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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. beatlemike

    Pet results

    Thats FANTASTIC Jamie!!!!!!! Your an inspiration,and here to many many more.Mike
  2. Hi and welcome Grammy,you sound like a remarkable woman. I also am a big believer in prayers even if God doesnt answer them the way we would like.I hope you keep coming back.You have inspired me and many others today.Mike
  3. Your in my prayers for good results Nina.Mike
  4. Im glad your feeling better. Hope you keep coming back and keep us informed.Prayer being said for you.Mike
  5. Hello and welcome. Hope you find this informitive and helpful here. I will say a prayer for you. Mike
  6. Hi Michelle,I really dont have any information for you bur I am saying a prayer for your father.Mike
  7. Your in my prayers John. Dont lose hope. Mike
  8. Hi Linzy,we all know the terrible emotions which you are going thru right now.However please dont give up hope. Two years ago i was told I had a softball sized tumor in my right lung and was probably inoperable but the surgeon who looked at the scans said he could do it.Sometimes the chemo will shrink things up so they may be able to do surgery at a later date.Also dont be afraid to ask for a atidepressant,antiaxiety pill to help you get your emotions in order.Even without surgery many live many years with just chemo and radiation treatment. I also would get a 2nd opinion.Im sending a prayer up above for you and a hug across the ocean.Mike
  9. Hi Robin,Im saying a prayer for you.Mike
  10. beatlemike

    lymph nodes

    Hi everyone,I was just reading some of the posts dealing with lymp nodes that has left me kind of puzzeled.On me yhey removed a tumor 10.5 centimeters in size(softball size) and 17 lymph nodes which 2 had been effected.Why will they do surgery on some that have node involvement and others they say they cannot do surgery because a few nodes were effected?Mine was stage2b(T2,N1,One peribronchial node and 1 10R node.grade 3 carcinoma.Does that mean my effected nodes were limited to inside the lung. I have seen many posts in here how folks with smaller tumors than mine were not elgible for surgery because of a few nodes involvement.I just wondered why they could do surgery on me and not them?Mike
  11. Prayers are with you ernie.
  12. Praying the best for you and your mom.Mike
  13. Hi hawkeye and welcome.Hope you find some answers and comfort here. Prayer being said for you and your wife. Mike
  14. Hi sue,I hope you find this place helpful and keep coming back. Prayer being said for you.
  15. Im hoping and praying that you get good results Ernie. Mike
  16. Hi Mike and welcome. Prayers being said for your wife and you.Mike
  17. Robin.I hope and pray for the best for you. Mike
  18. Sorry about the job Liz.My situation was a little like yours. I wasnt released from my doctor to go back to work yet and my short term disability was running out so I signed up for long term disability thinking I could go back to work at a later date.I was wrong.When I signed up for long term that ended my emplyment with them They still have to cover me with insurance thru cobra but that now costs me 500. a month where it was 15. a week when I was working. I also lost my life insurance and and funeral policy. But all in all I dont really think I could have went back and done the job anyway so they kind of made the decion easier for me.I am on disability now and will be elgible for medicare in January.Those big companys cover there butts pretty good.I just focus on now how blessed I am to still be alive and all the good things and people in my life.I hope things start going better for you. May God bless you.
  19. FANTASTIC Jamie,Heres to many many more.Mike
  20. beatlemike

    Bone mets

    Hi maryjo,I dont have the answers you seek but i wish you well.. I will say a prayer for you. Dont lose hope.Mike
  21. Hi Valadi,Im glad you found your way here. Yes you will be sore for awhile but dont be afraid to take your pain meds or to ask the onco for refills.You are in my prayers.Mike
  22. beatlemike


    Hi Alex and welcome. You are with a group of people here who understand what your both going thru.Prayers being said. Mike
  23. Hi Linzy and welcome. Prayers going up that yours isnt cancer. But we all most certainly understand your fear. Keep us posted. Mike
  24. FANTASTIC CAROL,Heres to many many more.Mike
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