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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Hi everyone.nice hot day here in Nebraska. I breath so much better in summer months, I wish I could afford to live in Arizona during the winter.I seen the darnest thing last night,my small dog usually holds his own againt stray cats but last night two of them ganged up against him at the same time. He sure got surprized. No more handouts to stray cats from me. Im not a cat lover anyway. Have a nice weekend everyone.
  2. Goodnight everyone. (click)
  3. Bruce,I also agree with everything Patti and Katie said. Hang in there.
  4. Beautiful day here in the heartland.Im getting ready to go out and clean some corn for supper. I used to hate shucking corn as a kid but now I find it relaxing.(I wonder where that word ever came from.shucking). I will be back later to turn the light out. Have a good one everyone.
  5. Im happy for your stable update Joe. It looks like your not gonna get much sleep for awhile with the 3 new ones. Congradulations! They are dolls!
  6. Hello Cotto and welcome. Im glad you came out of lurking and posted. You and your mother have very much to have hope for. There are many long time survivors of stage 3a and I expect more will be posting in the morning.Hopefully the chemo and radiation are gonna shrink that tumor up and surgery will be possible.The internet is a wonderful source of information but I would be very careful where you search. Much of the information is outdated or just plain wrong. There are many good people here who can answer your questions or find out for you.Please keep us updated. Prayers for a successful treatment said.
  7. Welcome Cynthia,Sounds like you have a good chance of being cured with the surgery. I had my entire right lung removed and have no regrets.Please keep us updated.
  8. Goodnight everyone! Goodnight John Boy! (click)
  9. Heidi,Your a very pretty young lady.
  10. Hi Annette,I quit smoking 3 years before my dx but I still have my 2 cups every morning. Im a real pain in the butt without my coffee to wake me up. My diet is pretty much the same as it always was but I added a cup of green tea,a spinach salad,a glass of 100% pomegranate juice and a glass of v8 juice everyday to my diet. I dont know if these things actually help prevent a recurrance or new cancer but I have read they do.
  11. Hi everyone,Its been a humid day here in the heartland.More storms in the forcast tonight. And so brings to a close of July14,2009. Goodnight everyone. TS if you should come in after me would you turn out the light but leave a nightlight on so that any late comers dont stub their toe.
  12. Five minutes left in my July 11,2009. Its been a good day. Hope you all had a nice one. Good night and please turn out the light when you leave.
  13. What we have here is a failure to communicate!(Cool Hand Luke)
  14. Hello Lisa and welcome. I hope you find as much support and information here as I have. Dont be afraid to ask any questions you may have. There is no such thing as a dum question here.
  15. That's music to the ears Tammy!
  16. Would the last one to bed please turn out the light? Goodnight everyone.
  17. Tammy,prayer said for good results and a fast recovery.
  18. Sorry you are having a bad day Judy. I hope it gets better. Its kind of sad to hear about Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcetts death yesterday. Its also kind of sad how his death is now overshadowing her message about cancer that she wanted to get out. Maybe being rich and famous isnt all that its cracked up to be. When I think of Elvis and John Lennon and now Michael Jackson. How sad and lonely their lives must have been. Not knowing if you were truly loved by anyone except your family.
  19. beatlemike


    Fantastic news Bruce!!!!!
  20. Gail your story deserves a royal "YABBA DABBA DOO". I love stories like yours. Please post more often.
  21. WOW Debi! What an inspiration. I hope you check in more often. Also Cary,I have never seen any posts by you before. Your Dads story looks quite remarkable. Could you share more of it with us?
  22. He told me "Son there are good women and bad women in this world. But some of the bad women are damn good". On the serious side tho it wasnt so much as what he said but how he lived. In his younger years he had a drinking problem and overcame it. I developed my own drinking problem which lasted for about 15 years. But using my Dad's example and alot of AA I was able to get my own life back in order.
  23. Good luck with the treatment Judy! My wife and I are going to go to the city pool today . I have turned into one of those people I used to laugh at as a kid. I gotta stick my toe in first and go in a little at a time to get used to it. By time I finally get my whole body in the water it is time to leave.
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