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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Eppie, What a wonderful tribute to your Dad! I'm sure your Dad is looking down on you with a big smile.. Your Dad sounded like great guy and it sounds like you are following in his footsteps.. Take care of yourself and your family! Love, Michele
  2. praying for good news! Michele
  3. michelepal

    I'm scared

    Sandra, praying for your family! Michele
  4. TAnn, Praying for good results! Michele
  5. Annmarie, I truly sorry you lost you Mother at such a young age. I guess you never get over lossing a parent, I lost my Dad 4 mts ago and I'm still so heart broken. Your post confirmed what I have been saying to people when they tell me I need to try harder to get past it. "I"LL NEVER GET OVER IT" Take care and Thanks for the post.. Michele
  6. Dennis, I'm so very sorry for your loss! Please except my condolences. Michele
  7. Marie, My Dads nose would bleed when he blew it when he was on Taxotere.. Take care of yourself Love, Michele
  8. Shanna, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this monster! Spend as much time with your Mom as possible and tell her how much you love her. My Dad passed away in November and he to was my best Friend, so I know exactly how your feeling.. Just make sure she's comfortable we don't want her in any pain.. Let us help you anyway we can.. ((((HUGS)))) Love, MIchele
  9. Kelly, Praying everything goes well for your Mom on the 4th. Love, Michele
  10. Tami, I'm really sorry that your having such a difficult time. Kasey gave you the best advice, Make sure you take care of yourself first and then one day at a time.. were all here for you.. Praying for you! Love, Michele
  11. Geri, Sorry for posting so late but I'll be praying for you both.. Michele
  12. Praying for your Friends! Michele
  13. Wow! What a very special gift.. Let us know how the book helps you.. Michele
  14. Another Thud here! I don't bounce back that fast I usually drag it around for a few days.. Michele
  15. Mary, You right it could be worse so stay positive and I'm sure everthing is going to go fine.. Michel
  16. Jodi, That's GREAT new! tell Mom to keep up the good work.. Michele
  17. Sandy, I'm so sorry form your pain. Please take care of yourself that's what Jim would want.. (((HUGS))) Love, Michele
  18. (((((Linda & Mike))))) I'm so sorry! I will be praying for you both.. Michele
  19. michelepal


    Beth, I totally understand how your feeling, I can't stand the pain of never seeing my father again. His passing took over my whole life I can't think of anything else. It's been 4 mts and I cry on and off everyday.. As for feeling guilty your Dad knew how much you Loved him and he needed the mask to breathe otherwise he would have been struggling,and because you love him so much you could not let him suffer. Trust me I know how you feel! If you want to PM to talk please do. It's been 4 mts for me and I'm still a mess Love, Michele
  20. Praying for your Dad! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with all these ups and downs.. Stay strong! Michele
  21. Lesley, I'm so very sorry for your loss, My deepest sympathy to you and your family.. Michele
  22. michelepal

    losing it...

    I agree with Katie you never get over it! I think in time you just learn to live with it. I lost my day 4 mts ago and I cry every single day and I don't care what people say. When someone tell me I should try to stop crying I just tell them "DON"T TELL ME HOW TO FEEL" What really bugs me is when someone that has both there parents tell me I need to try to move on...Anyway you feel what you feel and no one can change it so if you need to cry then you cry.. Love, Michele
  23. Eppie, I'm so so sorry to hear this sad news, please except my deepest sympathy at such a difficult time.. Surround yourself with your Loved ones and try to remember all the good.. (((HUGS))) Michele
  24. Darrel, I'm so happy that your doing well, Keep up the fight! Michele
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