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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Sandy, I'm so sorry for your loss! Jim sounds like a wonderful man and you have alot of great memories.. Take care of yourself. Love, Michele
  2. DeDe, Your Dad sounds like a wonderful man! I will pray for the best for your Family.. It's a difficult time but try to stay strong... Michele
  3. Happy Birthday everyone!
  4. Joanie, And many many more!!!!!! Love, Michele
  5. michelepal


    Thank You Rick! Michele
  6. Patty Sorry about your Dad! I don't understand why the Doctors want to wait 2mts, if it was my Dad I would be looking for more info soon.. I think you should put a call into that Doctor and see what you could find out.. Good Look! Keep us posted! Praying for your Dad.. Michele
  7. Welcome, Sounds like your Husband doing great! Keep up the good work.. Michele
  8. Welcome Jen, Congrats on being Cancer free! Michele
  9. Thanks Randy! I'm truly sorry about your wife.. I will sure keep you in my prayers!! (((HUGS))) LOve Michele
  10. Eppie, A few weeks after my Dad passed away I meet a Friend at starbucks,I got out of my car went in for about 90 mins and left my car running.. Thats scary!!! I guess it normal to have these brain Farts! Stay Strong! How funny I'm telling you to stay strong when I'm a pile of mush... Love, Michele
  11. Well,Today is April 1st one year ago today was the day we found out my Dad had Cancer. I new in my heart that one day my Father would lose his battle with Cancer, but I sure didn't think it would be 7mts later. I'm so hurt today, I kinda feel sorry for myself and I really don't want to be around anyone. I think my Friends are starting to get a little annoyed with me but I can't help the way I feel. But some people just don't get it and I hate when people tell me it's time to move on, how could I move on when my heart is broken. Is this normal? And what really upsets me is when I think about all he went through and he died.. I think I need to get help! I have been a terrible mother and wife and I know my Father would be really upset if he new that I wasn't being the best mother I could be to the boys, but I can't help it. My Dad Loved me and my sister but once his Grandchildren came they were #1 and he just loved them so much and they loved him just as much.. Sorry for rambling I hope this make sense but the tears are keeping me from seeing the screen. Thanks for listening! All of you have been such a big help to me Thank you so much. Love Michele
  12. michelepal

    almost 2 year

    (((Berisa))) I feel your pain! Cancer is a very cruel disease I hate it, I hate the word, I hate that it has taken away so many people that we love. I will keep you in my prayers Love, Michele
  13. Beth, Thank for sharing your story! I think it's so wonderful that you had Bills daughter with you, I'm sure it was very difficult for both of you hopefully you found comfort in each other. Michele
  14. Jessica, I agree with everyone else here know one knows how long someones going to live. Your Mom could win this battle,look how many survivors there are never ever give up hope.. Praying for good things for your Mom! Michele
  15. I'm so sorry for the pain your feeling but were all here for you and some of us know exactly how your feeling. It truly was the hardest thing I have every been through watching my Dad loss his battle, I don't think I'll ever recover.. My Dad has been gone 19 weeks today and I still cry every day but one thing I know is that my Dad couldn't go on the way he was anymore he was just to sick.. So if I could give you any advice it would be to be with your Dad and tell him how much you love him and pray that what ever happens good or bad it's what best for your Dad. Stay Strong! ((((HUGS))) Michele
  16. Yes we do! Outside we hung it up a few days after 9/11 and it's been there ever since..
  17. Welcome, Praying for good things for your MIL.. Michele
  18. I can't even express how sorry I am that you have to deal with this monster again.. Sometime I just don't understand how life could be so unfair. I totally understand why your Mom doesn't want any treatment.. Take care of yourself and those babies! ((HUGS)) Michele
  19. Geri, Praying for a good outcome for your husband.. Michele
  20. Wonderful! Glad everything work out well. Michele
  21. Diane, Welcome! So sorry you have to be here.. I will keep your Mom in my prayers.. Michele
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