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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. I see your husbands surgery was around the same time frame as mine.I dont know why they would want to see him again already but I think every onco is a little differant. I was given a ned last dec. and my onco doesnt want me to have another scan until I see him next dec. So I am kinda of the opposite of you. I worry about going from every 3 month scan or xray to only once a year. I quess we worry if we dont have enough or we worry if we have them to often.You might call your onco and talk to his nurse. I wish you both the very best whatever they decide.
  2. Great video Barb.I was going to close it a couple of times but it kept me glued to it. I like how he said life is temporary.I never thought of it that way before.Not just for cancer victims but for everyone.
  3. Hello Kristi and welcome.I am so sorry about your fathers bad news.I know this must seem overwhelming for your family.Try ti just take it one day at a time and please keep us up todate on what is going on.My prayers for your father and his family at this time.
  4. Praying for the best results Terri!!
  5. beatlemike


    Hoping the best for you Mitch.
  6. Your story is very touching.I wish you and your family the very besr.
  7. Hello Arnie and welcome.
  8. My prayers go out for your mother and her family at this difficult time.Please keep coming here for help and support.There are many stage 4 here that will be glad to share with you.
  9. Hi Jackie.Before I went home from hospital I dont remember anyone telling me about the side effects of pain killers.Make sure you ask about stool softners.I know its not a pleasant subject but severe constipation can be a side effect. Im so happy you are able to have the surgery.Prayers for the best to you.
  10. Hello Rick and welcome. Im sorry about your diagnosis.I know how overwhelming it can be at first. Please keep coming for help and support.There are many stage 4 here. I hope and pray the very best for you.Dont lose hope!
  11. beatlemike


    Thats good to hear Lillian.Keep it up!
  12. beatlemike

    3 Years!

  13. Thats what I like to hear,great news!
  14. Hi Bucky,I hope you the very best with your counseling.This damn cancer not only effects our health and pocketbooks but the mental stuff is horrible. The main thing that helps me the most is I try to think(Well Im pretty sure nothing real bad is going to happen today and I will take care of tommorrow when it gets here).
  15. beatlemike

    good news?

    Sounds like good news Chris!
  16. Tell him to eat a box of exlax and see how much willpower he has.
  17. Hi Elsie,sorry about your fathers problems.Hopefully they will get things more on track.There is nothing wrong with getting counceling at this difficult time.Sometimes life seems overwhelming and we need a little help to get by. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.
  18. Welcome Deb,I hope you find many answers to your questions here.My prayers go out for you and Dave at this difficult time.
  19. Welcome Carol,Sorry about your diagnosis but happy you found your way here.I hope and pray the best for you.
  20. beatlemike


    Sounds great.Go out and enjoy the weekend!
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