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Everything posted by karen335

  1. Heidi, Prayers being said. Please keep us posted... God Bless, Karen
  2. Tina, Special prayers for your father. May all scans be clean and nothing more to be found...Please keep us posted... God Bless and hugs, Karen
  3. Sorry to read this news. Sending condolences to your family and prayers... God bless, Karen
  4. Lori, I haven't been on much lately...My heart goes out to you. You and Sandy are in my prayers each day! Miracles do happen. I can hear the happiness in your mom's voice and laugh the day I spoke to her. She was so happy to be going home. She is a fighter and strong woman, she can beat this. Please tell her I am sending lot's of love and hugs and not to give up ever. Check with another neurologist or neurosurgeon... God Bless, prayers and hugs, Karen
  5. Thanks Marie, Feelings are mutual...Right back at ya!!!! Prayers and hugs, Karen
  6. Randy, Thank you for all your information. Much appreciated... Karen
  7. That is why this LC Board is so important. We research and learn from other's experience and treatments. This is one of the reasons why we are here or at least why I am here. Also this is our extended family. If we didn't educate ourselves, we would only be at the mercy of the PRACTICING Physicians. I have many thoughts and opinions about how cancer patients and seriously ill people are treated. It is rather frightening if you just think about the treatmant we receive. If you die oh well, bring in a new one. On 20/20 last night, one of their stories was about syenthetic blood. If you didn't have a wrist band on from the mfg. saying you didn't want to be transfused with it, they administered synthetic instead of the real blood. Even if you were awake and said no, they gave it to you any way if you needed blood. FDA has approved, it can cause heart attacks, strokes and even death. It is what they call (Protocal) LOL. YIKES!!!! This is just one example, how many more do we not know about. Bill, you are so right about the doctor's, CYA...Agree with one another instead of being honest. OK this is long enough. I'll get off of my soap box...GRRRRRRR Prayers for safe and the right treatment, Karen
  8. Linda, I am so sorry...Sending condolences and gentle hugs. Karen
  9. Hi, Sorry to hear this news about your daughter. She does have her age in her favor. What I mean by that is she can be treated very aggressively. Taxol/Carboplatin is 1st line chemo along with radiation. She needs to keep a positive attitude. It sounds like she has a good medical team and they are giving her the right treatment. To have peace of mind, it is not unusual to get a second opinion. Independent of the first one. Please keep us posted and know she is in my prayers also... God Bless and hugs, karen
  10. Carleen, I am at a loss for words...I am so saddened to read this news. Your Keith is no longer in pain and is with our Lord Jesus. Condolences, prayers and hugs for you and family... Karen
  11. karen335

    MRI results

    Mary, You are in my prayers. This is doable and I know you will beat this again. Check out the Cyberknife site that Don M. reccomended, they are real doctors and very good about responding... God Bless and hugs, Karen
  12. Bill/Rob, Etsuko was in my prayers each and every day. I am saddened to read this news, she fought to survive. I will keep you both in my prayers. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing and know we are here for you... Karen
  13. http://www3.mdanderson.org/depts/bmt/smallcell/ Carleen, Here is a trial that has three phases for SCLC at M.D. Anderson in Houston, TX.. You will need to contact them for requirements of eligability. I will keep looking to see what else I can find...You and Keith are in my prayers each day. God Bless and gentle hugs, Karen
  14. karen335


    Tracy, This is awsome news...Praying for continued response and shrinkage of that bad boy. When it works, it really works. Please keep us posted... Sending lots of prayers, God Bless and hugs, Karen
  15. Hi Maria, Sorry to read this news about Archie. Have you considered getting a second or third opinion? If you do, you will need all of his scans ans test results to take with you. What state are you located? Maybe someone can recommend where to go... In my prayers and please let us know how he is doing. Things don't sound right. In my prayers, Karen
  16. Julie, There is another lady on here, Nancy B.. She too had SCLC and NSCLC. You could probably PM her with questions you may have. She is a very nice christan lady and would love to help. I have met her personally.. Hope this helps and sending your mom and family prayers... Karen
  17. Thank you Don and Lucie, Sad to hear this news...Always enjoyed reading Teri's posts. She is such a stong lady and what an inspiration... Sending Prayer to her and family. Miracles do happen, I really believe... Karen
  18. Bill, According to what I have read about Alimta. The recommended dosage is 500mg (clinical trials) not 780mg. Maybe you can ask the onc. why her dosage was increased. This may have been the cause of Etsuko's cardiac problem. Is she sensitive to meds? I know I am very very sensitive and would rather start with a lower dose and if needed increase. Harder to eliminate higher dose from ones system, causes toxicity... I have friends who experienced toxicity, could not eliminate from their system... Wish I were closer too, in my prayers every day!!! Please keep us posted... Karen
  19. Rob, From what I have read, 500mg is the recommended dosage. There is a website for Alimta...It is quite lengthy, I believe 22-23 pages. Thare is a lot of info there. Maybe your father will understand it... Http:pl.lilly.com/us/alimta-pi.pdf. Hope this works, I will try and if not will redo. Karen
  20. Rob, What a wonderful son you are, I have two sons and I am so proud of them too... I would like to visit your mom if I possibly can, this is a holiday week-end. Not sure if possible...May I ask your mom's first name? Just make sure your mom stays hydrated. I think the Alimta can be eliminated from her system through urination. I am not a doctor, but I would not allow anymore Alimta til she improves. I am sure your father is aware of this though. Have they given her B-12 and the Folic Acid ? Saying prayers for your mom and family. Please keep us posted. God Bless and hugs from a mom, Karen
  21. Rob, This care is just unacceptable. I am sorry your mom is going through such umprofessional care and we pay for this type of care. Healthcare has gone to He** in a hand basket. (Old timers saying, got it from my parents) Everyone is in a hurry and do a bad job mode. If my memory serves me correctly. Your mom is at Saddleback Hospital. I live in Southern California too, Corona.. Your mom is in my prayers...Please keep us posted... Sending prayers, Karen
  22. Carleen, Sending up prayers...How is Keith doing??? God Bless and hugs, Karen
  23. Linda, Sounds like you are on top of everything. Good job!!! One thing is you need to take care of yourself too. Get some rest and make sure you are eating properly. If you let your body get run down, you are suceptable of getting sick. Then who would take care of you ??? Try and have a good Memorial Day and get some rest. Sounds like your mom is doing better. You are in my thoughts and prayers... God Bless and hugs from a mom, Karen
  24. Randy, very interesting. Wish it was in laymans terms a little more. Thank you for sharing... Karen
  25. Kathleen, What Carleen said is true. Brain mets are very treatable. Sounds like your mom is strong and a fighter. This can be beat. Just keep a positive attitude. Sending up lots of prayers... God Bless, Karen
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