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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Debi

    Thanks Debi :)

    Andrea, Sorry, I just saw this post. Your very welcome, I DO take commission on the name usage. Am glad that you liked my thought and are using it...how flattering!
  2. Charolette... Am sorry you have to be here but you have come to the right place!! Welcome to the board, and keep posting, we are here for you!!
  3. Yeah, I guess it wouldn't exactly be the best place to meet men, huh?
  4. SHHHH Norme..you know better than to call on me when they are talking about "Yankees".... I am keeping a low profile until the Civil War is over .... Anyway, you forgot that I scored lower than a 3rd grader on that geography test way back when. I have no clue what direction you go.. just wait for me and we'll get a map!
  5. Well it doesn't appear to be as inviting as Mo's Festival, but maybe I will go...it appears that I have become WAY too friendly with the Michiganites. Like I couldn't hook up with people in Hawaii or something. How great it would be Fay if you could make it too! We could bring Ry chickens!
  6. Chat, what chat? I must have missed it!
  7. Debi


    Francine, I wish I knew some secrets to make you feel better but I don't. I am glad for the good news that you posted and hope that the doctors find a way around the not so good stuff!!
  8. Karen, Am so glad that you are home and feeling so well!!! We have missed you!
  9. Ginny.... Doesn't sound like any blind date I'VE ever had!!!
  10. Ladies, I think we should go to the Testical Festival...we would have a ball!
  11. Ry, Say hi to David for me and if you DO happen to talk to Bob, please tell him I HAVE found a site that ships live chickens and have no qualms about doing so. He needs to come visit us and let us know how he is doing!!! Either that or the chickens...gentleman's choice!!!
  12. Fay, I wasn't going to post because I have never been in your shoes but realize that Dean Carl and myself have more in common than lung cancer I also feel uncomfortable about the possible damage to heart and lung. Overkill is a good thing with lung cancer, but you only have one heart and one lung and you have been through alot. That said, you are a smart, courageous woman and I don't think you have made any wrong choices so far....I know in my heart that whatever you decide will be the right choice for you....
  13. Thanks to all my friends and heroes....for all your replies (even Ry and her damn shoe )
  14. Ginny, You and The Duke are such a staple to this board and I always enjoy reading your updates. As much as you need the board, all of us need you.... I am glad that The Duke is starting PT and combined with the nicer weather, hope that he gets a bit more energy. Winter isn't too encouraging as far as leaving the house and combined with all that he has gone through, I can see the cold weather not helping!!! Keep updating as always... wishing the best to you and yours.....
  15. Mo, Just wanted to wish you luck tomorrow morning..you're an "old hand" at this by now and I am sure it will go smoothly...... I will be thinking of you tomorrow....
  16. Debi

    Help ~ Desparate

    Berisa, Sometimes I don't reply to posts because I feel as if I have nothing to offer. I have no medical advice for you but I wanted to let you know that I always follow your posts and your dad's health and know what an advocate you are for him. I hope that they are able to get your dad's infections under control soon and I will be thinking of you and your dad....
  17. Debi

    The Drunk

    This one is so terrible Becky. I love it!!!
  18. Will you tell him to make up his mind?? He is in, he is out, he is in... anything for attention!! He is worse than you for crying out loud!!! Tell him to get better quick and that he is in my thoughts daily!!!
  19. Debi

    Bank Guy

    A cranky old man walks into a bank and tells the teller "I want to open a damn checking account". THe astonished woman looks at him thinking she has heard wrong and says "I'm sorry sir, what did you say"? "Listen up damn it..I want to open a damn checking account now!!" "I'm very sorry sir but that type of language is not tolerated in the bank." The teller left the window and went to inform the bank manager who agreed to tell the man that his use of foul language would not be tolerated. They both return to the window and the manager says "Sir, what seems to be the problem here?" "There is no damn problem", the man says. " I just won 50 million dollars and I want to open a damn checking account in this damn bank". "I see", says the manager. "And this witch is giving you a hard time?"
  20. Debi

    What next?

    I had surgery and also was pronounced "cured" by my surgeon and Pulmonary Specialist. Both of them, plus my general doctor advised follow up CTs/or xrays every 3 months for 3 years. My Pulmononary Specialist would have been happy to do the follow ups for me and in fact told me I didn't need an Oncologist, but he was 4 hours away and I wanted to find someone closer. I found an Oncologist here in town who, on my first visit, started discussing putting a port in my chest and starting chemo for 6 months. There was a study done last May that suggested that adjuvent chemo after surgery improved the survival rate among lung cancer patients. I thought about what I wanted to do and decided to stick with the doctors that I trusted, who advised AGAINST adjuvent chemo. Although there are mixed opinions about this, the more that I have researched, the more that it appears that adjuvent chemo does nothing for Stage 1A lung cancer. There was a later study done in Italy which clearly stated that while adjuvent chemo was beneficial for Stage 1B and higher cancers, there was no evidence of benefit for Stage 1A patients. I guess adjuvent chemo is a matter of choice but people on here that are smarter than me told me to stick with the doctor's opinions that I trusted. That's what I ended up doing and I have no regrets.......
  21. Karen, What you have already gone through is truly amazing and I have no doubt that this is only a setback, and you will be good as new.... Will be looking for Bob's updates....
  22. Maybe its the spring air, maybe its the fact that my latest tests were all okay... whatever it is, I am starting to feel that maybe, just maybe, I WILL be okay after all. I feel bad saying that after the week that we have had on here but somehow I have gotten some hope. I am starting to feel alive again... and thinking that life may be possibility after all. I think I am finally learning to stop waiting for something bad to happen..not all the time..but here and there. I typed this with my fingers crossed so I don't jinx myself...
  23. Curtis, Like some others, I read your post early this morning, but had no words to write. After thinking about Becky all day, I still have found no words except I am so sorry and you and your little girl are in my thoughts....
  24. I had my surgery with the Surgeon thinking it was a 50/50 chance that it was cancerous...I went into the surgery not knowing. All I knew was that I had something in my lung that shouldn't be there and tests were unable to prove one way or the other what it was. We all agreed though, that no matter what it was, it didn't belong there and needed to go. Sounds like its time for a second opinion to me also....or perhaps you can ask for a PET scan for your father-in-law also which should detect whether it "lights up" as a cancer. Good luck and keep pushing!!!
  25. Enjoy the weekend Mo!!!!
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