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Everything posted by karen335

  1. Steve, Try taking vitamin B-12 100mg per day. It helped me with my nueropothy from the chemo Taxol/Carboplatin. This is just a suggestion. Ask your doctor first though. I told my onc. about the numbness and she lowerd the strength of the chemo. Have had no problems since. That was 2 years ago, ASK your onc. first B-4 taking this vitamin. Prayers and Blessings, Karen
  2. Maybe, I am from the old school. When anyone spoke at our school and to our class or in assembly our parents received a notice that there was going to be a guest speaker. Our parents were aware of the topic and at THEIR (parents) discrection if the child would attend. It was called an approval slip. Approved by a parent, Not just go ahead and do it without permission from a parent or guardian. This is why our society is so messed up. Parents have no rights any more... That Principal should be reprimanded for her actions and comments to you. I would take it to the school board. hmm Who's side are they on? This leaves such a negative in Leah's mind. One she will always remember unfortunately. She was taught to have respect for her elders. This is an impression that has been set in her mind by teacher's and an officer. This must be really confusing for her. I am sorry she was subjected to this discussion in school. I went to school in the Midwest too (Missouri.) Teaching is sure different from when I went to school. I know, I have two niece's who are teachers. Karen
  3. karen335

    I Did It!

    Tina, I am sure this will make a difference. Thank You!!! Karen
  4. What gets me is, the people or group denying treatments are not even doctors...
  5. WTG, Rich. God has a plan for you. Go out and celebrate... WOOOHOOOO!!!
  6. Roger, I smoked for 38 years, would panic if I started to run out of cigs. All doc had to do was say, "Does LC run in your family" Scared the chit right out of me, I quit cold turkey that day. That was January 10, 2003. Kept cigs in my truck for 2 wks after that, finally threw them away. Just think to yourself, do I want to smoke or LIVE. It's like a person you don't like, you don't go and visit them. You avoid the situation, visualize those cigs as cancer cells, polluting your body. I speak from experience. Prayers that you'll have the will power to quit... Pray about it. Karen
  7. http://www.welcomefunds.com/viatical-settlements.htm Rob, Not sure if I posted this in the right place... It explains how life insurance can be used to pay for treatment for a terminal illnes. If nothing else, it's worth a read... Prayers for your mom, Karen in So. California too
  8. Beckie, You keep the faith. I believe in Jesus too. You just keep a positive attitude and support your mom and dad. God is good and hears our prayers. This disease is beatable, Cindy RN and Geri are long term survivor's and your mom is too. Come here often to talk and vent. We are here for you with support and information regarding treatment and any thing else we cwn help with. Look at the SCLC Forum here, there may be information there that may help you... Hugs nd prayers, Karen
  9. http://www.leiomyosarcoma.info/basic.htm Pretty interesting. May help us to understand our reports a little better. Test results, Path reports and etc.. Karen
  10. karen335

    Prayer request

    Hi Christy, Sorry to read this news about your aunt. I am HOlding her up in prayer each day and asking for special favor for her. The VA does not move very fast. They are so busy. Just need to be persistant with them and keep bugging them til he gets some treatment and answers... Please keep us posted. Just know I am still and will keep praying. I do believe in miracles and it is God's will.. Hugs, Karen
  11. HI Barbara, Welcome!!! I was diagnosed March 2003. Couldn't have surgery, was 3a-3b. Tumor was on Pulmonary Artery, had chemo and radiation. Keep a positive attitude and keep the faith. This disease IS beatable. Hugs 4 "U", Karen
  12. Linda, I am sooooo impressed with the knowledge you have aquired. In such a short period of time too. You are a real advocate and blessing to your mom. I would be so proud to have a daughter like you... So happy you found this site. I say to you, WELCOME!!!!WELCOME!!!!! Karen
  13. Linda, I was given Zithromax for pneumonia. Ask the doctor about it, it is a Sulfa drug. Hope your mom starts feeling better. Hugs and prayers, Karen PS ~~~ Look up on the Internet or Google it...
  14. Don't know what to expect the 1st time. It is doable. After the 2nd/3rd time, it does get easier. Had my infusions at my onc's office. They were always feeding us. The drug sales people were always bringing in good food. Look forward to a free lunch once per week. LOL You also get to know your chemo friends, watch TV and catch up on reading. I too had carboplatin and Taxol. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Karen
  15. Karen, Just seeing you post is special. Miss seeing David and Faith's pictures. Miss you very much. You and Faith need to have a quiet and peaceful dinner together. Exchange a rose and just tell each other how much you mean and love one another... Share the hugs and just say, this is our special day. Please, come here often and let us know how you both are doing... Have a good day!!! Prayers and hugs, Karen
  16. http://www.mayoclinic.org/brachytherapy/ http://www.gliasite.com/glia_internalrad.asp Not negative. Just so frustrating because your not getting any answers. Doctors not responding or giving any answers. Have you asked about why her foot is so swollen, prop it up on a pillow, I wish I had answers to help you.
  17. In the process of weaning off decadron now. Had brain surgery 4 wks ago. Was on the steroid since Nov. 05... Down to .25mg per day almost off... YIPPEEEEEE, gained 25lbs and bad tude.. YIKESSSS!!! SORRY~~~ Getting a whole lot nicer and skinnier. Soon to be back to myself. HOORRAAAYYYY. Was on 2mg per day for 4 months (Edema in brain, then had surgery to remove ONE brain met) Down to 1mg daily for two weeks, then 1/2mg daily for 1week, now .25mg daily for 1 week. quit next week. Don't do this routine, ALWAYS check with your doctor. All individuals are different. I am NOT a doctor. This worked for me... Karen
  18. So what are the treatments for your mom, so she can get better? Chemo, radiation, more surgery, watch and wait, more testing. Hope the doctor's get a game plan going so mom can get better en not have to deal with a saga. She has more important things to do, like getting well and fighting this disease, not family and doctors. Don't mean to sound cold. Just concerned and interested in her next treatments and pray they work for her. Bickering doesn't help mom, it just keeps everyone on the defense and BP up. Let's get constructive and put our heads together and decide what is good for mom and what's not. Time is wasting away. Sandy is sitting in her bed waiting on someone to help her move on with treatment. I have NOT seen ANYONE on this thread offer a suggestion on treatment, including myself. There is NOT enough information to be able to help or even make suggestions. All I know is, I am NOT a soap opera fan. That being said, I close my comment. I guess I am too out spoken. I just tell it like it is , no punches pulled or no intent to hurt anyone's feelings. I am still alive, because of the valuable information I used to be able to find here, from experiences and treatments form others. It does not exist here any more. So sad !!!!
  19. Had the same Blue "Freddy Krueger Mask" for SRS..
  20. Thanks very much, Randy. Blessings and prayers, Karen
  21. Don, They have PET/Ct Scan for the brain. They give you the sugar glucose injection, just like with the whole body PET scan. Have had two of the PET/CT scans of the brain...
  22. Praying mom can continue with rehab. Sounds like that is what Sandy wants to do. She just wants to get well. God Bless and prayers, Karen
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