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Everything posted by wendyr

  1. Welcome Jussi, let us know how we can help you wendyr
  2. Nanci, that was a beautiful tribute to Joe. I too had never heard of a butterfly release but reading it brought tears to my eyes. Prayers for peace and strength in the difficult days ahead. God Bless wendyr
  3. Welcome MM What devastating news for you coming at this time. While there is no 'good time' for cancer, this is especially tough right now and it is indeed your (plural) disease. You have come to the right place for support, help and information. The folks here are all too willing to help and support you as you start this journey. Where do you live? Are you near a major cancer center? Please let us see your hubby's profile when you get around to it, and continue to post and let us know how we can help you. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  4. Wow. A very powerful and well written letter, thanks for posting it. wendyr
  5. wendyr

    is true or false

    Bucky, you've been given some terrific advice and I agree with all of it. Death is part of life and, even if you take cancer out of the equation, some of us will die sooner than others. Some of us will die later than others. As the new treatments come out it will be entirely possible to die with cancer and not from cancer and that's what makes it a chronic disease. Now, those treatments are still 'in the pipe' but they will be coming out in the future. Please try to enjoy what you have today. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a promise. Today is the only day that counts. God Bless wendyr
  6. wendyr

    The test I took.....

    THAT'S GREAT. KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YA Don't throw up there's no need, but I'll go unplug old 'Sparky' wendyr
  7. Maurice had Aranesp for anaemia but the same warnings came out for it this past summer. Seems some kidney patients experienced problems with it and that is when the medical community became aware of the problems. My son has a serious kidney disease and receives aranesp monthly with no side effects. My hubby got aranesp in 2006 with no side effects. These warnings have been out for over a year and as with every drug there are always potential side effects.I'm sure your sister's doctor is aware of the situation with both procrit and aranesp and I wouldn't worry too much, wendyr
  8. wendyr

    My honey

    Nyka: I am so saddened to read this. Please accept my condolences in your loss. Prayers for peace & strength. God Bless wendyr
  9. Nova: Welthy is right. Don't make us plug in old 'Sparky'
  10. Nova: Good vibes coming from Melbourne Beach for 'brain power' and superior math results. Just take your time & you'll do just fine. By the way, who says you're too old to go back to school? Good Luck wendyr
  11. Hi Dusti and welcome. You and your mom are in a tough situation. Is it possible to move her in with you. I realize that may not take care of the 24/7 care she needs but it may be easier on you. Even though you may not be a member of a church there would be no harm in contacting the closest church of your faith and explaining your situation to them. They may not be able to help, but what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Keep us posted. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  12. Well I'll be a son of a gun. Who knew that knee pain was a symptom of lung cancer. Just whip out the old lung and EUREKA, knee pain cured. It's getting easier and easier to learn something stupid every day.
  13. Hi Heather My best guess would be the thyroid. Tarceva does inhibit growth and my hubby's hair hardly grows at all but it's not coming out. Good Luck wendyr
  14. Welcome Max: I hope you are jumping the gun as many find small nodules that don't amount to anything and I sure hope that will be the case for you. Please keep us posted when you get the results from your PET wendyr
  15. Hi Cyndy: welcome to our site. You'll find a lot of inspiration and support here from folks who've walked the road you are just starting on. My hubby was 69 at diagnosis and although the first oncologist told him there was no hope, we found another onc who was more aggressive (see profile) Anyway, that was 17 months ago and right now he's out fishing. It's a scary diagnosis and a scary disease, but it is treatable. Keep posting on his reports and his progress and let us know how we can help you. Good Luck & God Bless.......wendyr
  16. Hawkeye, I'm sorry to hear of Mary's disease progression but glad your onc is looking into clinical trials. Just because he's looking into it doesn't mean you can't investigate them too. Have you checked the websites at MD Anderson, the NIH or clinicaltrials.gov. Just a thought........ Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  17. wendyr

    Too sad

    Sincere sympathies on your loss. wendyr
  18. I recently had a general check up with my primary doc. Since I'm 63 years old and smoked 2 packs a day for over 40 years (quit 2001) I asked for a spiral ct and was refused. A chest xray was all I got. It showed nothing but still, I wonder........... wendyr
  19. Hi Vespa: you're doing fine and the care you're giving Mom is good. You are second guessing yourself because the problem is not with you, it's the doc. You're just not getting enough support from him. If possible, please investigate the possibility of getting a second opinion, preferably at a major cancer center. The folks on this board are firm believers in second and even third opinions, so go with your gut and do what you think is best for Mom. The first oncologist we met with had the same attitude as your doc and we opted for a second opinion at a major cancer center. I've never regretted the decision to switch my hubby's care. Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  20. Congratulations on your 1 year and wishing you many more to come. Prayers going up for a good scan and a tarceva miracle. God Bless wendyr
  21. wendyr

    Is it almost over?

    Hi Shannygirl: I'm so sorry to read this post and know how hard it must be on everyone. Have you spoken to Hospice about Ativan or some other anti anxiety medication. My mother was on liquid morphine and ativan every 3 hours for pain and anxiety and it helped her a lot. Prayers for strength & Peace. God Bless wendyr
  22. Hi Marci: Having another volunteer is wonderful!! It makes it all just a teeny bit easier. So glad for you. Don't be afraid to ask those other people who once said 'if there's anything I can do'........... Good Luck & God Bless wendyr
  23. Marci: You are very fortunate to have others to help ease this burden. They are there for your Mom and you are there for your Mom. Together you all make up a team of caretakers. Consider this: if you were to quit the job to take care of her, how would that make your Mom feel? Not too good I'd bet, so you don't want to lay that on her. Do whatever you have to do to keep body and soul together and toss the guilt. wendyr
  24. So sorry. Prayers for peace and strength wendyr
  25. No words, just prayers for strength and peace. God Bless wendyr
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