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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Way to go Don. You have been a very big inspiration to me here.
  2. Hi folks,I was just wondering if any of you get a slight pain in your upper arm like someone slugged your arm? Sometimes the pain goes up toward the neck a little.I just had xray amonth ago and it looked good.My next onco visit and ct scan is in late dec. I keep thinking its just the way i slept on it but there is always that slight worry that you know who has returned.Its on the side of my remaining lung.Thanks Mike
  3. HIp Hip Hooray. Thank tou Connie and Katie.
  4. Im so sorry Mary,The same thing kind of happened to me. I hope you can get him sighned up for disability as soon as possible.You wont be elgible for medicare until he has been on disability for 2 years. I been on cobra so far and it is expensive but some how we get by. For a long time I thought if I could just get back to work everything would return to normal. I quess i was in a form of denial.In a way Im kinda glad my employer made the descion for me. I hope and pray the best for you and your husband.Mile
  5. Hi Hope and welcome.Your Moms treatment sounds alot like mine.I didnt have to much trouble with the chemo. I did have loss of appetite and was tired alot but I think alot of that was from the pain meds from surgery.Im glad your Mom was able to have the surgery.My hair did thin out a little but not to much.I pray all goes well for you and your mom.
  6. Hi and welcome Wendy.I hope you keep coming for help and support. You will find many here with stage 4 cancer that will be glad to share with you.There is also a live chat on Tuesday nights and everyone there has or had lung cancer or is a family member or caregiver. I hope and pray the best for you in this.Mike
  7. beatlemike


    I dont mind the scars but i do miss taking the deep breaths.
  8. happy birthday Rich.
  9. I had gemzar and carbo. Just minor side effects but i never even lost no hair.
  10. Hope you have a succesful surgery.Saying a prayer. Mike
  11. Lets hope it is confined to the lung and that they will bee able yo do surgery. Praayers go out for your Dad. Mike
  12. I am so very sorry Debi.Mike
  13. Hi Sally and welcome. I hope you find much support and information here. You didnt mention when your first surgery was and how long before it came back. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Mike
  14. Hi Barb,No sorryI havent heard of Hickman but if its close to Lincoln and Omaha Im sure you are getting good treatment. I am in Lexington and had my surgery and chemo done in Kearney. I wish you both the best.
  15. Alisa,that is fantastic. As Fred Flintstone would say,Yabba Dabba,Do. Mike
  16. Hi Barb,Im so sorry to hear about your husband.I am also from Nebraska.I hope you keep coming here for information and support.My prayers are with you both. Mike
  17. I hope you have a long and happy life Larry. Thank you so much for sharing.Mike
  18. Thanks so much for your post Dave. I to have often felt the same way as you. But Im not very good at putting my feelings into words.Mike
  19. Hi,I dont really have any answers for you but I hope you keep us informed what you learn. I pray and hope the best for you. Mike
  20. Hi LMLV and welcome. I too was staged 2b and had right lung removed in Aug.05. Have been blessed with good scans so far. Your story gives me hope and Im sure many others. Please keep coming back. Mike
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