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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Debi

    Estelle Danner

    I didn't really know Estelle, but I have heard enough about her to know that she was a special lady... My condolences to her family and to her friends here...
  2. Good one Elaine I don't remember where Bruce works..I am still reeling from earlier on another forum where you asked him for a picture of himself in a pair of speedos...... have you never heard that expression, be careful what you wish for??? Next you'll be asking for a picture of FRANK in a tutu...
  3. Debi

    Real Men??

    By all means Elaine... I actually signed in, just to post to this. This joke is perfect Amy, and the answers just about sum up every man I have ever known except my son. He is still young enough that I have not YET given up all hope..... Easily worth 1,000 points...
  4. Bruce, What do you MEAN, you have decided to leave for awhile? For how long? When are you coming back? What about the rest of US?? Forgive the outburst, I have already lost a friend this month and wasn't expecting to be losing another one ... I will be talking to Ry about a really really big fine, Tina is going to be keeping an eye out for you at Dollywood and I'm sure Elaine won't mind coming by to confiscate all your Dolly wigs until your ready to come back. You may want to reconsider..this isn't going to be pretty...
  5. Glad to see you back Jane...
  6. WOW and how TRUE!!!! This one has to be worth ALOT of points for the women....
  7. Okay Muriel, I changed it just for you, okay? And I used to think you were demure....
  8. You guys rock..... thank you!!!!!!
  9. Thanks Becky..just how long did it take you to actually find that?? It is good to know that you are all carrying on David's harrassment of my adopted state... And thanks for all the replies... I want to answer each one but this would be way too long...and you know how I am never wordy...
  10. Thanks Bruce... and thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes.. With all the heartache on the board lately, I'm not sure if I want to celebrate my birthday harder or if I feel bad celebrating it at all... either way, I guess it will be here tomorrow, so thanks for remembering!!
  11. Ginny, I don't even know what to write. I am so sorry for your loss..
  12. Do you two guys actually need anyone else posting on here??? You just go with your big bad selves and keep that Mutual Admiration Society going ...
  13. Debi


    Where is Francine? Blue Bayou?? Has anyone heard from her??
  14. Debi


    Cathy, I am not sure if I have already welcomed you to the board, but if not, welcome!! I think a big part of any battle is knowing that other people feel the same way as you do. Keep spouting..its what makes this all work for all of us... Please keep us updated!!
  15. Debi

    He has given up

    Sharyn, I'm sorry your going through this with your dad, it must be terrifying and frustrating for you. I don't have any advice to contribute other than the fact that I think you should definitely go ahead and contact his Oncologist like you plan to. Just wanted to let you know my thoughts are with you and your dad..
  16. Mandy, I too have had kidney stones on 2 different occasions, and the pain is horrendous, exactly like labor pain. I don't understand how it could be inconclusive either, what did they do to treat her? You either have stones or you don't .. you either pass it or they do something to help you pass it..and the pain goes away if the stone(s) are gone. I'm not sure why the mystery on the doctor's part? Everything may be totally on the up and up but I would definitely push the doctor for answers.
  17. Ginny, I think by now, we have all come to realize what a wonderful man the Duke is, since you have such a gift of writing how things are through your eyes. I'm so glad that you have been able to have him home with you. My thoughts are with you both...
  18. Bo, Hope you don't mind me adding the bold in your quote, but I think that this was an important part of your sentence. Someone once told me, opinions are like noses (okay, it wasn't noses, but it will do), everyone has one. Personally, I think that YOUR opinion has merit, and that others opinions do also. If I can add my 2 cents to this post: I believe that it is important that we all do what we think we need to do, individually, to keep the cancer at bay. If I honestly believe that hopping on one foot and doing the chicken dance is helping me, then that works for me. After all, are there any conclusive results that rule out that my mind does not have some sort of control over my immune system? (disclaimer: I actually do NOT believe this, okay? ) I think it is important to share our beliefs..I think the problem comes in when someone feels SO strongly that their's are right, that they almost sound like they are forcing their beliefs on others. I think you only need to look in history books to see the danger of that. I applaud the strength of other's convictions while admittedly, still being an occasional willing hostage to Ben & Jerry's....
  19. Elaine, What an amazing woman your mother must be to take time to have you post her thanks and well wishes to US!!! Just wanted to let you and your mom know that my thoughts are with you both...
  20. Frank....Michigan time is the SAME as Pennsylvania time, EST... and I thought that I was geographically challenged!!! And Bruce..I like the new pic ...is that pre-Dollywood or post-Dollywood??
  21. Sorry, this one just fell in my lap at work and I had to pass it on... A blonde is interviewing for the job of assistant sheriff. The sheriff asks her, what is 1 plus 1? The blonde answers 11. "Well, says the sheriff, that is sort of right. Let's try another one." Next he asks her "Name 2 days that start with the letter T". Without skipping a beat, the blonde replies "Today and Tomorrow". THe sheriff again tells her that its sort of right and thinks of another question. "Okay" he says, "Who killed Abraham Lincoln"? The blonde pursed her lips and cocked her head and wrinkled her forehead for several minutes. Finally the sheriff told her to go home, take a little time and come back to him with an answer. As the blonde was leaving the sheriff's office, her friends at the hair salon saw her and asked if she got the job. With a big grin she replied, "Heck yes, and I even have my first murder case to solve!!!"
  22. Debi

    Tuesdays With David A

    I would never grow tired of kicking this up for you David....but I have to say goodbye.... just this one last kick... XXOOXX
  23. Debi

    Tuesdays With David A

    Kicking it up for you David...
  24. Pat, It sounds like you have a pretty good plan in place and "someone" is watching over you!!!! You keep us posted on what's going on with you, okay??
  25. Great idea John..I was looking for blonde jokes last night with the same thought in mind. Every one I found made me cringe, but then I remembered David's blonde jokes always DID make me cringe ... So here ya go, for David.... Coffee drinker A blonde says to a brunette, "Excuse me, but each time I sip my coffee, my eye seems to hurt." The brunette says, "Well, maybe you should take the spoon out of the cup." The Pig A blonde was walking down the road with a healthy looking pig under her arm. As she passed the bus stop, someone asked, "Where did you get that?" The pig replied, "I won her in a raffle The Blonde selling her car A blonde tried to sell her old car. She was having a lot of problems selling it, because the car had 250,000 miles on it. One day, she told her problem to a brunette she worked with at a salon. The brunette told her, "There is a possibility to make the car easier to sell, but it's not legal." "That doesn't matter," replied the blonde, "if I only can sell the car." "Okay," said the brunette. "Here is the address of a friend of mine. He owns a car repair shop. Tell him I sent you and he will turn the counter in your car back to 50,000 miles. Then it should not be a problem to sell your car anymore." The following weekend, the blonde made the trip to the mechanic. About one month after that, the brunette asked the blonde, "Did you sell your car?" "No," replied the blonde, "why should I? It only has 50,000 miles on it."
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