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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Welcome, Sorry you have to be here! But you will find tons of support here.. Good luck to your Mom! Michele Stay Positive!
  2. Welcome Back Holly, Praying that time will ease the pain of your loss. I can't stand the thought of never seeing my Dad again on this earth so I could relate to how your feeling it just STINKS .. But I think of my Dad and if he every thought for one minute that I was sitting around feeling sorry for myself he would be so mad.. ((()))Michele
  3. Michael, I'm so sorry for you loss! Lossing a parent is really hard but one thing that helps is that there not in any pain any more. Praying for you and your family at such a difficult time. ((())) Michele
  4. Welcome June, I'm so sorry that you have to be here but it's a great place for support. I will keep you in my prayers. Michele
  5. The past week I have been dreaming of my Dad but not in a good way. I'm dreaming that he going to Die but it always a different. For example it's alway a different Hospital a different Doctor that's telling us the news I feel like every morning when I wake up I just relived the nightmare. I wake up and my whole body is shaking and I got the dry heaves its not pleasant. My sister dreams of him when he was healthly. Anyone else having these crazy dreams? Thanks Michele
  6. One more day is OK! Better they keep you and make sure everything going the way they want it.. Hang in there your a strong Dude! (((()))) Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old I miss my Dad so Much
  7. Rest in peace Fay! My heart is broken for all of Fay's loved one.. May the Lord give them the strenght to get through this difficult time.. Michele Dad dx 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old I miss my Dad so much!
  8. Sue, Sending my Prayers! Give Mike a big ((HUG)) from all of us here and tell him were all thinkng of him.. Love Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years ols I miss my Dad sooooo much!
  9. That's GREAT news! Keeping carguy in my prayers. Michele Dad Dx 04-01-05 Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  10. Sending prayers his way! Michele
  11. Fay, I'm pretty new to the board and was not lucky enough to get to know you. But there is one thing for sure and thats how much your going to be missed.. Prayers for you and your family((())) Michele Dad dx 04-01-05 NSCLC passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  12. Lori, Great News! I will keep your Mom in my prayers.. ((()))Michele Dad Dx 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed Away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  13. If I know my Dad he is probably playing golf. Before my Dad got sick he would play golf every Tuesday with his 2 brothers and a Friend. He couldn't wait to get better so he could get back out there on Tuesdays,unfortunately that never happened.. Back on 9/4/01 (the tuesday before 9/11) my Dad got a hole in one he was so happy (and shocked) he talked about that hole in one until he died. We put the golf ball in his hand in his casket so he could take it with him.. Michele Dad Dx 04-01-05 passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old I Love You Dad! Miss you forever!
  14. michelepal

    Dad went to heaven

    Lisa, There are no words to make you feel better but I truly am sorry about the loss of your Dad..My Dad has been gone 3mts and I still miss him like crazy. ((()))Michele Feel free in PM me if you want to talk! I could relate to lossing a Dad. Dad DX 04-01-05 NSCLC Adenocarcinoma Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  15. (((Adela))) Taking care of your husband is a full time job and don't you take any crap from anyone! My Mother took care of my Dad for 8mts and it was so hard on her. I wouldn't wish this on anyone,the person with the Cancer is suffering and the person taking care of them is suffering just as much. Watching someone you love with this dreadful disease is the worse thing anyone should have to deal with. Cancer is a monster and I HATE IT! If anyone doesn't think your doing a good job tell them to shove-it Don't forget to take care of yourself! Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old I don't think I'll ever recover from lossing my Dad he was my best friend
  16. Praying for both of you! ((()))Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 Passed Away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  17. I'm so so sorry! Please take care of yourself.You and your family will be in my prayers always... (((()))) Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 Passed Away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  18. I am so sorry for you loss! I lost my Dad on 11-18-05 and the pain is still in my face every second of every day. I guess time will help (that's what everyone keeps telling me)but I know I will never be the same again. I know this loss made me stronger I'm not sure if thats good or bad. Take care of yourself and your Mom. ((())) Michele Dad dx 04-02-05 Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  19. Mark, I'm really glad you can find some comfort in coming to the board,I just wish there was someting we could do to make this easier for you. Loss SUCKS but there's nothing we could do about it but try to live our lives and hope in time the pain won't be so strong. I know losing a spouse is the hardest loss but the loss of my Dad was is really taking a toll on me. My Dad was one of the best! He was my Dad and my best friend,I would call him when something would happen (good or bad)and know it's gone.. I miss him soooooo much.. So please if you ever need to vent were all here for you. (((()))))Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 Passed Away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  20. Mark, I'm so sorry! I wish there was something I could do to take the pain away from everyone who has lost there love ones. I lost my Dad to NSCLC on 11-18-05 he was only 66 years old we are all so devasted. Don't you love it when people tell you there in a better place? You want to tell them to go to Hell! But I guess people just don't know what to say.. Hope you are feeling better! ((())) Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 Passed away 11-18-05 I LOVE MY DAD!!
  21. Get it checked out! Don't wait! It might be nothing but you would rather be safe.. Take care Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  22. Jess, So sorry about your Dad. Michele Dad DX 04-01-05 NSCLC Passed away 11-18-05
  23. Oh Lisa, I'm am so very sorry that your Dad has to go through this. My prayers are with you and your Dad as such a difficult time. I lost my Dad to NSCLC on 11-18-05 so I know exactly what your feeling and it's not good so please stay strong and be with your Dad as much as you can. ((()))Michele Dad dx 4-1-05 passed away 11-18-05 only 66 years old
  24. Welcome! Sorry about your sister Cancer really SUCKS! I lost my Dad on 11-18-05 to NSCLC only 8mts after being DX he was only 66 years old.. I don't think I'll ever recover Michele
  25. michelepal

    Bad LC day

    Sandy, I'm so very sorry about the loss of your friends.. Take care Michele Dad Dx NSCLC 04/01/05 passed away 11/18/05 only 66 years old
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