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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Debi

    David A

    There are always those people who you are glad to see, who you care about just a touch more than others... David was one of those people to me. David's humour, his love of life and people and his family, his courage in fighting his disease... all of these qualities were too big to be contained on a computer screen..they spilled over into our lives. David gave so much of himself. I am going to miss you David, and my heart is with the boys and family.
  2. Debi

    Tuesdays With David A

    I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry Rochelle, I know you were a great friend to David and that is all we can ever strive to be in life. I'm having a hard time with this death also. I saw the post this morning before work, and sobbed in the shower and on my way to work. I'm not a cryer but I have cried enough tears today for the year. I can't seem to stop, and each time that I remember that David is gone, the tears start up again. I have cried so much that I have a headache and my eyes hurt. I only told 2 people at work what happened, when they asked what was wrong. It seemed so hard to try to explain why I was this upset over someone that I never met nor talked to other than in email or PMs or on this board. David was so full of life and humour.. I am going to miss him for a very long time....
  3. Debi

    David A

    Am sitting here trying to be patient, waiting to hear how it went....
  4. David, I am home from work tomorrow and will be thinking of you at 12:30 pm, my time, sending all my good thoughts your way... Do you have to stay in the hospital for this? Or is it an outpatient procedure? I don't blame you for being scared and nervous, I think it more than comes with the territory. You are going to be okay David.. like you said, you're not done living yet. And I am planning on installing that thar indoor plumbing and electric light, so that you can come down and visit soon....
  5. Wow Gail, you sure have alot on your plate right now and all this without a massage in 2 months! That alone can make you tense... I'm not giving you advice because you already know what you need to do and are doing it. I wanted to just relate also to the people not understanding about the site. My daughter understands because she is an "internet person" but I have told a few friends and been met with that sort of blank stare and half smile and nod. You know when they walk off they look like this , or this: ! Oh well... I totally relate also to your son leaving for college.. I had an only child once too. I sank into a deep depression after she turned 18 (not totally from that, but partly I think). I am so glad you have made a list of things to do to take care of this..I didn't have the insight at the time. And Gail, if you put "empty nest syndrome" in the search feature of your browser, you will come up with all types of sites with ideas to make yourself feel better. Oh there I go giving advice anyway... Enjoy your weekend with your sisters..it sounds like so much fun!!!
  6. Debi

    funny story

    Bet, This is so funny...and I can relate to the neurotic part so well!!
  7. Sorry Bruce..too late, you're homebound, pay up!!! And don't EVEN bring out the beach card. You haven't gone in 47 years, don't try to get sympathy that Ry is taking your gas money and poor BC can't get to the beach now... Ry, fine him big!! and while your at it, you need to fine yourSELF for not coming to chat last night. Also, FRANK was using his tongue to type again, isn't there a fine for that?? If not, there should be! I need to stay off the computer at work....
  8. Okay Bruce, I have counted TWO, count em TWO, "women are stupid" jokes from you in as many days. Need I remind you that DOLLY is a woman too? And by the way, if you don't start straightening up, I will have to let RY know that she needs to fine you BIG time for hiding your true identity from certain people in last night's chat.. I hate wasting politeness on people I know... :wink: Oh, and Faye...shhhh don't encourage him...
  9. Debi

    Not cancer related

    David, Just saw this..I am sorry to hear about your grandmother....
  10. Cheryl, I just got back from a weekend of visiting my daughter and haven't had time to read anything, but I have to let you know, I was cracking up when I read this post. Why is it that part of having a boat is to have everything go wrong that possibly can?? You brought back memories of when my dad was alive and him and my mom would go out on the bay and half the time end up getting towed back. Later, when I lived on the water, I used to get calls from the Coast Guard all the time to relay messages to my neighbor's wifes that they were stuck out in the bay and wouldn't be home for dinner. So glad that you were able to enjoy the day anyway... and thanks for bringing back forgotten memories for me...
  11. Debi

    TBone has died.

    My sincere sympathies to all of TBone's family..
  12. Angie, I remember going to Walmart at about 3 weeks out of surgery and thinking that there was no way I was going to make back to my car without passing out. I stood at the cashier in a cold sweat and felt like I had run a marathon because I walked to get milk at the back of the store. Recovery from surgery is long, and it was some time before I felt like myself and could breath normally and walk somewhere without getting winded. I would say about 3 months out I started feeling fairly normal again but the whole first year was a process of slowly coming back in many areas, both physically and mentally. Just tell your dad to keep using the spirometer (sp?) to help his breathing and to start walking a little bit each day to build himself back up. It is only a bit over a week and he had major surgery, he needs to give himself a chance to recover slowly. Welcome to the board and please keep posting on your dad's progress!!
  13. Debi

    another update

    David, I am so sorry for all this new stuff that you are having to go through. You know that you have a fighter heart and spirit, just remember that David, and don't be afraid, you are going to be able to face all this stuff head on with your army (that would be us!) behind you! I'm not the praying sort but my daughter is (go figure! ). I am going up to see her this weekend and I am going to make sure that her and my grandchildren have your back in their nightly prayers. (Don't tell Ry I'm leaving, I am sneaking off without a pass) I am glad you started the chemo today and have good feelings about it...
  14. Debi


    Becky and Cindy, I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head. I was never sick a day in my life, never even had surgery except when I was a kid to get my tonsils out and then all of a sudden, not just a brick falls on my head but an entire building. Sometiems I feel like my life now belongs to somebody else, especially when I am turning into the Cancer Care Center for my 3 month checkups. The Cancer Care Center?? How can I be going there?? It just is so surreal sometimes. I know that this isn't just about me and that you all have had the same thoughts. That's what makes this board work so well.. no matter what someone says, there are always people there to identify and help. Thanks to all of you for making me feel better as only you guys can, thank you Hebbie for digging around to find that old post and thanks Ry for being as sympathetic as always
  15. Yeah but David, I feel like your holding back... how do you REALLY feel about your car??? I just caught this thread and hope you got all the sleep that you needed. I hope your feeling better about things..I know when I'm up by myself in the middle of the night, all types of things whisper to me. As always David, my thoughts will be with you on Thursday.
  16. Debi


    Or should I say Will the Real Hypochondriac Please Step Forward??? Had xrays taken of my chest and my ribs Monday because I have been having recurrent pain. (Dont get this confused with the brain MRI I had a few months back because I had double vision ) The doctor FINALLY called today with the results (yeah, so patience ISN'T one of my virtues) and said that all looks okay. I will follow up with a bone scan but the doctor told me that an xray would most likely show if I had mets to my ribs. Anyway, my back, right side and under my breast have stepped up a notch from uncomfortable to pretty uncomfortable, that is the reason I went to see the doctor. About a month ago, I stopped sleeping on my right side again because it hurt. I feel like I'm regressing .. it took me 6 months to be able to sleep on that side, now all of a sudden I can't. My side and directly under my breast is sore to the touch and feels like it is swollen. But it always has been to a degree. The doctor gave me 2 needles, one a steroid, the other a muscle relaxer and it has taken the edge off a bit. I am continuously in a state of self doubt.. has the uncomfortability actually gotten worse or have I recently become more in tuned to it?? Has it always been this way and I am just going through a paranoia stage?? Are nerves still reconnecting and the feeling changing? Or is there really something wrong and I need to keep pursuing it?? Anyway, I guess I'm not looking for answers as much as just venting. I am glad that these xrays were negative but am feeling rather pathetic...
  17. Just to let all you Texans know..I will be more than happy to help out with any plans made in Dallas... just let me know what you need me to do. As you know, I 'm only a stone's throw. Also, for any "Yankees", come on down. I am a Northerner living in the South so I will be glad to serve as interpreter when needed. And DavidA, I think they have taken the roadblocks down by now so it should be safe. I think Norme was coming to Texas for a quilt show sometime in late fall???
  18. Cheryl, I am THERE whenever you guys say the word. I am presently sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't make it to Michigan to see all my Northern friends. But I will be in Dallas for a party in a heartbeat if I have to hitchhike!! In the meantime, do you think we should order about 20 pizzas and have them delivered to Ry's party??? Something has to make me feel better!
  19. Addie, You put it all in a nutshell. Overwhelmed with good news pretty much sums it up...is there anything better?? I am glad to hear that you are doing good....
  20. Debi

    no more nightmares!

    Wow Betty, you go girl!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!
  21. Debi

    Resuming chemo

    David, I am glad that you were able to enjoy your summer and even more glad that you are going back on a treatment plan next week. I have a good feeling about this chemo too!!! I can relate strongly to the humidity outside. It is humid here in Oklahoma and something like 108 on the heat index. We had ozone alerts in several parts of the state and I am feeling it whenever I go outside. Today at work they decided to work on the central air so at some points during the day, all the zones were turned off. I felt like I couldn't get enough air. One of my coworkers asked me if I am having it rough breathing because she noticed yesterday that my breathing was different. This heat affects me even when I am indoors it seems. Stay cool and breathe easy David!!
  22. Just wanted to add my 2 cents, actually 1 cent since you two seem to have it all covered... I was involved in a fundraising event with my job a couple years ago and did the same stuff that you have done Andrea, as far as getting donations for the door prizes. Believe it or not, we even managed to get donations from the local jewelry stores ! We had sent out letters with our phone number, and then followed up with telephone calls. This is a small town and I'm not sure that it would work in a larger city, but we also offered to acknowledge all the businesses that donated. We took out a 1/4 ad in the local paper and after the event, sent in a small thank you ad with the list of the businesses. We managed to get that mostly donated by the newspaper and only had to pay a small fee. The extra "plus" of having "free advertisement" convinced some businesses to donate where they may have not otherwise.....
  23. Debi


    I don't really have any answers for you but wanted to let you know that I will be thinking of you this week. There have been alot of tests done to members here and I would say that they have come back negative more times than positive. And I know the waiting is tough- I think everyone on here can relate to that!! Good luck this week. Please continue posting and keep us updated on your results....
  24. So glad to see you back home and posting Cheryl....
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