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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Hi Vernon and welcome! I was a stage 2b and had my right lung removed in August 05 followed by chemo. So far I have been given clean scan and xray reports. I am praying the best for you. Mike
  2. Hi Chris and welcome. Prayer said that your treatment is effective. Mike
  3. Prayer said that everthing is ok.
  4. Welcome, I hope and pray that his treatment is successful.
  5. Welcome,I hope you find as much information and support here as I have. Prayer said for your father in law and your family at this difficult time.
  6. Welcome Eric, I will pray the best for your mother and your family at this difficult time.
  7. Welcome Renate,I hope whatever your treatment is that it will do what they hope. Prayer goes out for you.
  8. Welcome Janet. I am so glad your treatment is working. I will pray that it continues to work.
  9. beatlemike


    Around 4 or so years ago I started developing man boobs. Not real big but it was obvious.My wife wife liked to rib me about them and we often made jokes about my boobs altho I actually didnt think it was funny but thought it was a sign of aging.After my surgery and chemo my boobs disapeared and we forgot all about them.About 3 weeks ago I read an article about the symptoms of lung cancer and developing male boobs can be one of them. So now I catch myself looking at my boobs all the time. But for differant reasons.I never thought I would see the day when I was worried about my boob size.
  10. Grateful the sun has come out and the wind is calm.Suppose to get up to 35 today.(Whew a heat wave).
  11. Hi Thelma,Im glad you were able to have the surgery and pray the chemo goes good for you. Mike
  12. Snowing and blowing here this morning,grateful I was able to take my grandkids to school so that they never had to walk in it.
  13. I am grateful that I am able to focus on living. The last few years my main focus has been on "what ifs".I bought a small motorcycle this weekend and am excited about learning to ride it. Its been over 25 years since i been on one.(Male menapause maybe) Although I still know that there is always a good chance of my cancer returning I try to enjoy today.
  14. I just seen this post.I am so sorry about your loss.You will have so many good memories of your mother that will be with you the rest of your life.I hope you can find some peace and comfort during these times. Im sure your mother would want you to go on and have a happy life and she was very blessed to have a daughter like yourself. Mike
  15. I pray that surgery for your mom will be possible.
  16. Hi Dee and welcome. I pray everything goes well for you and please let us know how you are doing. Mike
  17. Hello and welcome,Sorry about your news.Prayers that the chemo and radiation do the desired effect.
  18. Two thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I dont know Blaze but I would think it would be a piece of cake compared to lung surgery.
  20. Hang in there Becky and let us know when they give you the big news.CURED!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hello Derek,My prayers are with you and your grandfather at this very difficult time. He has been very blessed to have a grandson like yourself.Mike
  22. As you can tell by my nick that I have to agree with Ry all the way. My favorite feel good song would be Good Day Sunshine by the Beatles.
  23. NO Comment,Im to drunk to type.
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