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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Peggy, So sorry to hear of your loss..
  2. Thanks for the sunshine and all Snowflake, but you know I'm filling in for Ry. I have to fine you $10 for posting the lyrics of a John Denver song.... It could be worse, Barry Manilow is $20.
  3. Thanks Angie for helping..Ry knows I am NOT good with money..I should not be collecting fines. Okay Ry, a $10 fine for LEAVING the house when someone named Sven is doing your floors....... And Bruce, I am so glad to hear all is well with your cough.. $10 fine for changing the subject.
  4. Ginny, Your posts and updates on the Duke have been a constant since I first signed up on the board. I have never met him nor spoken to him but you have given me the gift of knowing him through your words.. Because of you, I have shared the happiness and now the sadness of this man I have never met. You don't ever have to ask for my support Ginny, it is always here for you. Whatever comes your way, whatever decisions are made, I will always be here rooting for you and the Duke....
  5. Well, I missed the worrying part but arrived just in time for the congratulations!!! Am glad to hear the news is good...
  6. For those of you who missed the post..the site was down for about 24 hours ... http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... highlight=
  7. Debi

    Missing Makwa 04

    Has anyone heard from Makwa 04 who had just been posting here for a little bit? He pretty much posted every day up until last Sunday, June 13th and then nothing... I am worried about him being away this long...
  8. Debi

    test trauma

    Gail, How great to hear that everything went good for you... Am glad I am not the only one who's blood pressure hits the roof. Every 3 months when I go to the Oncologist my BP is 150 plus over 90 something. They always ask me if I have high blood pressure and I tell them, only here. Congratulations again and go shop or get a massage or do something good...
  9. Sandy, I am sure that this will all turn out to be a false alarm, but am SO sorry that you have to go through the waiting and wondering routine ! My thoughts are with you and I am all crossed..
  10. Congratulations on your one year out of surgery...enjoy your day Cindy! I am sorry that we are all here but I am glad that none of us have to go down this road alone... Here's to surviving, and sticking around to tell about it...
  11. Ginny, Sometimes I don't post because I don't know what to say to make things better. This is one of those times, but I'm posting anyway. I want you to know that you and the Duke are in my thoughts tonight...
  12. Jane, You have weaved a beautiful story among your grief. I hope that the memory of the special days you spent with Alan will help lessen your sorrow in the days ahead....
  13. Debi


    Jeesh Francine, talk about a roller coaster ride!! I am so sorry that you are going through this... Perhaps there is another neurosurgeon in town if this one doesn't do any confidence boosting after he sees the report? How could he make decisions without seeing the MRI?? I know you don't need me telling you this, but I have to anyway..make sure you stay right ON top of this guy.. I wish you all the best Francine and you are in my thoughts as always...
  14. Debi

    One year...

    Thank you so much for all your posts..they all mean so much to me.... I am only still here on this board because of all of you.. Yesterday was a good day... at work my "team" surprised me with a cake, balloons, flowers, candy and a stuffed animal! We all had the cake in the lunchroom and celebrated my 1st year of being a survivor together..screw work . It made the anniversary of my surgery (well, I call it my rebirthday but I'm not sure the term will catch on ) even more special.... Congratulations to my co-celebrators on here....
  15. I have to admit that everytime I read something about estrogen causing lung cancer, I take a breath.. I had had some "woman" problems over 10 years ago and my doctor did quite a few tests. The end results were that I was having so many problems because my body manufactured way too much estrogen. At the time, I was told the only solution would have been to take birth contol pills which wasn't an option because I was just over 35 and I smoked. So basically, I learned to live with my problem and extra estrogen supply. I have never commented before on the estrogen posts because it is like that dark corner that I don't want to go into because I am afraid of what I'll find..yes, I know that smoking contributed at least in part to my getting lung cancer, but how much responsibility did my own body have? Its somehow easier for me to just blame it on smoking than to think my own built in chemical lab has a shorted fuse somewhere. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone other than me .....
  16. Debi

    One year...

    Tonight is one year from my last cigarette and tomorrow is one year from my surgery.... Sometimes I tend to kick myself in the butt for not getting on with my life. But sitting here and looking back just 365 days ago, I am amazed at how far I have come.... Some days I actually forget to remember that I have cancer..gone for the most part are those nights that I couldn't sleep..or would go to sleep..and wake up every hour for no reason other than to remember that I had cancer... My right side and under my breast is still somewhat numb and I still have some discomfort but wow, I couldn't even sleep on my right side for 4 months... now, I sleep on it every night... My breathing is good, my body feels good, my mind is improving... I owe this past year and my slow progress back into sanity to all of you, here on this board. Your posts, your advice, your humor, your stories have helped me to mend even when I thought I never would. Despite the all too frequent suffering, I have heard the bigger message on this board, the message that hope is larger than me and that all things are possible. Thank you all for this gift you have given me....
  17. Well, I"m glad that Connie is sending out the dream catcher..... I happened to have heard of a chicken sale Ry so if you think they will help Fay... we can do that. We can forget about the dream catcher and send along a chicken catcher with the chickens.... perhaps a cowboy in a cowboy hat with full facial hair, and spurs... Don't worry Fay..we'll fix those dreams right up for you.....
  18. I totally forgot today was your birthday..... I feel like the putz.... Hope you have a happy happy happy birthday David..you deserve it!!!! P.S. Your gift will be in the mail.. just stand back a foot or two when you open it and don't mind the air holes...
  19. Just in case we forget that idiots are not exclusive to America...... http://society.guardian.co.uk/publichea ... 32,00.html http://politics.guardian.co.uk/publicse ... 24,00.html
  20. Debi

    Brain MRI Results

    I used to dream of going to Hawaii or the Islands or Europe... now I have to choose between Michigan and Dollywood. I may just have to make a poll for this one!!! And thank you David and yes, I saw A Beautiful Mind...I love that movie..it took me the whole time to "get it" though.. And to the rest of you ..thanks for your wonderful replies..I don't think I will EVER be able to leave this board and all of you.....you help to keep the insanity at a distance...
  21. Debi

    Brain MRI Results

    Thanks all.. Hebbie...same thing... the one time it looked like a crazy Pacman with flashing xmas tree lights around him going back and forth across my vision...it is so hard to describe... I never knew there were migraines without headache pain.. And how true Sandy..things that I wouldn't pause over before now fill me with dread... so hard to balance on that be careful but not neurotic tightrope!!
  22. Debi

    Brain MRI Results

    I had a brain MRI yesterday because I have been having vision problems off and on in my left eye... I didn't have a good feeling about this one but my doctor called today with the results. He said everything is absolutely clean in my head, my sinus cavities, my eye sockets... in fact, he said the inside of my head is beautiful! My doctor and the Opthmologist seem to think that I am having opthomology migrains...I can live with them... It is so nice to breathe again.....
  23. Sharon, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your friend... my thoughts are with you....
  24. Hey Cary.... Sorry for temporarily hijacking this post but its about time you posted a pic after 18 months!! I think you need to post you and your dad's story up in "My Story" so that new posters can see what you have done for him and others by your tenacity and endless research..... Your contribution to his health and behind the scenes help to others is nothing short of remarkable...
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