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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Oh Meg! I so so sorry for your loss! I'm 41 years old and I lost my Dad back in Nov 05 and my heart is just broken I feel lost. I'm Thankful to still have my Mom, but things are just not the same and never will be and that hurts. Stay Strong! Love, Michele
  2. michelepal

    sister passed

    Jennifer, I'm so sorry you lost your sister! I so glad that you were able to make it there before she passed away.. Take care and may God give you the strenght to get through this nightmare.. Love, Michele
  3. Praying for your Mom! Love Michele What part of CT are you from?
  4. Many (((((HUGS))))) coming your way!! Love, Michele
  5. Welcome Theresa, I'm so sorry that your Family has to deal with this beast again. I will be praying for your Mom, along with everyone who is dealing with Cancer.. Love, Michele
  6. Mary, Welcome to the board! I'm sure you will find alot of great info here, there is tons of knowledge so ask away.. I'm really sorry about your sister dx. Stay Strong! Love, Michele
  7. Gail, I am truly sorry for your loss. There is no way to perpare for this, just remember that you were a good daughter and your Father will take care of you always.. LOve Michele
  8. michelepal

    My mom is gone...

    Michele, I'm so sorry for the loss of your Mother. The lose of a parent really Sucks, I guess it's because you always expect them to be there. My Dad was my security! I miss him more and more everyday.. Stay Strong!! LOve, Michele
  9. michelepal

    1 month

    (((Carleen))) I'm so so sorry for your pain! I wish there was something I could do to ease your hurt.. Praying for you and for better days to come.. Love, Michele
  10. Truly sorry for your loss! May he rest in peace.. ((((HUGS)))) ~Michele~
  11. michelepal

    Saying goodbye

    I'm so very sorry to hear that you lost your Dad, I know how heartbreaking it is. I lost my Dad back in Nov 05 at the age of 66 too and God it's way to young.. I know what your feeling and your thinking how the Hell am I going to get through this but take it from me it will get easier. You will find the strenght,I was a wreck (still am at times)but I'm laughing and having a good time and you will too.. Take Care of your Mom and let her know that you need her and Love her.. ~Love Michele~ And remember it's Okay to cry
  12. Oh Linda, I'm so truly sorry for your loss! Just keepin mind that she is not suffering anymore. Give yourself time it does help. I can't even believe that I'm telling you time will heal. when people would say that to me I would think how could they say that they don't know what I'm feeling but it's true.. ~Michele~
  13. Praying for your neighbor! ~Michele~
  14. Thanks Cindy! ~Michele~
  15. Oh Debbie, I'm so so sorry that you had to recieve this horrible news. I really don't have any answers but I will sure keep you in my thoughts and prays.. ~Michele~
  16. Tiffsmom, I'm so so sorry! LC just Sucks!! I will pray for your daughter ever chance I get.. Love, Michele
  17. Judy, I'm sooooo sorry for your loss! Love, Michele
  18. Oh Carleen, I pray that God gives you the strenght to get through this difficult time.. I know your pain is so strong but remember that Keith has NO pain, I know it doesn't make you feel any better. I truly wish I could take some of your pain away, praying for you! Love Michele
  19. Jenny, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this again. Stay strong and positive! My prayers will be with your family as you deal with this monster.. (((HUGS))) Michele
  20. Cindy, Praying for your Dad!((((HUGS)))) MIchele
  21. ~Carleen~ I'm so so sorry for what you and Keith are going through. I will be praying for both of you! (((Love to you both))) Michele
  22. Praying for T-Ann and her family!!I'm so sad to hear this news.. Michele
  23. Praying for Rose! ~~Michele~~
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