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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. I get the same way. On the 30th I have my 3 month xray and since I have been ned this long I have myself convinced that since a lot of cancers reoccur in the first 2 years that something is going to show up this time for sure.But Im pretty sure Im not going to die today so I might as well ger out there and enjoy it the best i can. May God bless you and all of us.
  2. I was reading Connies medical record. 11 years,wow that is fantastic,gives me hope for myself and I am sure others as well. I wish more long term survivors would post. I also used to be one of the people you talk about. I never knew what to say to people with cancer and also thought it was a death sentence. So now when people look or say things I just try to understand because I was the same way/
  3. beatlemike

    ned date?

    Hi everyone. I had surgery in Aug. o5,and after a delay started chemo as a precautionary that ended at the end of Dec.05. What would the onco classify as my ned start date. Surgery day or the end of chemo sessions day.Also I am so happy to have been ned this long but it makes me even a little more nervous thinking that now it is more likely than ever to show back up. Is this normal? Thanks again everyone
  4. Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone ever heard of flax seed or flax seed oil.I have heard that it can help prevent cancer and cancer recurrance. I asked my onco about it once and he sent me literature on it that was put out by NCI website and everything sounded good about how it destroyed cancer in rats and so on. But he reccommended I not use it at this time. I just always wondered what it would hurt taking it as a preventive or health food.Also how much and how often would a person take it and is the oil just as good as the seeds. Thank you
  5. I also find myself coming here often. At first I found it frightning but the more stories i read i found comforting. I used to click off when i would first find something that scared me but now i read the stories from beginning to end. Glad its here
  6. Sorry about your stress, I have two sisters who are single mothers and I know how hard it is for them emotionally and financialy and they dont have cancer.I hope you can find comfort knowing there are people praying and thinking about you and your son.
  7. Yesterday I read article in the news that I found confusing. It said that now they do not believe that scans help the survival rate. It was always my understanding that the earlier caught the better your chances were. It seemed to condradict itself when talking about 5 year survival rate and long term survival in general. Maybe I was just just reading it wrong but I found it confusing and like there is now sense in having checkups if they do no good at improving your odds anyway. Also I noticed on my onco note that my ct scan in june is for restaging. Why would they restage if I have been ned so far and I thought they only staged you once. Thank you. I find this site very helpful and am glad it is here/Mike ,stage 2b nslc.lung removed 08-05 along with 17 nodes which2 had been effected. Ned in all followups so far.
  8. Thank you everyone for your replies.Doctor West your information I found comforting. I always kind of wanted to know some of the statitics but was afraid what the answer might be. Your info.is better than what i expected. Thank you again.
  9. Hi everyone, I was wondering what they classify as early stage? I was dxed as stage 2b. Had my right lung and 17 lymph nodes removed which 2 had shown to be effected.That was in August 05. Since then all my checkups have looked good and I hope and pray they stay that way.Also had chemo following my surgery.Does the stage mean anything about the chance of recurrence?Thank you and may God bless us all.
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