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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Katie,I had never heard of it until you mentioned it so I looked it up on the internet. Looks pretty neat but I wonder how well they grow.
  2. Sandra and Judy, I hope all goes well for both of you today!Windy and cloudy here again but I hope to get some yard work done. I coughed up just a speck of red last night and of course that sent all the thoughts in motion again. That is how I finally realized I had more than just bronchitis 4 years ago but the blood was much more streaked and more of it. Hopefully it was just some v8 juice or something else. This is the 1st year I ever planted tomatos by seed. I didnt realize they grew so slow. Have a nice day everyone!
  3. Hi Sue and welcome. Im glad your treatment seems to be working. I have found this site very helpful,informative and supportive. I hope you do also.
  4. Caren, I can understand your frustation but I also know how your father feels. When I was going thru chemo and the recovery from surgery it seemed like everytime I blinked it was time to eat or drink something and it was just so hard to get anything down. Gradually it got better but I dont really remember what the turning point was. I would say just to keep doing as you are and encourage him to eat and drink but do not take it personally if he gets a little short with you. Thats the disease talking and not your dad.
  5. Kind of crappy here today. Rainy and windy but thats typical Nebraska May weather. Three of my sisters came back for my neice's graduation so we had a nice get together.Janet,I am glad your sores and pain are getting better and Judy I hope all the best for you tommorrow. Happy Mother's Day girls!
  6. beatlemike


    Hello Carol,My sister and I were just talking about this the other day. She said she also had one turn up positive so they did more tests including a colonospony(spellings off) but hers turned out to be nothing. I also googled it and it said it can be caused by a number of things.(hemmroids,ulcer.or even blood from mouth)besides other things. I know its easier said than done not to worry but it doesnt sound like a met to me either.I pray for good results for you.
  7. Another day done gone. I hope you all had a nice one! Stephanie I hope you go out tonight and have a wonderful time! I went to my grandsons track meet today and afterwards him and me went fishing for awhile.He caught 2 and I caught one. I hope you all have a nice weekend!
  8. Wrapping up another day here. Went with my grandaughters(twins) to their middle school band concert. It was pretty good. Amazing what those young ones can do now, (5th graders). There was one little quy played a drum solo. I think hes gonna be another Ringo Starr! I been having alot of pain in my left knee the last couple of weeks. I think it is arthritis because I get the same pain in my upper left arm. Nothing that a couple of ibprofen dont take care of tho. I just hope it doesnt get worst. Life has been good to me today and for that I am grateful. Goodnight everyone.
  9. beatlemike


    Hi Jean, I had 4 rounds of Gemzar along with carboplatin. Side effects werent to bad.I had loss of appetite and fatigue . Some hair loss but did not lose all. Also had restless leg syndrome but I dont know if it was from the Gemzar.
  10. Hello Pixie and welcome. It is so very scary when you are first diagnosed.The internet is a very valuble place for information on lung cancer but I would be very careful where you visit on the internet. Alot of the information is outdated or just plain wrong. There are also plenty of snake oil salesmen out there with their false promises. Please feel free to come here with your questions,there are so many here that have went thru what you are going thru now. And if you click on the links tab, that can even take you to a place called cancergrace where top lung cancer oncologists will answer your questions personally.
  11. Sounds like good news Caren! I hope he gets rid of that cough altogether.
  12. Hi everyone,getting near the end of the day here and I think I am on the backside of this cold I have had.My grandson 12 came and spent the night last night and his twin sisters 10 came and spending the night tonight.Works pretty good that way,they get away from the fighting for awhile. It was good to read a lot of the positive posts today. Jan's post made my day!
  13. beatlemike

    It's not cancer!

    Jan,This is such wonderful news! I bet this is such a relief for you.
  14. The other day I mentioned to my wife how its kind of strange that I very rarely get a cold since they removed my lung. She said that maybe it is because Im not around large groups of people like I was when I was working. Anyway,yesterday I started sneezzing and today I woke up with the (Mother of all colds.) When will I learn to keep my mouth shut.
  15. I got up to take grandkids to school,it was rainy windy and cloudy. Took a short nap and when i woke up the sun was shining and a nice blue sky!
  16. Sandra,I cant be of much help here,I was never on navalbine. But my prayers are with you that you have no problems. No hair loss,no vein problems,the only side effect will be kicking cancers butt.
  17. beatlemike


    I know we all have differant faiths and beliefs so this is not meant as a who is right and who is wrong post. I know many of us believe in a afterlife and some dont. I was just curious what your idea of heaven would be like. For some it may be floating around on a cloud with wings or for someone else it might be living next to the Hershy choclate factory. Altho I dont know anything about art and dont know a masterpiece from a paint the numbers. Each year my wife gets a new calendar and each month has a painting by Thomas Kincade. I seen one that just captivated me. It was so beautiful with various colors and scenery. I thought I wonder if that is what heaven could be like. Anyway it was just a thought I had and wondered if you had any thoughts of your own.
  18. Beatiful picture Janet. Is that a fruit tree in bloom?Wishing you the best with your new treatment Ned! I hope everyone has a nice day.
  19. beatlemike

    It's a year!

    Dana,That is wonderful news!
  20. Jan, I am so sorry.What you are saying is my own worst fear. Im sure you are very nervous but hopefully it will just be inflamation or something else. My many prayers will be with you.
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