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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Rochelle, Keeping your Mom in my Prayers. Michele
  2. Keeping Ken & Karen in my prayers! Michele
  3. If I could erase one word from the english lanaguge it would be CANCER If I could have one wish it would be?
  4. Donna, I know exactly how you feel I think as time goes on we relize that there really not coming back . This sure sounds like a rough month for you but remember how much your brother loves you and know that he wouldn't want you to be so sad. I miss my Dad so much and trust me I know the pain your feeling and it really sucks. People keep telling me that time heals but right now I'm not sure I believe them.. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.(((hugs))) Michele
  5. RATS Ripping at the seam. MIKE
  6. OMG! That's to funny! Michele
  7. Karen, I am truly sorry for your loss please except my condolences. I will pray that your are given the strenght to get through this difficult time. Michele
  8. Darrell, I'm so sorry to here about your Dx. But I'm really sorry I can't help you My Dad had NSCLC so I really don't know much about SCLC, But I will keep you in my prayers. I'm sure there will be alot of support from people familiar with SCLC.. Keep Positive! Michele
  9. Hi Linda, I'm so sorry to here about your Mothers DX! But know that everyone here at LCSC will be praying for her.. Stay Positive Michele
  10. Sue & Family Please except my condolences on the loss of your Loved one. Please let us help you with your grieving it's a very difficult thing, but please no that you have tons of people here to help any way they can. ((())) Michele
  11. Welcome Jackie, I will keep you and your Husband in my prayers.. Michele
  12. Welcome Linda, I'm sorry that you have to be here but I'm sure you will find the support you need. My Dad had Chemo & Radation and the Chemo wasn't bad at all it didn't effect his day to day life. I agree with Holly the meds they have for the side effects are great. Michele
  13. Holly, I'm so sorry! I will keep your family in my prayers.. Love Michele
  14. I totally understand how you feel because I'm feeling the same way. My Dad has been gone 3-1/2mts, 2mts longer then your Dad and I still cry every day. I was really close to my Dad too,If something came up during the day (good or bad) I would call my Dad before I would call anyone else. But it does get better trust me it will get better. I'm so sorry that your hurting so bad. Give yourself time it's still so new. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk to someone in the same boat. We could help each other. Michele
  15. Bob, I'm so sorry for your loss.. I will pray that God gives you and your family the strenght to get throught this difficult time.. Michele
  16. Welcome, I'm sorry I can't offer you any info but you are in the right place for support. I will keep you in my prayers. Michele
  17. So very sorry for your loss! Michele
  18. My Caller ID says Mom & Dad too! I'm so glad other people will not change it either It makes me feel terrible every time I see it come up. Also I have pictures of my Dad on my cell phone they upset me everytime I see them but on the other hand I'm scared there going to get erased my mistake. I have so many issues! Michele
  19. (((Lillian))) Hang in there your a strong lady! You will always be in my prayers. Michele
  20. Peggy, I'm so sorry that you are in so much pain. I can't fully relate to how your feeling but I know my Mom had a similar situation. She went to the eye Doctor and was told that she needed to have surgery and she wouldn't be able to drive home and then it hit her he's not here to drive me home. She called me crying so hard I couldn't understand a word she was saying and then of course we both were hysterical. I guess it's just reality smacking you in the face. My prayers are with you! Michele
  21. ((((Lori)))) What a hard situation but you have to do what you think is best for your Mom! A nursing home wouldn't be my first choice,but unless you can get a someone to help out 24/7 I'm not sure if there is any other choice. Remember you have Kids a Job, you can't do it all! You need to take care of yourself too this is a very stressful time.. I will pray that you are given the strenght to make the right choice.. You & your Mom are in my Prayers always! Michele
  22. (((Sue))) I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for your loss,It is totally devasting.. Please except my deepest condolences you will be in my prayers. Michele
  23. Jodi, Thats GREAT news! Stay healthy Michele
  24. (((Rich))) Glad your back and doing well I'll keep you in my prayers. Michele
  25. Trish, What GREAT news! Im really happy for you it's about time we get some good news around here.. Take care and enjoy the break! (())Michele
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