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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Prayers going up! Please keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Prayers going up Shirley. Anuerysm surgery is major, so sorry she is having such a rough time. Donna G
  3. Welcome David, so sorry to hear about your wife. Yes sadly, if everyone quit smoking today, we would still have thousands and thousands of people with lung cancer for many many years to come. Half of the people with lung cancer do not smoke, either never did or quit years and years ago. The swelling in her neck is from the cancer I gather, is the tumor pressing on a blood vessel? Did they tell you where it was?. Please keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  4. Donna G

    Irish wish to all

    O, I like that one! Donna G
  5. Donna G

    Irish wish to all

    I have this prayer on the wall by my front door. It was a wedding present, done in crossstitch. Donna G
  6. Keep his feet elevated above his heart as much as possible. Wear support hose. There are support hose by prescription , made just for him, they are difficult to put on but they will not let your legs swell. My friend has had a blood clot in a major leg vein ( she also had lung cancer) and her leg would swell terrible. She got Jobst stockings and her husband helped her put them on before she got our of bed in the am. They helped a lot. The cure however was joining an exercise program, and building up new collateral veins , now a few yrs out she no longer wears the stockings except on a long road trip. Donna G
  7. Many people have nodules. I am glad that you are being followed closely. Women who have smoked are at higher risk than men for lung cancer. Most people don't have an inkling they have lung cancer til it is found in advanced stages. If per chance this new nodule is cancer you sound like one of the very lucky people diagnosed early with a great chance of cure. Please let us know what you decide, find out, etc. Donna G
  8. Donna G


    Thanks for the update. Will be looking to see how the tests/treatment goes. Donna G
  9. Hi Mercer. Welcome to our family. I agree with your Doc, some of the exaustion surely is due to the tumor and I , having experienced it, also think some is due to just being diagnosed with lung cancer. It sure does not bring a lot of happy thoughts to mind. Most of us have used antidepressents to get us "through the valley" . I am an RN and work in a hospital. It seems after having gone through this, and also because I am open about having had lung cancer, that now all the time I am finding someone with lung cancer or some one on staff is catching me to tell me their parent or friend or in law etc have been diagnosed. I go to Connie B s support group here in St. Paul and there we have several long tem, > 4 yrs, SCLC survivors with NED. In our group we have a wonderful guy , who after he tells us how things are going always adds " It is another great day to be alive" Again welcome , please keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  10. Many people are diagnosed after months of recurrent pneumonia they can't seem to clear up. I don't know if they can tell for sure if the lymph nodes are inflamed by pneumonia or if it is cancer except by biopsy. Perhaps our Oncodoc under Ask the expert could answer that for you. Donna G
  11. After my primary my next visit was to a pulmonologist. There I was tested for pulmonary function, had my lung biopsy,those types of things, next was onocologist and then radiologist, and just to make life more fun I saw a endocrinologist because I was hyperthyroid, not nice if you have cancer, don't want it to speed up by that! Please keep us posted re the pulmonologist visit. Donna G PS she also really needs to work on getting over the pneumonia.
  12. Thanks again. WCCO is our local news staion here in the twin cities. I missed that last evening for I was working til 11:30 . 76%-78% cure vs 5-10 % cure, boy that seems like a no brainer! Donna G
  13. Last spring she announced she had inoperable lung cancer, today on ABC news morning show she said after 5 months of chemo the doctor told her it was gone. She said she also found out it she had had spots on her liver. She was there with her grown son and daughter. She says that WE _TV followed her through all her treatments and is going to air it next July . www.outintoronto.com/home/news.asp?articleid=7469 - 50k
  14. Welcome Steve. Boy this would be a great question to put under "Ask the Experts" When Oncodoc is back he'll catch up on his questions and give an expert answer. Keep us posted . Donna G
  15. Donna G

    Gamma Knife

    My thought would be - how great it is that your Mom has that Onocologist on her team, advocating for her treatment sooner rather than later! Please let us know how it goes. Donna G
  16. Prayers going up for your husband. Hope he is already feeling better today. Donna G
  17. Welcome Kevin. You do not mention any problem with your follow up tests so I want to assume you are doing good. Hope you are good friends with NED. Donna G
  18. Welcome. Sounds like your Mum needs chemo. There are many drugs that are good with Adenocarcinoma. Here in the states they are now recommending chemo for Stage I lung cancer because of micrometastasis which can not be seen by the pathologist at the time of surgery. They say they have found at least 40 % of Stage one will find cancer in the next year. Keep us posted on what is next. Donna G
  19. Thanks again. This was another interesting article. It seems the dogs that have been trained to smell lung cancer should be brought in also! Donna G
  20. Hello and welcome. Generally SCLC is either limited or extensive (Stages are for NSCLC) We have 2 extensive in our local group that are 4 and 5 yrs survivors, they also had preventative brain radiation and are still in remission, friends with NED ( no evidence of disease). Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Hi, and welcome. In our local lung cancer support group, here in Minnesota, we have at least 2 who have SCLC , had brain radiation also, and are 4 and 5 yrs out with no evidence of disease We all love NED around here, hope you become good friends with him. Keep us posted. Donna G
  22. Another great reason for Thanksgiving! Have a great turkey day. Donna G
  23. Happy Holiday! Have a safe trip and lots of good food and family. Donna G
  24. I never thought of candles being a cause of lung cancer! Churches, especially those old ones are huge, high ceilings, and all the smoke tends to "float " up. I wonder if before stating that it was so dangerous for the priest, and servors if they had gathered any statistics that the incidence of lung cancer was higher in priests that used incense or served in churches that burn candles. When I was growing up, lighting candles to symbol prayers for a loved one, etc, alter candles, incense, was very common. Those priests that are retirement age now , do they suffer with lung cancer in large numbers? I also think it is interesting that candles are very popular for use in the home now, they are suppose to bring relaxation, mood enhancement etc. They sell them everywhere even the grocery store. Now in our houses, the rooms are smaller, especially most of our bathrooms. If these are emitting all those toxins, even if every one quits smoking but continues "lighting" up candles , in the future we may be in big trouble. Donna G
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