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Everything posted by michelepal

  1. Hi Everyone, Thank you for all the support it really is helping me alot. But, it's been almost 3mts and the pain seems to getting worse. And the other problem is my poor Mother she breaks my heart, she is only 63 years old and all she keeps telling us is that her life is over. My sister & I try to be with her as much as possibe and we are always telling her how much we need her but nothing seems to help. Everytime we call her she's crying its sooo sad. Help!! Thanks Michele
  2. Christopher, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of you Dad.. I lost my 66 year old Dad to NSCLC on 11-18-05. Stay Strong!My prayers are with you and your family. Take care of yourself Michele
  3. Nancy, I'm am so sorry that you have to go through this I know exactly how you feel. My Dad was DX 04/01/05 at age 66 with NSCLC has Chemo & Radiation for 6 weeks. He was told in early July nothing but scar tissue we were so happy.THEN early Nov his stomach was really swollen Cat-scan on Nov 14th shows Cancer is back and it was taking over he body. My Dad was gone 4 days later on 11/18/05 We are devasted! But we got to tell him we loved him and we would be OK. So spend every minute you can with your Dad and tell him how much you love him and your going to be Ok. Sorry for rambling on! Take care of yourself! Michele
  4. Welcome Jen! Sorry you have to be here but you will find the support you need.. Stay strong and positive! Michele Dad DX 04/01/05 NSCLC Passed Away 11/18/05 Only 66 years old
  5. michelepal

    A very good week

    Great News! I'm so excited for your Dad! Take time and enjoy his good health.. Michele Dad DX 04/01/05 Passed away 11/18/05 only 66 years old
  6. I'm so happy for you Jeff! Stay strong and enjoy your good health.. Michele Dad DX NSCLC 4/01/05 Passed away 11/18/05 Only 66 years old
  7. Kasey, That's great new! Keep up the good work! Michele
  8. Welcome! But I'm sorry you have to be here.. Stay strong and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!! There are alot of people who fought this battle and won! And you can be one of them. Michele Father DX 4-1-05 passed away 11-18-05 at 66 Years old
  9. Adela, My thoughts and prayers are you you and your husband.. Stay strong and fight this monster! Michele
  10. Jackie, I'm so very sorry about your Dad I know exactly how your feeling.I lost my Dad to NSCLC on 11-18-05 and my heart is broken I don't go one day without crying but from what I'm being told it is normal. Your Dad sounds like a wonderful man (a lot like mine) and we have to look at all the good memories. I find it very hard getting through each day without him but what other choice is there.I would do anything just to have him back for 1 day and tell him how much I Love him.. Don't be to hard on yourself for not telling your Dad everything you were only trying to protect him. I'm sure he would understand! Michael ciuffo 12-22-38 to 11-18-05 R.I.P Take care of yourself Michele
  11. I'm here in Stamford Connectiuct and willing to talk to anyone who needs someone to talk too. Michele Father DX 4-1-05 Started Chemo and Radation 4/21/05 - 6/30/05 July Cat-Scan shows nothing but scar tissue Remission July - Oct (kinda makes me wonder) Early November Dad's not feeling to good. Cat-Scan on 11/14/05 show Cancers back and taking over his body. Going to start Chemo on 11/16/05 but instead put into Hospital and told there was nothing more they could do but make him comfortable. I think at that point he was just down right tired (can't blame him)..He was able to see everyone on Thurday 11/17/05 and make peace with God. He passed away on Friday 11/18/05 With all his love one at his side. The worse day of my Life!! Michael Ciuffo 12-22-38 to 11-18-05 Rest in peace my wonderful Father!!! Love you & Miss You
  12. I'm hear in Stamford and willing to help anyone who needs someone to talk too.. Michele Father DX W/ NSCLC on 4-1-05 Chemo & Radation 4-21-05 - 6-30-05 Remission as of July - Oct ( That's what they say ) Cat-Scan shows nothing but scar tissue. Not feeling well in early Nov went for Cat-Scan on Nov 14 Cancers back and taking over his body.They tell us on Thursday That there is nothing more they could do. I think he made his peace at that point and he Passed away Friday 11-18-05 at 12:30pm the worse day of my life. Michael Ciuffo 12-22-38 to 11-18-05 Rest in peace my wonderful Father!
  13. So sorry that you and your family have to go through this.. Stay strong and keep positive.. Michele
  14. I'm so sorry for you loss! I lost my Dad to Lung Cancer on 11-18-05 so I know how your feeling. Stay strong and don't forget to take care of yourself.. My prayers are with you and your family at such a dicicult time Michele
  15. Larry, so very sorry for your loss! I will pray that you are given the strenght you need to get through this diffcult time. Michele Lost my Dad 11/18-05 at 66 to LC I Hate CANCER!!!
  16. Holly, I think everyone is different but its still so new give yourself and your Father time.it's been 11 weeks since by Dad passed away and every day is a challange for my family, we miss him so much he was our rock.so please don't be to hard on yourself or your Dad Time does help but not yet. Everynight when I get into bed I thank God I made it through another day! Keep the Faith. My E-mail is michelepal@aol.com if you want to talk! Take care Michele
  17. Holly, I think everyone is different but its still so new give yourself and your Father time.it's been 11 weeks since by Dad passed away and every day is a challange for my family, we miss him so much he was our rock.so please don't be to hard on yourself or your Dad Time does help but not yet. Everynight when I get into bed I thank God I made it through another day! Keep the Faith. My E-mail is michelepal@aol.com if you want to talk! Take care Michele
  18. Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear about the lose of your Father he was way to young,But I do feel your pain I lost my loving Father to LC back on 11-18-05 and he was only 66 years old.The pain is just horrible! Give yourself time it does get a little better.. Take Care Michele
  19. So sorry for your loss! Remember to take care of yourself. Michele Lost my Father to LC on 11-18-05
  20. Pam, I lost my Dad on Nov 18,2005 and that song rips my heart out every time I hear it. Take care Michele
  21. Linda, I'm am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Life is not fair! I lost my Father to LC on 11/18/05 and I got to tell you it really stinks he was only 66 years old. I found alot of support on this website and I hope you do to.. My thoughts are with you and your Mom! Take care of yourself too!!! Michele
  22. Val, Please don't be so hard on your self! I lost my Father to LC on 11/18/05 he was one of the BEST not only was he my Father but my best friend. The way I feel about it is you get over a cold not losing a loved one. you learn to live with it! What other choice is there. You are in my prays Michele
  23. Dani, I am so sorry for you loss. I know how hard it is to lose a love one, My Father just past away in Nov and the pain is unbearable. I will pray for you and everyone who has lost someone they love. We could only hope that the pain were feeling eases up and lets us move forward.. Take care of yourself Michele
  24. Lisa, I'm so sorry for your lose. I lost my father to LC on 11-18-05 and it is a big void in my life. So I know what your feeling. Stay strong time does help. Take care of your self Michele
  25. I'm so sorry about your Dad.I know how your feeling I lost my Dad on 11/18/05 he truly was one of the best! My life will never be the same and it hurts every single day but give yourself sometime to heal and you will see that you will laugh again and the pain will ease a little each day. You will never forget that's for sure.. I cry everyday but I do laugh too. My Father was DX with Lung Cancer on 4/1/05 Take care of your self Michele
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