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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. I was reading on the University of Wisconsin-Madison web site that pomegranate slowed the progression of lung tumors in mice and might help prevent lung cancer. Has anyone else read anything on this line? I think I might start drinking 8 ounces a day of the sour stuff. Mike
  2. I my right lung removed in Aug. 05 and at first i would get short of breath just getting up to go to the bathroom but little by little it got better. I get around fairly well now and mow my own yard and stuff like that but i still cant do what i used to. Like Don I have to stop and catch my breath every so often. But I feel very fortunate to be alive and not on oxygen considering all things.Wish and pray the best for you. Mike
  3. I was the same way,cry, worry and cry. I finally got on antidepressant called lexapro. Helped me alot. I still worry about recurrence but i am able to enjoy today and visit with others without crying. Tell your doc about your syptoms. Also I hope and pray the best for you. Mike
  4. Prayers going out for you from a fellow Nebraskan,Lexington here. Hope and pray the best for your family. I also was stage 2b.
  5. Hi Robin, I know after my surgery and chemo and even after being told there was no cancer showing up,I was very depressed. Seemed like all I did was cry and worry.I finally got on lexapro and that made a big differance. I still worry sometimes but nothing like I did. Hope and pray things go better for you.
  6. Im glad you found this place.I know i have found it very helpful. Prayes go out for you.Mike
  7. Im sorry. i did mean blood work or finding a vein to get blood out of.
  8. Hi all.Am I reading this wrong or does it contadict itself? However,despite the fact screening procedures for lung cancer do not reduce the number of lung cancer deaths some screening procedures are effective at detecting lung cancer at earlier stages leading to a better chance of a cure. I have read this in a couple of differant web sites including this one and to me it seems to double talk itself. Or am I missreading it? Also I was wondering if people that have went thru chemo if their veins ever go back to normal. Seems i still have a hard time giving blood anymore ever since the chemo shrunk up my veins. Again thank you all very much for your time and for being here. May God bless and watch over us all. Mike
  9. I also had gemzar and carboplatin chemo but i had mine following removal of my right lung. Sine then my reports have all looked good and I hope and pray the same for your mother.
  10. hope you all the best and a long happy life
  11. I hope all turns out well for you
  12. FANTASTIC!!! 6years is even better than 5 years
  13. beatlemike

    xray result

    Thank you all so very much for sharing my hope. I also share in your hopes and fears and everything that goes with this cancer business. I have met so many nice caring people in here. My prayers go out for all of you and your familys. I would post more of a profile but i am not to computer savy. I have no idea how you post your pictures. Again thank you very much.
  14. beatlemike

    Mom's MRI

    Very Happy for your good News. YES
  15. beatlemike

    xray result

    Hi everyone. Got my 3 month xray result today. Still looks good.18 months ned now. Hope and pray it stays that way. Hope and pray for the best for everyone who comes in here also.May God bless and watch over us all. Mike
  16. Thats Fantastic Doug, I love to hear stories like yours,they give many of us hope. Did you have any lymph node involvement?Have a wonderful life.
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