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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. I never had radiation so I cant answer your question bur my prayers are with your mother. Mike
  2. Thank you for keeping us informed. Prayers are still with Dianna.
  3. I hope and pray things turn around for you Don.You have been a big inspiration to me.Mike
  4. Hi Cori,welcome and I hope and pray the best for you.In july 05 they told me I had a softball sized tumor. At that time I thought everyone who gets lung cancer will die in a short time.I came here and found many survivors of this disease and much help and support.Please keep us posted.Mike
  5. No but it sounds good. Have you ever met anyone famous?
  6. Hi Tami,I dont have any answers for you either,but it doesnt sound cancer related. Hope you keep checking in,we need examples like you.
  7. No,my singing is so bad that it hurts my ears. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher growing up?
  8. Great topic Ry. I dont know if I changed so much in the things I do but my thinking is my biggest. I am so much more grateful now for my family and I dont take life for granted. I try to eat more healthy foods and enjoy each day and not sweat the small stuff.
  9. I think I was 18 or 19. If your walking and spot a penny on the ground,do you pick it up?If not,how about a nickel?
  10. Im so sorry it is back.I will say a prayer for you and am hoping the best.Mike
  11. Jacquie,I hope you the best results with the radiation.It has worked well for many who come here. My prayers are with you.
  12. Elyse,my prayers and thoughts are with you. Please let us know what you find out.Mike
  13. Yes but it was for breaking the speed limit. Do you believe Jonathan Edwards and Syvia Browne are for real or phonies?
  14. Hi Cathy,I would tell her. As said before if she thinks you are keeping it from her would even be more frightning.Just tell her it is most likely nothing but if for some reason it was that 1 in 10 chance it is better to find out early.Mike
  15. Most definately Same question but the person could be male or female and have a bugar on the end of their nose? Would you tell them?
  16. Gunsmoke If you were talking to a male stranger and he is unaware that his zipper is down,would you tell him?
  17. Summer definately Do you have a favorite album or cd from years gone by. Mine is Abbey Road
  18. PC>Do you have a favorite music album or Cd from years gone by? Mine is Abbey Road.
  19. Im sorry about the problems Harry and you are having now. I hope they get something going to stop the pain.
  20. I second what Patkid said. You are one great kid!
  21. Im sorry about you going thru this again. You have my prayers. Mike
  22. beatlemike

    Is it just me...?

    Im sorry Ry.I have heard others say this also and it is to bad. Your true friends will stick with you and you dont need the other ones anyway. Mike
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