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Everything posted by Danielle30

  1. I am so sorry for what you are going through. I will keep you and your family in my continued prayers and will will pray for peace for your dear Carlton. God Bless -Danielle
  2. I'm so sorry to read this.... my deepest condolences
  3. Carlton is in my prayers. I am praying for a positive outcome. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Stay strong. -Danielle
  4. I'm so sorry you need it, but you've come to the right place for support and encouragement. I will keep your sister in my prayers. -Danielle
  5. Thanks everyone for all your replies and imput. I appreciate those who shared a similar experience and am sorry for what you went through. I am just stunned to find out this happens as often as it does, what a shame. As for the tech who did this, my mom wont turn her in, she says the tech is a "nice girl just trying to help" and doesnt want her to get in trouble. It's just another exapmle to me of the kind heart my mom has. Mom says she feels better and believes she is better despite of what any scan says. So we're just going to feed off her positive attitude and go forward hoping future scans WILL show improvement. I've learned getting angry doesnt help my mom, nor does it make her better. So I just have to let it go... Thanks for all of the support -Danielle
  6. I know there is nothing I can do, but I am just venting. So, mom had a CT scan back on 1/12. We had been waiting on the results which were due at her next onc appt on 1/22. Then on 1/19 we go in for her daily radiation. The radiation tech tells mom that there is good news and she wants to give my mom a good report. Then this tech proceeds to show my mom 2 xrays of her primary tumor, her orignial, and her newest one that shows her tumor is shrinking. The tech told her it has gone form 7cm x 4cm to 2cm x 2cm. Needless to say we were elated. Mom was so excited to see it working. The family was ready to have a party over this news (understand it is the first news we have gotten since her dx). We were genuinely excited. So on 1/22 we go to the onc for the CT results, expecting good news. You can imagine our surprise when the onc tells us there has been no improvement at all and she now also sees possible mets on the liver. We were stunned. We tell the onc what happened in radiation and she says she doesnt know why were were told that as it is incorrect and she'll check into it. We left there devestated. 1/24 mom has chemo scheduled, my dad goes with her determined to get to the bottom of this. While mom was in chemo dad was all over the cancer center trying to find out what is going on. Turns out the radiation tech was wrong and never should have been telling my mom anything to begin with. Has anyone had something like this happen to them? I just find this to be so cruel to do this to my mom and our family. I feel like we were given hope and then it was ripped out from under us. I realize there is nothing I can do now, I think I just needed to vent this out. Thanks for listening..... -Danielle
  7. Get the sacn!! From a different perspective.... My mom was DX back in November '06. She has a primary tumor in the right lung, but has spots on the other lung one spot now on her liver, as well as it being in her bloodstream (all per the onc). With that said, since the summer of 06, she had been saying things that we should not have let her ignore. She doenst feel like she is breathing good, shoulder pain, dizziness, general tiredness, etc. She ignored these signs and as a family, we let her. In November her pain worsened, her dizziness increased and her right arm started feeling numb, which is when she finally sought treatment and was dx stage iv, inoperable and incurable. Looking back now i cant help but think, if only we would have made her go sooner, maybe we could have caught it, maybe surgery would have been an option in June, maybe the spreading hadnt happened yet, etc. You owe it to yourself and your family to find out what it is. The what ifs will drive you crazy. Every day makes a difference. Don't hesitate, don't be scared, just go. I will keep you in my prayers for good news. -Danielle
  8. Great Idea... I'm making a sticky note now Thanks!
  9. just an update from me. Asked my doctor about ambien, he would not give it. Said I was in greater need of therapy and to "sort it all out" would help me sleep. I think this is a crock personally, all i want to do is sleep through the night.... not even every night.... I'd be okay with one or two nites... Then saying that I think to myself, I'd never sleep again if it could make my mom better Lack of sleep really affects one's ability to think rationally. I think i'm just losing it today. I slept like 2 hours last nite and am a little cranky... I saw this thread and thought i'd post my update (or lack thereof) I wish all of you a good nites sleep tonite and will keep you all in my prayers -Danielle
  10. I'm so sorry you had to encounter someone so terrible. Push away the negativity and stay positive. I will keep you all in my prayers. -Danielle
  11. Danielle30

    Benny Parsons

    This is so sad. Benny was such a gret addition to NASCAR. He will be greatly missed.
  12. Don, you have my continued prayers and support.
  13. I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  14. Danielle30

    moms gone

    My deepest sympathies for the loss of your mom. I will keep your family in my prayers. -Danielle
  15. I am so sorry for the difficult decision you had to make. I wish your mom peace. I will keep your family in my prayers. -Danielle
  16. Crystal, I am having the same problem. I end up staying awake so long at night i fall asleep in my chair just so i know i'm good and tired, but i'm awake again after just a few hours. I think about my mom constantly, what else can we do for her, ideas, things to ask her doctor, things she would like, food she could eat, etc, etc. Tylenol PM does help some, but it leaves me groggy the next day. Someone suggested I ask my dr about ambien cr. I'm have an appt so i'll let you know if it helps. -Danielle
  17. Traci, Welcome to the boards. I am fairly new also and have felt most welcome and comfortable here. I am on a similar journey with my mom and can understand the emotional stress you are going through. I have already found tons of support here and am sure you will also. Please message anytime if you would like to chat/vent/whatever... I'm sorry I don't have the answers for your mom's specific symptoms, but I'm sure some posters behind me will have great info, they always do I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. -Danielle
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.
  19. Definately call your doctor and get something to help, you should not be sufferiing like that. With my mom she usually gets sick 48 hrs after her chemo and it lasts 3 days. She has had 2 treatments so far and has been the same after each. The doctor has given her kytril and lorezapam. The kytril is specifically for nausea and the lorezapam is for anxiety. The lorezapam makes her very delirious but the combo of this with the kytril seems to get her through the rough time. We just can't leave her alone as she is very disoriented and unstable on her feet. It's all worth it so she isnt suffering. No one should suffer..... -Danielle
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