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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Christine, I'm so so sorry about the loss of your Dad! Take Care! (((hugs))) Love, Michele
  2. Jim, Praying for you! Love, Michele
  3. Jodi, Please know how truly sorry I am about the loss of you Mom. I'm glad you were with her when she passed. We were with my Dad when he passed, I thank God he was not alone when he took his last breathe.. ((((HUGS))) Love, Michele
  4. Karen, I'm so sorry about the loss of your Mom. I'm truly heart broken! you didn't even get over the loss of your Dad and you have to deal with yet another loss.. Please except my condolences. (((HUGS))) LOve Michele
  5. Praying for T-Ann! Love,Michele
  6. Oh Debbie, I am so so sorry that this nightmare is happening to your family. I could totally relate to what your going through, my Dad lost his voice and then was dx with LC. I really don't have to much info to offer but please know how sorry I am..(((HUGS))) Love Michele I miss my Dad so much!!
  7. Praying all goes well! Love, Michele
  8. Welcome Lori, Sorry about you DX but I'm sure your going to find alot of support and info here..The People here are so educated so ask away anytime, and know theres nothing you can't ask.. Praying for good things!!! ((((HUGS)))) Love, Michele
  9. Barbara, Glad things are looking up for you! Michele
  10. Jodi, My God I'm so sorry! I'm shocked, please know your family will be in my prayers.. ((((hugs)))) Love, Michele
  11. michelepal

    Mike K

    So truly sorry for your loss! Michele
  12. Praying for your Mom! Love, Michele
  13. Mike,I's so so sorry about the loss of your Mom, lossing a parent is not easy at any age. But know that she is in no pain and you were there for her.. Take Care! My Dad has Adenocarcinoma too and he passed away at the age of 66, I just HATE this Damn Disease so much I could scream.. ((((HUGS)))) LOve, Michele
  14. Welcome Judy, I'm so sorry that you have to be here! Don't ever give up hope there are so many people who beat it. I know sometimes it's hard to have hope but you and your Husband need to stay positive and never give up. My thoughts will be with you and your Family! Love, Michele
  15. Welcome, Praying for your Dad! Stay strong!!! (((hugs))) Love, Michele
  16. Cindy, I so sorry that your Dad is not well tonight. But I don't think you should let you mind wonder. Just wait and see and yes if it will make you feel better then you should call his onc.It does sound like he is dehydrated after a few bags of IV he should be good as new.Keep us posted and I will say a extra pray for you Dad tonight.. Stay positive!!! ((((hugs))) Love, Michele
  17. Well, I think everyone that posted before me has got your questions covered.But I wanted you to know that I think your Friend is VERY lucky to have you.. Love, Michele
  18. Welcome, Sorry that your Family has to deal with this Monster, but I will keep you Dad in my prayers.. Love, Michele
  19. My Mom always said a lie has short legs! And yes I will pass it on...
  20. I sorry that your Mom is declining my thought and prays are with you both.. ((((HUGS)))) LOve, Michele
  21. Adela, You can count on me! I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy.. ((((HUGS))) Love,Michele
  22. Oh Linda, I'm so so sorry! I hope you could find some comfort knowing that your wonderful Husband is not in any pain. He is Cancer Free!!! Please know how truly sorry I am and believe me time will help, I know right now your thinking "How am I going to get through this" but in time you will feel better.. Remember one day at a time and sometimes take one minute at a time.. Take care of yourself!! ((((HUGS)))) Love Michele
  23. I would call the Doctor! Like others said you need to maintain your weight, it is VERY important while going thur treatment.. When My dad was going thur treatment we were like the food police it would pis_ him off, but in his heart he knew it was because we Loved him... Take care! Love Michele
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