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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Bruce, Am glad to hear things are looking up for you. How wierd about the blood thing...You might want to try hanging a few crucifexes around in case there is a vampire lurking. Have you checked your neck for any puncture wounds?
  2. Debi


    Q: What do they call a dozen ugly chickens sitting in a crate at a Michigan post office? A: John's early Christmas gift
  3. Don't push me John... there's a chicken out there with your name on it...
  4. John, John, John... You never should have said that.... just how far are you from the post office anyway?? muhahahhahahahahahahhah
  5. I just want to "ditto" what everyone else before me has said... I wish the best for Bob and hope you realize what a great friend you are to him!!!
  6. My sympathies are with you and your family Angie...
  7. I'm still stuck on the fact that in 1965 Frank was old enough to drink...
  8. Paddy, So sorry that I am late responding..it has been a busy week for me. I am sorry that David is feeling poorly and will be thinking of you both..
  9. Debi


    Congratulations to you.... I say, go shopping!!!
  10. Debi

    Missing My Dad

    Jean, I'm off from work today and just read your post. I was touched by your pain and felt the need to respond and then read your second post and knew that I had to respond. I lost my dad also and I know the pain of that. I am glad that your day with your family went good yesterday and wish there was something that I could say to alleviate your pain. Also, I'm going to be honest with you. I hardly ever come to the Grieving forum. Although I can empathize strongly with the grief that families have, I find it hard emotionally for me to come here. It is like seeing my future if/when the cancer comes back. I know the pain that my family will go through, I have a 5 year old son and every time I think about leaving him alone in this world, my throat closes with terror and I have to mentally force myself to think of something else so I can function. I am physically okay right now but this forum reminds me of my own mortality and makes me uncertain again. I don't mean to sound selfish but I guess in some respects it may appear that I am. I know that people need consolation, not only here but in other forums, and instead I avoid them so that I can make peace with myself. I apologize if my self preservation has ever been taken as a slight against anyone, it has never ever been meant that way.... Jean, I wish you and all of us a way to find the peace that we all so badly deserve..
  11. Debi

    I'm Home!

    Am SO glad you are home Elaine...
  12. Okay Curtis..I don't even have friggin indoor lectricity or plumbin' and you want me to figure out one of them thar fancy mathematical equasions???
  13. Debi

    Elaine 2000

    Wooooooooo Hoooooooooooo Elaine!!!!
  14. Jeesh Teresa... I thought I would at least get an indoor toilet for this...
  15. Okay, don't laugh at me but I think the change in the seasons brings it on for me... memories of smelling autumn leaves in the air while puffing on a cigarette. I think smoking, for me, was more enjoyable in the cooler weather. They don't call it a habit/addiction for nothin ya know... I have been having smoking dreams just about every night.. and just night before last I had one that seemed so real. I'm also having alot of stress at my job, so that helps explain mine away...but I stick to my change of season theory...
  16. Will be thinking of Shellie and her sister tomorrow...
  17. Hey Paula, YOu are so right..all of us have looked on the surgery as a big scary deal!! But as others have said, even though it doesn't necessarily feel like it, you are lucky to be able to have it... Keep exercising and before you know it, you'll be recovering from the surgery!! You sound like a go-getter since it sounds like you have already taken charge of your health care... I think you will do just fine!! Good luck and keep posting...
  18. Rich, I am sorry that you are suffering from so much pain... but please, whine away if it helps any. That's what we are here for!! I can identify with the disabled feeling though and being unable to do the things that you need/want to. For the first time ever I had experienced this after my surgery and it was not pleasant, you never realize how much you do do until you are disabled in any way. I remember being on LOA after surgery and having all this time every day and being unable to even paint the kitchen cabinets that needed it so bad!! I understand your frustration. Here's hoping that your doctor hits on the magic formula for you soon for that pain...
  19. Debi

    CT Results

    Hey, me too. I haven't been on much and can't believe I missed your news... Congratulations Joe...
  20. Shirl, I only get chest xrays and blood work every 3 months. I have had a brain MRI since I had headaches to rule out brain mets, and a bone scan to rule out bone mets but as a rule, do not have these tests on a schedule. The only PET I had was almost 2 years ago when my nodule was found. My Onc has told me I only have to come every 6 months now but I don't feel comfortable with that and go to my regular doctor in between for an xray (or CT scan if I can talk him into it). Originally I was told by my Surgeon I needed every 3 months for 3 years, and then every 6 months. I think you will get all different answers on here to be honest. If you don't feel comfortable with your doctor, I would advise to get the 2nd opinion and to go with what feels right for you. Good luck to you...
  21. Oh my gosh Elaine!!! You have been posting so many good ones..and this one got by me earlier. It cracked me up!!
  22. Okay, I'm on my way out the door and can't get number 12..something about a star???!!! Not sure if 3 and 9 are right either!!! Anyway...good one!!! 1. All that glitters is not gold. 2. Where there's smoke, there's fire. 3. Beggars cant be choosers. (?) 4. Too many chefs spoil the broth. 5. Charity begins at home. 6. Dead men tell no tales. 7. People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. 8. The pen is mightier than the sword. 9. He who laughs last, laughs loudest (?) 10. Don't cry over spilled milk. 11. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 12. ???? 13. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 14. Look beforeyou leep 15. Cleanliness is next to Godliness 16. Can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  23. Make sure you post the new address Muriel, so I can send you the housewarming chicken, errr, ummm, I mean gift. Have fun in Orlando!!! I'm not sure if I'll come to visit but I will certainly send my son for the summer.
  24. Okay, I have to admit Frank, this one actually made me laugh..
  25. Enjoy yourself Ginny.... you deserve it big time!!! And its a beautiful time of the year for a weekend away...
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