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Everything posted by Anniemac

  1. Michelle-praying for you both right now!!
  2. That is great news!! All that and a wedding too!! There sure are some powerful prayers in this group. Sending more your way. Annie
  3. Bruce, your case sounds very much like my husbands. Left lung-5 weeks of chemo and 25 radiation treatments to shrink. Surgeon didn't think he could do surgery unless the tumor would shrink, had left lung removed in June---found two lymph nodes with some live cells. Does this all sound familar??? Weird! Tim has healed very well from the surgery. He went swimming today--just a little--and it wore him out. He does get short of breath, but just tries to do some excerise--usually just a bit of walking--everyday. he will be starting twelve weeks of follow-up chemo in a week or so. He will have chemo once a week for 3 weeks and a week off and then start over. His onc wants him to have this because there were still some live tumor cells in the path report. Also, his pre-surgery chemo was very weak because he only has one kidney and they have to make sure they don't ruin it. He surgeon also said he got it all and the path report did show that the margins were clean--aparently a very important thing. Is your doc planing on any follow-up treatment? Annie
  4. Nancy-so nice to hear from new survivors. It's encouraging to the rest of us who are still in the fighting process. This is just the best site for upbeat people and great information. Annie
  5. Christina, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We all got to know Chris through you and will miss him greatly. Annie
  6. Rosanne and Gianna My deepest sympathy in Gianni's passing. He's resting in God's hands now and is peaceful. My prayers are with you all. Annie
  7. Love to hear all this good new about Lucie. God is really taking care of her.
  8. I'm so sorry to hear the news and you are all in my prayers. It is a blessing that you can be by his side now.
  9. Praying as hard as I can for a good outcome. Annie
  10. Christina--vent away!! You sound like your not getting enough sleep, not to mention not being appreciated. I know what you mean about tomorrow being another day and you may feel differently. I'm about ready to take a frying pan to the side of Tim's head, so I can relate. Annie
  11. Thanks for the support. I smoked for 20 years too, and quiting was the hardest thing I ever did. I used patches and hypnotism. I quit about 12 years ago and Tim has been good about not smoking in the house, but he always smoked in the car. I do understand how hard it is. I guess what's so frustrating is the lack of control I have over any of this situation. The doctors control the surgery, the types of chemo-how much and when. Tim controls how he takes care of his body-whether he eats enough, sleeps enough, and smokes. I feel that the control of my destiny has been taken away. As much as I try not to, I have a picture in my head of him being so sick that he's dying. In the hospital they would wheel people by us that are in the last stages and have days to live. It's hard to get that picture out of my mind. I try to banish it---got to have the positive attitude! Now it's harder to do. If it's God's plan for that ending, I will accept it. But to choose it--unacceptable!! Annie
  12. Guy, I need you opinion. I just found out a couple of days ago that Tim is smoking. I am going crazy!! I feel that we have everything going for us..the best doctors, he was able to have surgery and they were able to remove the tumor, follow-up chem will start soon..docs think there's a good chance for cure....and now this. I don't feel I can stay and watch Tim get worse. If God decided that it was his time to go, then I would be right by his side. But I feel he is selfishly choosing to ruin our future together. He has patches, gum, Zyban...but won't use any of them because he wants the option to smoke. A few days Tim felt he couldn't breath right-I called his onc and aske dif I should take him to emergency. Of course he didn't mention he was smoking again!! I'm at my wits end. Our 20th anniversery is tomorrow and I told him yesterday that I didn't think I could live with him and watch him commit suicide. Have any of you gone through this? Do I need a shrink? Help Annie
  13. Tim and I went to the surgeon yesterday for his 2 1/2 week checkup. Hard to believe that's all it's been since the surgery. It was a good visit. Tim had been feeling that he wasn't getting enough oxygen and really feeling kind of crummy--tired with no appitite at all. He's lost more weight and was down to about 135. The doc was so encouraging. Reminded Tim how huge the surgery was and how he almost backed out a few times, opened the pericardium, etc. and told Tim he was really doing great for two 1/2 weeks out. His oxygen level was 99, and that reassured him, but he's anemic and of course need to eat. Doc says lots of protien to build cells and heal. The most important news was the pathology--clean margins on the lung and lots of negative nodes. He said that to the best of his knowlege, he removed all the cancer, and this is a doc from the Swedish Cancer Institue, so I have to believe him!! Of course, there will be some follow-up chemo, but that's up to the onc. So all in all, it was great news. Tim is much calmer today and I came home and found him doing laundry. His breathing is better and he even went to the store with me! I thnk he was just working himself into a small panic attack..just a little anxious. Sorry to be so long, but I'm just gald to be able to post in the good news section!! Yeah!!! Annie
  14. Don, so glad to hear about Lucie. The massage sounds great and it sounds like you really needed it!! Bet you can't wait to get back to the kisses too!! Annie
  15. Anniemac

    CT Results

    Cindy Always love the good news. All our prayers answered again! Boy, somebody out there must be pretty good!! Annie
  16. Praying as hard as I can for you and your mom. Let us know when you hear the good news. Annie
  17. Anniemac

    My first chemo

    Jay, congratulations on your first chemo--just think of it as the start of really getting rid of your cancer!! Tim didn't have too many problems with it, but in the last few days everything smells and tastes strange to him. It's hard for him to find anything to eat. I just fixed him a milkshake as a bedtime snack. Try to eat whatever sounds good to you. Mac & cheese is another favorite. Anything bland. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad seeming distant. He's just lost the love of his life and the mother of his children...very hard to go through. I know it seems he should reach out to you and your sister, but as you know, sometimes we just want to curl up in a little ball and make the world go away. Just remember you have all of us trying to mother you. You have lots of mothers now. Keep in touch with us. How is your sister doing? Annie
  18. During my husband's surgery, they had to remove one of the nerves that runs to the vocal cords. His voice is very hoarse and raspy (like Jack Klugman). The surgery was 2 weeks ago and they said they could inject Teflon the area and improve his voice. I'll ask more about it when we go see the surgeon on Tuesday for our followup visit. We were told that a nerve to the vocal cords runs down into the chest area and loops back up. During lung removal the cord can be bruised or injured and effect the voice. Unfortunatly they had to remove Tim's completely, but it was a small price to pay. If surgery is not an option, maybe they can treat the tumor and shrink it and maybe the voice will come back or atleast improve. Hope this helps. Annie
  19. Gina That's great news!! I always worry a bit when I hear the doctor has said "I got it all and you don't need any further treatment" Never hurts to be safe and get a 2nd opnion. And such a good one!! Annie
  20. Happy Anniversary Don & Lucie--Lucie, your a lucky woman to have someone like Don who loves you so much. And Don-you've found you life's soul mate. Congratulations!! Annie & Tim
  21. Anniemac

    "Empty Head" club!

    Yeah Tiny--empty heads rule!! Annie
  22. Yeah for good news!! We need more of it. Annie
  23. Sam Agressive and proactive is the way to be. You'll beat this!! No other option. Annie
  24. Shannon--I'm writing this through tears. Your stories about Mike were the first I read when I came to the boards and your attitude inspired Tim and me. You have helped so many people by telling your story--you have no idea. Mike is with God and watching over you now. My heart is broken for you. Annie
  25. Peggy, Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I have followed you posts and you have been a devoted sister and friend. My heart is breaking for you and your neices. Annie
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