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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. beatlemike

    Scan Result

    Sounds like great news Bruce. Enjoy the holiday season!
  2. Hi Nancy and welcome,I am so glad your mother got her problem taken care of. I hope she can keep ahead of it by taking stool softeners or other products so it doesnt return.I had no idea that constipation could be so painful until I was on hydrocodone(Pain med.). I too had to manually extract it. Its not a pleasant subject but it is something that I think should be forwarned of when on any kind of pain killers and chemo. I dont remember any one warning me of the severe constipation that can occur. And it will come back if you dont stay on top of it. I wish you and your mom the best.
  3. Congraadulations Katie on recieving the Kay Barmore award and thanks to you and Rick for this board and the countless things you have done trying to find a cure for this hideous disease.Your award is well deserved!
  4. Hi Linda and welcome to the board. I am sorry about the news of your husband. They put me on a antidepressant called Lexapro that worked wonders for my depression. My thoughts and prayers for you and husband at this difficult time.
  5. Hello Hope and welcome. I am so sorry about your siter.However do not lose hope,there are many stage 3 survivors here and I am sure they will be posting soon. We all know what a bombshell it is when you are first diagnosed and the worst possible things come to mind. I know when I was first diagnosed I thought my time would be up in a matter of months but that was over 3 years ago and I am still here and feeling fine. There are many stories here that will inspire you. Maybe your sister can come here and check it out also.Hopefully after the chemo they might be able to do surgery.2nd opinions are a good idea if possible. My thoughts and prayers are with your sister and you and family at this difficult time. Please keep coming back for support and information.
  6. Dancing with the stars with Kim Johnson as my teacher. I know its not a game show and I dont even like to dance but I think Kim is the hottest thing since chocolate.
  7. Hi everyone,I know a persons faith (what he does or doesnt believe in) is a very personel thing.Without making this a religious discussion or what is right and what is wrong. I was wondering if any of you have ever had a spirtual awakening,awareness or a experience you would like to share.Ned made a post awhile back that kind of hit home with me. He mentioned when he was first dxed about how thoughts came in to place how we were all connected.I dont know if he was speaking of a spirtual level or just a common thought. When my father passed about 20 years ago it was the first time I ever witnessed the dying process.And it was a very dramatic experience to watch the life leave him.As we all know the run of emotions we go thru including the one of helplessness and not being able to do anything to help.That night(I dont know if I was dreaming or in that fine space between sleep and awakeness. I had a feeling or awareness that everything was ok.That death is not the end of our existance.It was like we go on to something much greater than this.Where we all become one. Everyone and everything is there but it is differant. There was no longer ego.I was a part of something much greater than myself.But death was no longer something to be feared but something to almost look to forward to.I have never had this awareness(as I call it) since then but it has always been in the back of my mind.I dont know if it was just my emotions playing with me or if it was a greater power giving me comfort when I so much needed it.I like to think the later.If you have any thing you would like to share please do.Maybe it was a thought or something that happened . Like I a said at the beginning I know a persons faith is a very personal thing and this is not meant to offend anyone.
  8. That is fantastic news Carol!!!Im very happy for you.
  9. Hello Asa and welcome. I am so sorry about what you and your wife are going thru.I can feel some of your pain in your letter.I know i was with both my folks at the end of their lifes. And I remember how hopeless I felt both times. Just wanting to do something that would fix the problem and help them get better.Im sure you are doing all you can do and that is all you can do.Hopefully you both will share many good times yet. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
  10. Welcome Amy and many prayers for your father and family also.
  11. That was a good one Ned! And Ry, your reply made me giggle also.
  12. Hi truematch.My wife does not have cancer but she does have diabetas. She has always had trouble with her feet and ankles swelling but about a month ago they were extra big. She normally cant have diuretics because of the diabetis but they decided to try one. It helped the swelling almost immediately and the water retention but she just kept feeling ill and kind of confused. She went back to the doctor and they immediately put her in the hospital because her sodium level had dropped so low.Maybe yours is related to the cancer treatment or it might be from something else altogether.Hope they get it figured out for you.
  13. Im so very happy for you Katie!!
  14. Sounds like good news Rob.
  15. Congratulations on the four years Kasey!!!!!! Thanks for the sharing and caring you have offered to so many of us.
  16. beatlemike


    Thats the best news I heard today Nonni!!!!
  17. John,Im sorry about your mothers progression.I hope the radiation helps with the pain and that they get a new plan in order. Prayers are with you and your mom at this difficult time.
  18. Black Cow Suckers? I remember Mom would give me a extra nickel for candy if we went to the movie. I would usually buy a Slo Poke or Black Cow sucker because I could make them last a long time if I licked slow.
  19. Do you remember cleats that some young men wore on the bottom 0f their shoes?For some reason I thought cleats made me a rebel.
  20. Hi Teresa,Sorry about your Dads pnuemonia but so happy he is still ned!
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