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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Sandy, Praying for the best! Jim will be in my prayers.. Michele
  2. Barb, I'm glad your Mom is feel good and stay positive! I will keep your Mom in my Prayers. Michele
  3. Nancy, I totally agree! Only God can make that call.. You will be in my prayers.. Michele
  4. Hoping and Praying for your Mom! Michele
  5. I'm so sorry that you had to deal with such a scary situation. I just Thank God you weren't driving! Michele
  6. Good Luck Gracie! I will keep you in my prayers.. Michele
  7. Connie, I'm really sorry that your going through such a difficult time. I will keep your family in my prayers. Michele
  8. Libby, I will keep your Mom in my prayers.. Michele
  9. Oh Robert! I'm truly sorry for everything that you have to deal with it's such a difficult time. Do you have any siblings that can help you out? I will keep your Family in my prayers. I know exactly what your feeling and it really Stinks but,be strong it will get better Michele
  10. (((Leslie))) I'm so so sorry that you have so much to deal with. I will keep your family in my prayers. Michele
  11. Welcome Leslie! You came to a great place for info. Michele
  12. Karen, I'm so sorry! I will keep you and Ken in my prayers.. (((HUG))) Michele
  13. Welcome Fran! I will keep your Mom in my prayers. Michele
  14. michelepal


    Lorrie, Praying for good results! Michele
  15. Gracie, I'm so sorry that you have to be here. But know that were all here to give you the support to get through this. Be strong there are so many treatments out there.(((hugs))) Michele
  16. Congrats! 4 years is wonderful.. Michele
  17. Welcome! Glad to found us it's a wonderful place.. Michele
  18. Holly, She is a real cutie! Michele
  19. Welcome Lisa, I really don't have any answers for you but I'm sure you will find someone here that can help you out. I will keep your Father in my prayers!! My Father was the world to me too, so I know how scared you are but be there for him and encourage him always.. ((((hugs))) Michele
  20. (((Pat))) I'm so sorry! Love Michele
  21. Hello Everyone, I just wanted to say Thank you to all the people that I got to know through this website it has helped me so much with the greiving process. I don't think that I would be in the place I am today if I didn't have the support from all of you wonderful people. But the reason that I'm posting this today is because soon after my Dad passed away I was looking on the internet and I was reading about Dana Reeves and some how I ended up finding LCSC website. So in some kind of strange way I guess if it wasn't for Dana Reeve I would have never found this website so I guess I owe her a Thank You. My heart is just broken over the loss of such a wonderful person. :cry:Michele
  22. Denise, I know exactly how you feel, My Dad will be gone 4mts on the 18th and we still are at such a loss. My Mom sounds alot like yours she is totally lost, between Me, My sister and My Aunt & Uncle we try to keep her busy but My Mom wants to be home she keeps telling us that she doesn't want to run around every night thats not want her and my Dad did. But I can't deal with her home at night by herself watching TV alone, it makes it so much harder not only are we devasted about my Dad we are worried about her. This May My Mom & Dad would have been married 45years. I'n not looking forward to that day! It's a new Life Take care Love Michele
  23. Sandy, I will keep your family in my prayers. Michele
  24. OMG! I'm in total shock..
  25. ((Fran)) I have to agree with the other here I think your Mom just might be depressed. Maybe ask her MD what he thinks, I'm sure he would agree and give her something to help her feel better. I'm sure alot of people with LC get depressed my Dad did and after he got meds he was alot better. Michele
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