cancer particularly lung cancer. Sometimes what you descibe can be the symptom. Is he on low molecular weight Heparin shots into his abdomen, that is the best treatment for clots with lung cancer. Hope I am reading too much into that leg pain. Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. Welcome , I agree with Don. Early is good. Sounds like your Doctor is right on top of it. Also there is life after cigarettes. You can do it! Donna G
  8. http://www.andiesisle.com/icanonlyimagine.html Long, long be my heart with such memories filled As that vase in which roses have once been distilled You may break, you may shatter, the vase if you will But the scent of the roses will hang round it, still. Thomas Moore
  9. Lots of wonderful news! Ned is a great friend keep him around. Waiting to hear now how adorable Jasper is. We want all the details. Donna G
  10. Sue , I am so sorry for your loss of Mike. I offer my prayers for you and the family for peace during this most difficult time. Donna G
  11. Hi, having had one myself. http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic515.htm Others here have had Pancoast also and Kasey and Mary Ann. If you hit search at the top of the page and enter Pancoast , you will see we have talked about it here. Best wishes. Let me know if I can help further. Donna G
  12. Rich so glad you are home and back on the board with us and no heart damage, all of this is wonderful news. We missed you. Please take care. Donna G
  13. Yippe Jodi. Wonderful news. It'll be dark before you get up here. As Connie says , have a safe trip. Glad there's none of that winter precipt coming down. Donna G
  14. Michae; we will all miss your Mom. I know she is well now and in a better place. My prayers to you and the family during this most difficult time. Donna G
  15. Very nice job! Thanks for all your hard work. Donna G
  16. I am so sad that Fay has left us. I know she is well now and in a much better place. Prayers for her family and for us for Peace. I know she will missed so. Donna G
  17. So glad to hear he is feeling so much better. Donna G
  18. Prayers going up that this mild heart attack heals quickly and completely and Rich is home healthy and happy soon. Donna G
  19. Wonderful GOOD NEWS. NED, sounds like music! Playful and pleasant to the ears. So happy for you. Donna G
  20. Welcome Megan. Boy your Mom is a REAL survivor! Please keep us posted on how she is doing. Her story is very inspiring. Donna G
  21. Hello, if your husband has recently had pneumonia the most likely reason he has nodules is just that. To be totally safe he should have a CT or Pet scan if a few months to see if they are gone or if there is any change. One reason the insurance companies don't want to screen for lung cancer is the huge number of people that have "false positives" as nodules that they have to spend more money on getting follow up tests. Wish you well. Donna G
  22. Thanks for sharing that Good News! So happy for you. Donna G
  23. To me it sounds like he was dehydrated. This is a problem when taking chemo. Drink , Drink , Drink. I don't mean liquor because that could dehydrate you more or coffee! I mean gatoraide, boost, encure etc. Hope he keeps that fluid up. Donna G
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Lung ... bution.gif On the above map the mortality is drawn in by color and the area with the highest mortality and the hightest rate per 100,000 from lung cancer is the southeast. I would have thought it would be in the big cities of the northeast. Donna G
  25. Wendy, some info : Pancoast tumours Doctors sometimes call lung cancer that is growing right at the top of the lung a 'pancoast tumour'. These tumours can cause very specific symptoms. The most common is severe shoulder pain. They can also cause a collection of symptoms called 'Horner's syndrome'. These are Drooping or weakness of one eyelid Small pupil in that eye Loss of sweating on that same side of the face These symptoms of Horner's syndrome are caused by the tumour pressing on or damaging a nerve that runs up from the neck to that side of the face. You noticed several of us had Pancoast tumors, tumors up in the apex of our lungs, where blood vessels and nerves are present. These can cause symtoms. Most all of us have at least the shoulder pain in common. I personally did not ever notice an eye problem, drooping. Donna G
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