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Everything posted by karen335

  1. Appt. today for Consult with Radian Onc.. All they do at this facility is WBR. I told doctor, I wasn't going to do WBR. He asked me why and I told him. WBR is used for 4-5 or more mets and suggested Protocall for less mets is SRS (stereotactic radiation or gamma knife) is used for 4 or less mets. His comment to me was, you have done your research young lady. You are right, good job, I love to meet advocates about their health. He also said I was a miracle.(re; LC) I was impressed with this doctor's honesty and mannerism.He didn't try to B/S me, he siad what scares you the side effects or what.I mentioned this site and also gave him the address and told him I didn't want to die in two years either based on what I have researched and read. He said, we can't do anything for you here, but we do SRS and Gamma knife at our L.A. office. I'll get approval from your insurance to possibly be treated there. We will contact you once approved... Good Luck and prayers to all, Karen Not sure where I should post this~~~~ It does pay to research
  2. Appt. today for Consult with Radian Onc.. All they do at this facility is WBR. I told doctor, I wasn't going to do WBR. He asked me why and I told him. WBR is used for 4-5 or more mets and suggested Protocall for less mets is SRS (stereotactic radiation or gamma knife) is used for 4 or less mets. His comment to me was, you have done your research young lady. You are right, good job, I love to meet advocates about their health. He also said I was a miracle.(re; LC) I was impressed with this doctor's honesty and mannerism. He said, we can't do anything for you here, but we do SRS and Gamma knife at our L.A. office. I'll get approval from your insurance to possibly be treated there. We will contact you once approved... Good Luck and prayers to all, Karen Not sure where I should post this~~~~ It does pay to research
  3. karen335

    Ok here

    Mark, Please keep in touch here. Leslie was a very special lady and you are welcome here. Glad you have found a friend who lives close. Now you can call and just let it all out and she understands. You need that comfort and support, you can help one another... Please keep in touch with us here, so that we can help you too. Sending Prayers and well wishes, Karen
  4. http://www.cancerbacup.org.uk/Treatment ... Paclitaxel
  5. Excellent school. I am from St. Louis. My SIL is Director of Nursing there. She has been for 22 years now and her hubby is a detective for the Police department there in StL... Hard school to get into, one smart litle gal... Congrats and wishing you the best.. Karen
  6. Tina, Saying prayers for a quick and complete healing for Charlie. Wish I could offer more... Karen
  7. http://neurosurgery.mgh.harvard.edu/abta/mets.htm
  8. Mike, I am really happy for you and Napalai. What does her name mean, it almost sounds Hawaiian. How do you feel about her not working, it should be a mutual decision. My neighbor is from South Korea, her and Frank met in Guam over 20 years ago. Mena, has never worked either. Frank is in construction and makes good wages. Thay have two grown boys now. Please keep us posted. Sending you congrats and best wishes... Karen
  9. Mike and Napalai WooooHooooo, Napalai said YES, How exciting, do you have a date yet. Let her know, we welcome her with open arms and hugs. Look forward to more pictures of you both... I know she will take good care of you. I wish you and your new bride all the best... Karen
  10. Mike, I 2nd what RY said. I will miss the pictures and the stories you have shared with us. Thank you very much. If you get married too, sorry can't remember her name, please forgive me . I hope you will share those pictures with us also. Hope all is going well in WA. Stay NED and healthy, please keep us posted... Karen
  11. Thanks, Rich.... Wish we could get these drugs quickly. Tired of them talking about it. We never hear anything else and we forget about them... Hope you are doing good, in my prayers always, Karen
  12. karen335


    http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=40375
  13. Is Letty your pet squirrel? Didn't know they could be tamed. She looks so friendly... Karen
  14. The hardest part is the Edema(swelling) creates so much pressure in the head. I had swelling to, but not the extent of what Mike is going through. I was only taking 1-2mg of Decadron Daily. The Decadron really helps. Just weaned off about a week ago... In my prayers for a miracle and total healing for Mike... Karen
  15. karen335

    It's Hard

    Karen, Sending you prayers and hugs. I can't imagine the pain you are feeling. Just remember the memories and good times and the love you shared. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Karen
  16. Roger, Thank you for sharing. This brought tears to my eyes... God Bless and prayers for you, Karen
  17. Hi Mary, Are you able to have surgery to remove necrosis/met? I just had surgery 6 weeks ago for the same thing. This was my 2nd surgery.. Waiting til healed then will have SRS to tumor bed... Please keep us posted... Prayers and hugs, karen
  18. linda, Sending you and Mike Prayers. Are his steroids 5mg each? Like Ginny said check with the doctor about the Temador. Sending prayers for good results and I believe in miracles... Karen
  19. Jodi, This is great news. Had the same treatment as your mom, had really good results too. Last chemo was Oct. 2003. Your mom is responding to chemo and radiation very, very well. WOOOHOOO!!!! In my prayers, God Bless, Karen
  20. Linda, I as a patient am entitled to copies of All my medical records at no charge, I have already paid via, my insurance, so has your mom.. When I was doing chemo, I received a copy of my blood work every week. I also knew what my chemo was each week. I would ask the chemo nurse EVERY week what she was giving me (to confirm it was right, remember there are others there receiving chemo too.)I also knew the order my meds were being given (ie.. Premeds 1st, then Taxol, then Carboplatin) anything new, I would question and NOT let them give it to me until I had answers and felt in my mind it was OK, even while in the hospital. Woke up one night in hospital to a nurse putting a needle in my IV. I said what are you doing. She said giving you meds to slow your heart rate down, Never needed that kind of med before, she also was giving me med for clots, (had none, go figure) Hubby was with me every week during chemo, he would ask too, just to confirm) No one is perfect and mistake proof. We all make mistakes, just trying to keep from being a medical mistake, not questioning their profession (sometimes we should or have to though.) LINDA/LORI, Keep up the good work, being advocates for your mom's. I am sure they are very proud of you two... P.S. Chemo nurse ONE time did not give me premeds. When asked about it, she just laughed. Then all kinds of complaints came in from others and she left shortly there after, told to all of us by the doctor.
  21. We don't realize how stinky we are while we smoke. I didn't... I do now, my SIL and Hubby's cousin smoke and boy do they stink and smell like an old dirty ash tray. No matter if you wash your hands or brush your teeth, you still stink and smell to others around you. I used to think that being outside, the smell is not that bad and the breeze would take it away, wrong... It is a bad, nasty habit to break, Just trying to give you food for thought, Good Luck and prayers, Karen
  22. Kasey, Prayers for Tracy. Please keep us posted.
  23. Lisa IS an Attorney. Have an associate write a letter to the School Board. Does anyone remember, "PERMISSION Slips"? My suggestion is take your child out of Public School. Public schools have free reign unfortunately. Saying is, it takes a village to raise a child. At least as a parent, not a village you decide what they learn in private schools, permissions slips are still used.
  24. Eppie, It is so hard to find the right words. I add my condolences to what everyone has already said. It is so hard to lose a parent, or a loved one. I pray that the pain you are feeling be softened and know that dad is without pain and no longer struggling with this awful disease. May he rest in peace and comfort with our Lord. God Bless, Hugs and prayers, Karen
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