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Everything posted by wendyr

  1. Yirol, cannot address the tingling but try getting Dad to drink milkshakes. I make them for Maurice from Carnation Instant Breakfast, Half & Half cream instead of milk and lots of ice cream. Throw it all in the blender and voila, lots & lots of calories & easy to get down. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  2. Is that MD Anderson in Orlando? That's where we go & his onc is Dr. Tseng a wonderful onc who was at MD Anderson in Houston before coming to Orlando. wendyr
  3. Hello Tlc & welcome. My hubby also has 'sleep disturbances' (wild dreams and hallucinations) when on percocette or percodan & has to take other pain meds. Their are other effective pain meds. Just let your Dr know about it. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  4. So sorry to hear of Mom's diagnosis, but there is definitely hope. Let your siblings go visit and then when things settle down and there is a treatment plan in place, go visit and spend some quality time with your folks. When my hubby was first diagnosed, friends and family also came rushing over. I think it's a natural response but there was little we could do or tell them as we didn't have full information or a treatment plan. Hope all goes well and that she finds an oncologist with whom she can relate and get a reasonable treatment plan going. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  5. I don't remember performace status as being an issue or even brought up.
  6. Welthy pretty much said it all and said it well. Maurice smoked for 55+ years. He was also an air conditioning contractor in Florida for 30 years and breathed in a lot of freon year round. When he sold his businesss he became a metal artist and sat welding every day & breathing in those fumes for almost 20 years. So who the hell knows what caused his lung cancer. It probably was the cigs but there were other factors too. wendyr
  7. wendyr


    Flowergirlie your post was right from the heart and expressed so well. Your common sense and compassion will make you an excellent nurse. Bravo on going back to school. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  8. Maurice smoked full flavored Winston for 50 years then switched to cheapo no names 5 years ago. Quit on diagnosis but still sneaks a cigar once in a while
  9. Maurice experienced extreme fatigue when taking it in the am so he's switched to pm and sleeps thru the worst of it. wendyr
  10. I understand your distress & 'get it' I agree it sucks to always have to be the strong one but sometimes we just have to play the cards we're dealt. What would your mom have wanted you to do. Perhaps if you 'talk' to her, you might get an answer. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  11. wendyr

    The Struggle

    Don, I have not 'known' you for very long but there are tears in my eyes as I read this post. Your support has been invaluable and very much appreciated. You will be missed, probably more than you know. I wish you the very best in your new endeavor and hope that from time to time you'll check in and say hello. God Speed wendyr
  12. Great news Raney, congratulations. I'm very happy for you wendyr
  13. Yirol, I have had some experience with OHIP and have sent you a private message. Click on My Mail at the top of the page to read. Regards.....wendyr
  14. wendyr

    Go Rest High...

    Missy, so very, very sorry to read this post. Prayers for peace and strength in the coming days. God Bless wendyr
  15. Welcome Wendykay: you've come to the right place for support & information. My hubby was stage 3A adeno & I too was a mess. Once you get a treatment plan in place, life takes on a new normal, but that's ok. That's what we did and that was 13 months ago & Maurice is still going strong. Just let us know how we can help your. Prayers for your whole family, especially Dad. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  16. Maurice had carboplatin & paclitaxol. The complete infusion used to take about 5 hours but he never had any nausea. I think they put 'stuff' in the chemo to prevent nausea. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  17. Oh Boy, you've had a terrible double whammy. So sorry this has happened to you. Please check back here as often as you need to for support. We care. wendyr
  18. Great News. Congratulations wendyr
  19. wendyr


    Hydration is very important wendyr
  20. Hi Dar: time will eventually take of the esophagus pain but when Maurice had it, he got the Magic Mouthwash. It's a RX but the pharmacist compounds it. Our pharmacist used mint flavored Maalox, lidocaine & Benadryl. You swallow it right before eating & it numbs the esophagus. It helped a little, just enough for him to be able to eat. Hope this helps. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  21. Hello and welcome. I'm so sorry that you have been touched by LC yet again so soon after the death of your mother. You've found the right place for information and support. Many people here have survived IIIB as you'll learn from their profiles. Let us know how we can help you. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  22. Add my name to the list. God please let this work wendyr
  23. Hi Cheryl & welcome. You are at the right place for information and support. Prayers that your Dad's treatment is successful. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
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