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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Hello Cheryl and welcome.I pray treatment goes well for your father.I know this must be a very difficult time for your family.
  2. beatlemike

    Still NED!

    Thats great news!!!
  3. Im sorry about your Dads latest low spot. Prayers that he gets better soon.
  4. beatlemike


    Way to go Bobbie!!
  5. So very happy for your good news. Your story is very inspirational.I hope you post more often.
  6. Hello and welcome.If you havent already I would reccomend clicking on the SCLC section and reading the sticky by Don. I hope and pray the best for your husband and you on treatments.
  7. Welcome back Maryanne,I hope Joels treatment gos well also.
  8. Hi Caren and welcome. I hope and pray the best for your father and you and the whole family on this journey.
  9. Altho I had my first surgery inAug.05,my chemo treatments never ended until Dec.05.My onco doesnt start my ned date until the end of my chemo completion and not my surgery date. My last CT scan and checkup was in December and I was still ned at that time.My next scan and checkup will be this Dec.unless something should look suspicious. So I am already getting a little nervous. Dr. West said that most recurrances happen within the first 2 or 3 years altho they may happen later.
  10. 16. We cant go on meeting like this.
  11. 15. Next time couldnt we have a little foreplay?
  12. Welcome Christie.Sorry about your husbands dx.I hope you can take that anger and aim it at kicking that cancers -ss.My prayers are with you both at this time.
  13. I went with my brother to see John Fogerty in concert last week.He looked and sounded fantastic and put on one very good show.The funny thing is that after it was over,I found myself jealous of the man. Not because he was famous or that he had so much talent but because he was in such damn good health. I never thought I would see the day I was jealous of someone because of their health.
  14. Sorry I dont have an answer for you Ned. You have been so helpful here with your information,I hope someone has a good response for you. Maybe it would be a good question for Dr. West. Hope it gets better soon.
  15. Welcome back.I hope you become a familiar face around here again.
  16. beatlemike

    She's gone

    Lisa,My thoughts are with you at this difficult and sad time.
  17. Write down all and any questions you may have before you go. And there are absolutley no dum questions.
  18. Hi Marianne,I think depression and cancer go hand in hand.You have been thru alot both physically and mentally and sometimes it is very hard to cope.After my surgery and chemo I started getting so I was crying all the time also.I was worrying about all the "what ifs" and everything else.I finally got back on the lexapro that my onco prescriped for me in the beginning that I didnt think I needed.It made a world of differance for me.I still have my bad days but I am able to laugh again also and I try to enjoy each day to the best of my ability.I hope and pray the best for you.Do you have a local cancer support group in your area? That may help you also.
  19. Hello Barbara and welcome.Everyone here knows only to well what you are going thru.Right now your world has been turned upside down,but please do not lose hope.As you find out more of what kind of lung cancer and what stage you have and what your treatment plan is please let us know so we may be of more help to you.In the mean time please keep coming back for support and to let those here get to know you.May God bless you on this journey.
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