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Everything posted by Debi

  1. Good!!! That's what its there for! Just a hint...Don't ever put "pretty blonde pictures" in the search field of your web browser. I have been to sites no woman has ever gone before! The things I go through.....
  2. My Gosh...only 5 days on this diet and I feel like a new person already!!! Check out the new pic!!! Not only do I FEEL 30 pounds lighter, I feel years younger!!! In all seriousness, I am home sick from work so I am basically eating everything in the house. Am about to start going out of the house and eating the grass.
  3. Shannon, Good to see that you are back and that life is going along for you! You and Mike were one of the first connections I felt when I came on this board because you were at the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Tulsa where I was about to go for surgery. You managed to calm my fears about a place I was going to, sight unseen, by speaking so highly of it. I am sorry that our paths just missed each other there. Thank you for helping to make my transition into this disease easier in some way....
  4. Barbara, Glad to hear you are back on your feet! I've had a cough and feeling of congestion in my throat for the last week, went to the doctor last Monday and he gave me antibiodics and cough medicine. The antibiodics are almost gone, and I spent the entire day coughing today which terrifies me because like Bruce, I really havent' had a cough in over 6 months. Tonight I feel slightly feverish and was thinking about calling the doc tomorrow again. After reading your post, I think that I will for sure. He took an xray last week, but since I haven't improved much, feel the need to stay on top of this. Again, glad you are doing better and were able to enjoy your holidays anyway even with everything going on! Thanks for posting... I definitely am going to follow up on myself tomorrow.
  5. Thanks for the heads up Ry on the age in my signature!! And Norme.. Talk about comedians....you're killing me over here!!!
  6. okay Ry... I think the Davids need to branch off and start their own diet club...just for being wise guys...The Fat Cancer Survivors Named David Club might work for starters. As far as lying..of course we can't lie. (psst Ginny..I can be bought)! This is, after all, the internet and NO ONE lies on the internet. Of course, I hope no eyebrows will be raised when I put up a new pic and not only lose 30 pounds but end up 20 years younger and looking like a totally different person. It has been known to happen with certain diets I have heard. By the way, my face is missing but it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the airing of America's Most Wanted this evening... nothing at ALL!! I actually was trying to post another pic and screwed both of them up! So, I shall remain for a time, faceless!
  7. Okay, the first has come and gone and I haven't lost a pound. How discouraging!!!
  8. Don, Just wanted to add my 2 cents to the others. I did have my surgery not knowing whether my nodule was cancerous or not. In fact, my surgeon was guessing that it might be Valley Fever, since I had lived in Phoenix and Valley Fever lung nodules are similiar in appearance on a CT and Xray to cancer. He basically told me that it was a 50/50 chance that it might be cancer. It started as a 1 centimeter shadow on an xray last January. CT didn't help, and neither did the PET scan but I was told that due to the size, the PET scan may not register it as malignant. I waited a couple months, there was some growth and my Pulmonary Dr said to me..its in your lung, its growing...lets take it out!! They felt it was still too small to do a needle biopsy and it was in a place where a bronchoscopy wouldn't reach it. From what I have pieced together about the surgery, my surgeon took a wedge and they biopsied it. They came back and said that it was cancer. When the surgeon went to take the upper lobe, my middle lobe wasn't responding well (for some reason it had staples in it already according to the pathology report?) and he decided to take that too and left my lower. Actually, between the tissues of both lobes and 17 lymph nodes, the only thing that tested cancerous was the nodule itself. I am glad that I had the surgery when I did, and actually wish that I could've had it sooner, but the doctors wanted to monitor the growth. I know at this point, a couple days before surgery, I was a nervous wreck. Before that I had managed to not think about it much. It sounds like your doctors have made the right decision and like the people before me have said, we are all here to support you. Any questions you may have, please ask..someone will have the answer!!
  9. Ginny, Thanks for the update. I don't always have something to reply to you and the Duke, but I always am glad to see your posts!!!
  10. Just for the record...I plan on losing 30 pounds and changing my name to Muffin.... Does anyone know if Ben & Jerrys make a non caloric ice cream?
  11. Deb.. I had said before that I felt like I knew your dad through your posts.. just saw this today and I want to echo the others before me. I am so sorry for you and my thoughts are with you and your family...
  12. Tami, I don't have any answers for you... but I felt compelled to share part of my story....I can relate to alot of what you said. I found out that I was pregnant at 41, when my daughter was 21. Needless to say I was shocked!! Of course at the time I was healthy, and did not have cancer, or at least had no idea if I did. Even with being healthy, for awhile I didn't know what to do but believe that everything happens for a reason and decided to have my son. My pregnancy was easier than I thought it would be and the birth was even easier! My son is a joy to me and never ceases to amaze me and make me laugh. All that said, I have to say that my greatest regret and worry is leaving him. The fear that I have for him if something should happen to me is paralyzing...he is 4 and a half years old now. I am so afraid for his future sometimes, that it takes my breath away. It is only because of him, that I am afraid to die. Perhaps thats a good thing...... Everyone's situation is different...and you have been given some good advice. Your first step is to go to a good OB and see if it is something that you can physically do. I wish you luck in whatever you choose...
  13. Bruce, Can't help you with the back hurting after you eat or drink...not sure what that could be. I am still numb kind of and believe it or not, still cannot lay on my right side when I sleep because the pressure causes me pain and discomfort the next day. I have to wear loose articles of clothing because any type of restriction or anything pressing on my back, side or front for any length of time causes actual pain and more discomfort. Do you also have a Pulmonary Specialist? Maybe you can talk to him/her and get their take on what you are feeling. Can't hurt and can only reassure you....
  14. Love the Snowglobe!!!!!! I'm in a crummy mood tonight so it gave me great pleasure to shake it!! Thanks!!
  15. Debi

    Elf Bowling

    Carleen.. Just wanted to say thanks for the Elf Bowling. My son and I have been playing it (with the volume on mute )!!! Cute!!!!!
  16. I wish the two of you a wonderful holiday!!! What great news for you....
  17. Damn it Bob!!! I didn't want to hear this..I didn't want you to have this..... You need to get crackin and get rid of those lesions as soon as you can. You are a survivor Bob...I know you'll get through this one step at a time......and you know you have a large support group here to help you.
  18. awww francine...so sorry that you are feeling so bad. This too shall pass! Like Eileen wrote, you never complain about yourself...and are always here for others. Please keep in touch when you can, we worry about you.
  19. Mo, Good thing you called them up...that was crazy!!! You just reminded me of something that has puzzled me...forgive me for going off on my story.. When I went for my 3 week post op xray, the technician took it and was looking at the film on the viewer off to the side of me. He knew it was post op and turned and asked me which lung had been operated on. I was a bit bewildered and told him, you may want to look for the one that's missing 2/3 of it and has a bunch of staples in it!! Holy cow!! Shouldn't you be able to TELL??
  20. Anyone hear from Francine? I have not seen her in several days and I believe she was starting some procedures this past Monday. I have limited brain cells so can't remember for sure..... but I AM used to seeing her almost daily on here and am getting concerned.
  21. Cathy, Please try to enjoy your holidays the best you can. Florida seems like a good place to start!!
  22. Debi

    Prayers Please

    Wishing you the best!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Bob, I am there with you tomorrow!! I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best.. you deserve it!!!
  24. Debi

    6 Months Post Op

    Thanks for all the well wishes...I am SO glad that I have "met" all of you..you have all made such a difference in my life in so many different ways...most of them good! And Frank...I am THRILLED that your daughter is coming to see you...enjoy your holidays!!! All my fellow celebrants..congratulations!!!!
  25. A little birdie mentioned that it was BobMc's birthday today (you never should have taught the bird how to use the keyboard Bob!) Happy Birthday Bob Um...try not to answer your doorbell tonight Bob... you never know what may be getting delivered.
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