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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Hi Maggie and welcome. There are a lot of wonderful people here who would like to get to know you.
  2. beatlemike


    I was on the Grace website and was reading about a recurrence with BAC features. I know I have been coming here long enough that I should know this but I dont.I see it pop up from time to time. I couldnt find it in the glossary.Can someone tell me what BAC stands for? Thanks
  3. Hello Caty and welcome.Dont throw your fishing pole and nightcrawlers away yet. I would say with your attitude and God willing that you have alot of fishing ahead of you. Keep us up todate on your treatment. There are many stage 4 survivors here who would be glad to share with you.
  4. I hope you have a wonderful time Teri!
  5. Thanks Ned and Dave.I cant get supplemental here in Nebraska because of my age.Everything that is not paid by medicare is my cost.Im still very glad to be on medicare considering a year ago I was paying 550.00 a month for cobra.And still paying the 20% out of my own pocket.
  6. Do you ever get a song stuck in your head? Lately I have had Whats New Pussycat by Tom Jones stuck in my head. I have always hated that song but it seems it has found a new home for awhile.I hope it gets bored and moves to a new home before long.
  7. I am from a small town in the midwest where there are many smaller towns.Since my treatment they usually do my ct scans here in my hometown and then send them to the larger hospital where I had my treatment done and where I still go to get my results when I see my oncologist. I was just wondering if all towns are about the same price when it comes to scans and xrays or if it would be wise to shop around on hospitals and compare prices.My next scan will be my first one done while covered under medicare so I dont know how well they will pay.This is not a major issue but just something that crossed my mind. Are all hospitals in the same price field when it comes to scans and xrays. Thanks
  8. I love stories like yours Dean.They give so many of us hope.Please keep coming back.
  9. Welcome to the group Mary. Please keep us up to date on what you find out.I pray the very best outcome for you.You will find many wonderful people here who are willing to share their stories and answer questions you may have.
  10. I hated Alfred E. Neuman. As a young teenager that was my nickname.Many thought I looked like him. What even made me more angry was that I knew they were right. If I would have had a tooth missing we would of been twins.Its funny now but it wasnt then.
  11. Hi Diane and welcome.We all know only to well what you are going thru.Im glad you were able to have surgery and followed up with chemo.I had my right lung removed in Aug.05 and even tho I was getting good reports I was still depressed and worried all the time. All I could think of was dying and leaving my loved oned behind.I would cry at the drop of a hat. Finallly I started taking lexapro which helped me tremendously.I now try to focus on living and enjoying the time I have.Wheather that may be 15 years or 2 months. I still have my moments that it is like I am realizing it again for the very first time but I dont drell on it endlessly like I did.Right now you are physically and mentally drained.Tell your doctor about it and keep coming back here for much help and support .May God bless you. Mike
  12. Squamous cell type Stage 2b Surgery to remove right lung with 17 nodes(2 shown to be effected) Carboplatin and Gemzar (4 rounds)
  13. Chriistine,I hope you have a very happy life whatever you may choose to do. Thank you so much for words of comfort and concern. Sometimes we just need to know that people care.I too at times feel I wish I had more to offer.I am not good with words and I know I have been very fortunate compared to many.I know the many times I was waiting to get scan results that it meant very much to me knowing that people here were praying and concerned for me.Again, I want to say thank you! Mike
  14. Sharon.my thoughts and prayers for you and your family at this difficult time.
  15. Im so very very happy for you Carol Have a great summer.
  16. Sounds like a hopeful trail Randy.Thanks for posting.
  17. Hi Kelly,Hopefully the chemo and radiation will shrink things up where you may be able to have surgery. Im not sure but I think Connie was diagnosed as a stage 3a and she is one of the longest survivors here. Read her profile.Prayers for you for a good outcome.
  18. Welcome Lorrie.You have come to the right place for support,information and friendship. I wish you all the best. Prayers Mike.
  19. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.
  20. Sounds like wonderful news.Have a great summer and many more 5 years!
  21. beatlemike

    Basically NED

    Thats Fantastic News Ken!!!!
  22. Dar,Although I have no words to ease your pain,I hope you find some comfort in knowing so many here and elsewhere care deeply for you at this difficult time.Mike
  23. I really like what you said Brad! Hope you share more often.
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