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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Jessica, I'm so very sorry that your having such a difficult time. Please know that we are all here for you, I will keep your family in my prayers.. (((((hugs)))) Michele
  2. Luann, Praying for your Mom! Stay positive.. Michele
  3. I wish I had more children! I have 2 sons Gary 15 and Michael 10,I wish I had a least 2 more.
  4. Nope! I don't have a clue what your talking about.. Michele
  5. Sandy, I'm so truly sorry for your loss, Please except my condolences. The next few days,weeks even months are going to be difficult so take one day at a time, and surround yourself with your loved ones so you could support each other. praying for your family! ((((HUGS)))) Michele
  6. Oh Roger! Maybe you should think about asking your Doctor for some thing to help calm you down.. I never smoked and I know that its a hard habit to break but you really need to stop cold turkey today.. PLEASE STOP TODAY!! I'm sure you have family that Loves You, trust me you don't want them to feel the pain of losing you.. Michele
  7. Welcome! It's alot to take in all at once give youself a chance to process everything.. I will be prayng for your family and keep us posted on your Moms health.. Michele
  8. Welcome Beckie, Well,you Mom sounds like she doing good I will keep her in my prayers.. Your Family sounds alot like mine except it was my Dad with the LC my Mom and Dad were still so much in Love after being married 45 years. I'm the oldest I have a sister a few years younger and the 4 of us did everything together. People couldn't believe how close we were and then we got married and had 2 kids each and it was the 10 of us we had a lot of good times now it's the 9 of us it's just not the same. It sounds like your Mom is going to be around a long time but enjoy everyday and don't take anything for granted.. My prayer are with your Family Michele
  9. On vacation many years ago a friend and myself meet 2 boys (not men) in a store and they invited us to a party in the back roads of PA and we followed them there and hung out.In a strange state we were only about 19 years old talk about young and stupid!
  10. Martha, I hear you! I miss my Dad so much I can't stand it. When I think of never seeing him again I want to scream,I can't live the rest of my life without him. I know I have to get up ever day and get the kids off to school and then go to work but nothing seems to matter,I'm just going through the motions. My friends call me and want me to go out with them but I just can't I feel like how could you except me to go out and have a good time MY FATHER DIED. Sorry I didn't mean to make your post about me! Hang in there what other choice do we have. ((((HUGS))) Love, Michele
  11. Janine, I'm so sorry you have such a difficult situation to deal with. But be strong and stay positive for your parents they need you to be strong.. I will keep your Family in my prayers. Michele
  12. Oh Sweetie, Remember there is only one person that knows when our time is up on earth. So with that in mind you stay positive around your Father and give him something to fight for..I will keep your family in my prayers.. Michele
  13. Oh Sandy, I feel your pain! Watching someone you love in that condition only makes your Heart ache more then it already does. I will keep your family in my prayers.. Michele
  14. Melanie, Welcome! I'm sure your going to find a lot of helpful people here. I joined after My Dad passed away and they all have been very helpful with the greiving process. I only wish I found the site when my Dad was still alive. Michele
  15. Wonderful!!! I'm so glad your home and resting in your own bed instead of that Hospital! Praying for good things.. Michele
  16. Oh Barbara, Welcome sorry you have to be here but your going to find alot of comfort and support here. I will keep you in my prayers.. Stay positive! Michele
  17. WOW Lisa,I'm so sorry your having such a difficult time.I will pray for you and your Son.. Michele
  18. Roger, I'm so glad your feeling good! Keep up the good attitude! Michele
  19. Jaqui, I'm so truly sorry that you have to deal with such a difficult situation. I will keep your family in my prayers.. I know exactly how you feel about smiling or laughing because I feel the same way. It's been 4mts since my Dad passed away and I feel quilty if I smile. It's like how can you smile you Father died. Take care Michele
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