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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Kim, Welcome! You right about this being a great site. I just wish I found it when my Dad was still alive, but it been a great help with my greiving. I'm not sure where I would be today if it wasn't for these wonderful people. Michele
  2. Luann, I sorry that your Mom has to deal with Lung Cancer it really stinks. But there a lot of people who beat it so stay positive and I will get her in my prayers..
  3. ((Janice)) I'm sorry your having such a difficult time. I will keep you in my prayers.. Michele
  4. Hello Everyone, My Father will be gone 4mts on Saturday and the pain is getting worse,Why? Should we be getting better? My Mother is so nasty to me and my sister you can't ask her anything. For example I asked her about her finances only because I want to make sure she OK and she gets defensive like I want her money. I'll call her in the morning and ask her how she sleep and it's always the same " I didn't" don't you think if she never sleep she wouldn't be able to function. And it goes on and on don't get me wrong I totally understand were she's coming from but my sister and I are greiving too,we were so close to my Dad the pain is still so strong. My heart is broken I feel like a big baby I'm 41 years old and I want my Dad and when I think of never seeing him again it's like a knife stabbing me in my stomach. Well thanks for letting me vent. Michele
  5. (((Randy))) I'm so sorry that your having such a difficult time. But please take care of yourself! Michele
  6. michelepal


    Wishing you the best of luck! My prayers will be with you.. Michele
  7. Praying for your Family! Michele
  8. YOU GO GIRL!! I will keep good thoughts for your sister.. Michele
  9. Ginnie, I'm truly sorry about the loss of your brother. Take care of yourself! Michele
  10. Baseball season! I have 2 sons Gary who is 15 and Michael (after my Dad) who 10 who play, I enjoy watching them.. GO YANKEES!!!!
  11. Audrene, My heart is broken for everyone who has lost a loved one to this MONSTER! I am so so sorry for your loss, please be strong it's still so very new. Time will help but not for awhile. Love, Michele
  12. Sher, I'm so very sorry for your loss! Your husband has only been gone 20 days give yourself a chance. It's been 4mts since my Dad passed away and we still cry everyday, it's OK to cry.. Maybe you should ask your Doctor to give you something to help calm you down and it may help you sleep better. My Mother always has better days after she gets a good night sleep. Again I'm truly sorry for what you going through it really SUCKS but hang in there it does get easier but not for awhile.. (((HUGS))) Love, Michele
  13. I'm truly sorry for your loss. Michele
  14. Linda, Prayer for your Mom! Stay positive.. Michele
  15. Karen & Laura I'm so very sorry for your loss! There is nothing that could perpare you. I'm glad he went peaceful and everyone was with him I'm sure he knew you all were there. Take care of yourself and your Mom she going to need you more then ever.. Love Michele
  16. (((Janice))) I'm so sorry! Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers Michele
  17. (((Nancy))) I am so so sorry that you are having such a difficult time,It's really stinks to watch someone you love suffer. Just be there with him as much as you can I'm sure that's what will make him happy. I would give ANYTHING to have 5 minutes with my Dad. I miss him so much! So be there while you can. Many hugs Michele
  18. Jan, What great news! Welcome to the group.. Michele
  19. Lisa, I'll be praying for your Mom! Take care of yourself I know how overwhelming this is but you have to stay strong for your Mom.. (((hugs))) Michele
  20. Praying for your Family! (((hugs))) Michele
  21. I'm sorry for everything that your family has to deal with it's such a difficult thing. But know your family will be in my Prayers... Love Michele
  22. Chale, I'm am truly sorry that you have to deal with such a difficult situation. I know exactly how you feel and yes it SUCKS! But you have to stay positive and encourage your Mother and NEVER EVER give up hope.. I will keep your Family in my prayers. (((hugs))) Michele
  23. Welcome Janice, I'm truly sorry that you are going throught such a difficult time. I don't know to much about SCLC my Dad had NSCLC but I could relate to all the emotions that your feeling.. The only thing I could say to you is just be there for him no matter what his mood is. I feel blessed that when my Father was really sick and not in the best of moods I didn't lose it with him, because now That he gone I don't feel bad for not being there, or losing my patience with him.. I feel like I did everything I could to make me comfortable and I told him I Loved him all the time during that dreadful time.. Stay Strong Mcihele
  24. (((Sue))) Please give yourself a chance it's only 11 days! It's strange that you should bring up the dreams but I just started having them and my Dad will be gone 4mts on Saturday. Friday Night was the worse, I kept seeing my dad lying on the couch in a apt that I had 10 years ago and the Doc standing there telling us he only has 6 weeks to live. everytime I shut my eyes it would happen over and over, and then last night I was dreaming of him and when I woke up I was totally soaked from sweat but I can't remember what the dream was about. Try to stay strong it will get easier but not for awhile. My Mom is still crying everyday and hates being home alone. But my sister and I have our own families we try to include her but she feels like a burden. Which of course she's not! It's just a no win situation.. Love Michele
  25. michelepal

    Round 2

    Wendy, Keep up a positive attitude and FIGHT this beast you can do it! (((hugs))) Michele
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