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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Hi Debi.Early satger here also2b. I remember all I thought about was dying the first 2 years. The only one who ever gave me any hope was my surgeon. My onco and pulmonolgist didnt seem to want to get my hopes up to high.Maybe for good reason. I came here a number of times but would click off whenever I read some of the sad outcomes. It was only when I stayed awhile and read some of the profiles that I began to have hope. Im still leary of getting my hopes up to high for fear it might return and then my fall would be greater. I try to live each day now and enjoy it.
  2. beatlemike


    It is always sad when we lose someone here at LCSC but altho I didnt know Sandra any better than anyone else here,there seemed to be something special about her. I am still wiping tears away. This just plain sucks!
  3. As a very wise man once said "Yappa Dappa Doo". Im so happy for you Barb!
  4. beatlemike


    Happy Birthday Mom!
  5. beatlemike

    Good News!

    Carol,Im sending you a Happy Hug by overnight express!
  6. Rainy and windy here all week. We are to have a small family gathering Saturday so I hope we have decent weather for that. I recieved 2 pairs of white homing pigeons I ordered today. When I was in my teens I used to race them. Now I just want a couple pair just to mess with. I find them very relaxing to just sit and watch. I hope everyone had a nice day.
  7. beatlemike

    5 years tomorrow

    Thats what we like to hear Nonni! Two thumbs up.
  8. Hi everyone, I havent been posting much lately. Alot of things going on lately. Went to my 40th high school reunion this weekend. Everyone has gotten old on me but it was good to see them. Goodnight everyone. (click).
  9. Hello and welcome, I really hope your mom has the treatment and surgery if she is given the option. I was stage2b and had my right lung removed 4 years ago and altho I cannot do everything I used to,I still enjoy my life very much and am fairly active.
  10. My thoughts are with you today also. Your a very special gal Katie!
  11. Windy and cool here today. I was watching Ted Kennedys funeral the other day and they mentioned his oldest daughter is a lung cancer survivor,I knew his son had leg cancer but never knew about his daughter. Im going to Kearney here in a little bit,my best friend had a stroke yesterday.I always thought he was in great shape,quit smoking and drinking about 15 years ago and exercized on a daily basis. I quess we just never know.Have a good day everyone!
  12. Im buying Geri,what kind of drink would you like?
  13. beatlemike


    Prayers are with you Lilly!
  14. Judy its about time you got some good news. Im very happy for you!!!
  15. Hello Bobby. Nice to meet you!Thanks for dropping in and please dont be a stranger.
  16. Nice warm day here in Nebraska but after today a long cooldown. My wife always refers to us as mom and dad when talking to our dog. I tell her if she wannts to be mom that up to her but Im not his Dad. Hope everyone has a good day!
  17. Goodnight eveyone! (click)
  18. One day last week I was thinking about my childhood friend Joe for some reason. I havent seen Joe or talked to Joe for over 10 years but for some reason had him on my mind all that day. I even drove around and looked at our old neihborhood. Then that night as I was getting ready for bed the phone rang. Guess who was one the other end? It was my sister. I bet you all thought I was gonna say Joe. Gotta cha.
  19. Goodnight everyone! (click)
  20. I dont get it either. Sorry Randy.
  21. Great news Denise! Im sure having you in his life has helped Tom tremendously!
  22. Susan,Im glad yout mom is feeling better and you got to spend the weekend together.
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