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Everything posted by beckyg

  1. I echo Heather on that doctor. Shame on him for his lousy attitude. I appreciate that he did talk to you about the risks for long-term damage--mine radiation oncologist made a big deal about the short term effects on my esophagus and on my skin but didn't say anything about what it could do to me months after treatment ended. That said, some people have had amazing responses from radiation--don't let yourselves get too down. Becky
  2. beckyg

    ? Mets

    It just means there is something that showed up on the scan and they can't be sure what it is without further tests. Becky
  3. I am so sorry. I will miss him. Becky
  4. beckyg


    Not everyone loses their hair. I don't know if people usually do with gemzar, but it seems when people do lose their hair, it happens about three to four weeks after chemo. It also seems to start growing about about 6 weeks after chemo ends. Becky
  5. beckyg


    Cheryl, Give yourself some time to "pull it together". You are still less than a month from diagnosis--it is natural to still be emotional and unsteady about it. I am almost 11 months from diagnosis, and most of the time I am pretty steady emotionally, but there are still times when the tears come. Hang in there--you're doing fine. Becky
  6. Carleen, I am so happy to see you back again. I've been wondering about you and Keith. What great news about Keith's liver and the new doctor. Enjoy all yuor holiday chaos--I am looking forward to some choas myself! Becky
  7. Dang, 98% saw their tumors shrink. Seems like this ought to be big news. Becky
  8. I started coughing in September. Mid-October I developed a fever, chills, etc. The doctor diagnosed pneumonia and put me on antibiotics, which helped. Said that the cough probably started because of allergies--we had just moved to East Texas in August. In January I went for my annual and the cough had never completely gone away. In my world, coughs have always lasted 6-8 weeks, but this was getting excessive. He sent me for a chest x-ray, just to make sure that pneumonia wasn't "trying to come back." I went back to the hospital in the afternoon to pick up the films and the radiologist came out and said, "I have already talked to your doctor and we would like you to do a CT scan of your chest. Since you're here now, we can go ahead and do it." That was a Tuesday, and by Friday I had a confirmed diagnosis and a referral to pulmonologist and surgeon in Houston. Becky
  9. beckyg

    Can We Make a Pact?

    You people are nuts. I love you all. I have gone through the whole range of emotions this morning sitting in my officwe catching up from the weekend's news, and I like this laughing out loud part best. Becky
  10. I am so sorry to hear this news. Becky
  11. I wasn't offered Ethyol and was too new at this game to know about it myself. Now, suffering as I have from severe radiation pneumonitis, I wish it had been something I at least tried--it might have made me sick, but it might have protected my lung some. I would advise anyone doing concurrent chemo and chest radiation to at least ask about it--not being able to breathe is by far the worst part of my cancer experience. Becky
  12. It does sound rough, but at least in my experience, it took a while for the radiation sore throat to begin. I am considerably younger than your mom, so that may have had something to do with it, but it still normally takes a while for the radiation to build up enough to start causing trouble. Becky
  13. Actually, Becky, the smoking is responsible for a lot of deaths other than lung cancer. Lung cancer only accounts for about 150,000. The rest of the deaths Rick was referencing are from emphysema, heart attacks, other kinds of cancer, ........ I do agree that the research might go quicker if the world got it that there are more people like you and me out here with lung cancer than they think. I don't know what caused mt cancer, and I probably never will, but it wasn't cigarettes. That news ought to scare people, and it does--it's not at all comfortable to realize that the thought that "I never smoked, so I don't have to worry about lung cancer" just isn't true. Becky
  14. beckyg

    Iressa rash

    Ry, Here they sell it at Wal-Mart. I also found it at Eckerd's--they didn't have the Udderly Smooth, but they had the same thing packaged as "Udder Balm". The Udderly Smooth comes in a white bottle with black spots--I guess to look like a cow. Becky
  15. beckyg

    Iressa rash

    Well, I have been using the Udderly Smooth for about a week now. No miraculous clearing up of the rash--I still have red bumps all over my legs, but they are MUCH less sensitive. I wouldn't want to scrub them or anything, but washing and drying my legs is no longer painful, and I have stopped dreading pulling up my jeans. The upshot is that I do recommend the lotion for everyone taking Iressa--it might even be that if I had started using it early on, the rash would never have gotten to the uncomfortable point it got for me. Becky
  16. It is definitely normal to wait at least a month after radiation to scan that area. Radaition continues to work for up to six months after treatment, but it does most of its work during the treatment period and the month or so afterward. They just want to wait on the scan until they think the radiation has done its best. Becky
  17. Interesting article. I particularly found it interesting, being me in my situation, that she pointed out that most nonsmokers are diagnosed each year with lung cancer than are killed by drunk drivers, murder, or high blood pressure. Yet we are taught popularly that those are the things to worry about. Becky
  18. beckyg

    Iressa rash

    Becky, I am not having anywhere near the trouble with the rash that you described. My face is red and blotchy, but it doesn't hurt--I have just been washing and moisturizing it normally throughout. The rash on my legs doesn't itch or ooze. It just looks like I have ingrown hairs all over my legs--little red bumps. They only really bother me when I am doing crazy things like washing them or pulling clothes over them. Occasionally my scalp gets a little tender, but a few days of baby shampoo has taken care of that so far. It has affected my body hair--some falling out, some growing in different than it use to be (kinky curly hair on my arms, for example), but the hair on my head is very thick these days. I tried the new lotion last night and this morning and there is no miraculous change, though it is nice lotion. I hadn't noticed that my skin was particularly dry until it soaked up the lotion and looked noticeably different. So I don't know whether it will help the skin sensitivity, but it at least is helping the dryness. As a side note, we had our first hard freeze of the season this moring--I had forgotten how hard it is to breathe cold air. (I know, I am wimp about cold, but 28 degrees is really cold to me!) Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
  19. beckyg

    Iressa rash

    I called the oncologist this morning and the nurse told me that the manufacturer of Iressa now recommends that Iressa users use a lotion called Udderly Smooth on the rash. She told me to pick some up and try it for a few days--if things don't improve, I should call them back. It is just a very thick cream with Vitamins A, D, and E, Aloe Vera and Lanolin. I'll let you all know if it helps. Becky
  20. beckyg

    Iressa rash

    My rash has been spreading the last few weeks--now it is all over my legs and chest; for three months I just had it on my face. The rash on my face hasn't hurt anything but my vanity, and my vanity mostly disappeared long ago. But the rash on my legs is TENDER. There are no open sores--just little red bumps. When I wash them, no matter the soap, it feels like there are needles in my washcloth. Pulling my pants up over my thighs is a delicate procedure. I haven't talked to the oncologist about this--I have an appointment next week. I just wondered if anyone had suggestions. Becky
  21. beckyg


    To my cheerleader: I am sorry to hear your frustrating news, but as you and everyone else have pointed out, you are going to do just fine. Too bad about the timing--it is of course no fun to be sick at the holidays. But I feel sure that this is going to work for you so we can keep cheering each other on for many more years! Becky
  22. Shauna, I am glad to see you posting here. We met a while back over on the PWLC site. This is a great place with amazing information and support. How are you feeling after your treatments? How is your daughter handling all this? Becky
  23. Absolutely--make sure that your radiation oncologist is on board about surgery from the beginning. Mine still doesn't seem to get that he gave me more radiation than he should have since I was going for surgery. I am not a surgical candidate for other reasons right now, but it was a shock to be told that I might never be a candidate for surgery because of the radiation that I got in order to make me a candidate for surgery! Becky
  24. I think everyone who has tried has come up with similar apathy on the part of the media. Last night I did see a "lung cancer story" on the local news, but I was highly disappointed to hear that the story was just about the fact that Texas is spending way less than recommended on smoking prevention and cessation programs. I am all for anything that stops people from smoking, but that's not lung cancer!! I sent e-mails to my local papers and tv outlets, and I got zero response. When I talk to people about lung cancer, they are interested and shocked to learn that it could happen to someone who hasn't been smoking for 30 years and all the other facts I can give them, but I can't seem to get that information out of my immediate surroundings.
  25. I am so gald to hear it, David! Becky
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