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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. 16,In nebraska you can take the drivers test at 16. Have you ever hitchhiked?
  2. Only if I have to and there is not a shower around. Best car color
  3. Hi Marian,I hope you find much help and support here.
  4. Regular tube.My previous question I spelled moment wrong,now thats embarrasing. My next question I got from watching Seinfield.Have you ever peed while taking a shower?Of course none of the yes people will answe this.
  5. PC Do you have a most embarrassing momment?
  6. Just being alive and being able to spend it with family. Who is your favorite late night talk show host?
  7. About 35 If you had your choice between being good looking and poor or ugly and rich.What would you pick?
  8. Hi Antonella and welcome. I lost about 10 lbs also before being dxed along with a unending cough. It sounds like they caught yours early and you have a good chance at a cure.Mike
  9. beatlemike

    Missing Him

    Nanci,I am sorry for your loss and your pain. I hope you can find some comfort knowing his love is still with you.
  10. Hello Phil and welcome. I hope you keep coming and sharing your story with others.
  11. Merry Christmas Donna!!!!
  12. Enjoy the party and Merry Christmas!!!!
  13. Hi Val and welcome.Hope you keep coming here and get as much support and information here as I have.Mike
  14. Robert DeNiro Your favorite ice cream?
  15. Away in a manger of the old Andy Griffith Christmas show. If you had to be another animal besides human what would you be?
  16. Sleding with the grandkids. If you could interview any persom(dead or alive) who would it be?
  17. sorry,I spoke out of turn. I been to 2 reunions. When getting dressed in the morning do you go sock sock shoe shoe or sock shoe sock shoe?
  18. Yes,we called it hickeybobbin. When you use someones bathroom ,do you look in there medicene cabinet?
  19. You and Harry are in my prayers.
  20. Your gonna make it thru this just fine Connie.Your story and you have been such an inspiration to so many of us here. May you have a speedy recovery and Thank You so much.Mike
  21. beatlemike

    2 Years

    Thats great news Tom!!!!!!
  22. Hi Stacia,my prayers go out for you and your Mother.
  23. beatlemike


    Stage 2b here with two effected nodes.So far so good.Mike
  24. beatlemike

    Still Stable

    Thats great news Marie.
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