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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Hi MM,Im so sorry about all you are going thru right now.I hope you keep coming here for info and support and my prayers go out for you and your family.Mike
  2. You both have my prayers and support. Mike
  3. Thats fantastic Ralph!!!!!!!!!
  4. beatlemike

    4 Years

    Great news Joe!!!!!!!!
  5. Hi Teresa and welcome.Your father is in my prayers. I hope you all the best tommorrow and you might want to take a notebook with you so you can write things down. Please keep us informed.Mike
  6. Im so happy for you Barb. Heres to seven more and seven more and seven more.
  7. Im glad you found your way here also Dawn. I will say a prayer for yout mother and you. Dont lose hope.
  8. Hello and welcome Lisa. I hope and pray the best for your mother and you.
  9. Hello and welcome. Saying prayer for your mother. Dont lose hope.
  10. welcome mike,hope you find all the help and support here as I have.
  11. Just by what you have written here it sounds like it may be early stage yet. Lets hope and pray this is the case. Im 21 months cancer free after having a softball sized tumor was removed with my right lung and chemo. My prayers go out for you and your dad.
  12. beatlemike

    My kids...

    Hi Kelly and my thoughts go out to you and your kids.When I was 14 my little sister got ran over by a car in front of our house. She was 6 years old. She was the sunshine of our family.Shortly there after I started having panic attacks. Fear of not being able to breath and unwanted thoughts. Usually bedtime was the worst.I never told nobody about them because back then you never heard of panic or anxiety attacks and I was afraid people would think I was crazy. Not until I read your letter did I realize the connection of my panic disorder and my sisters death. Im sure now that they were directly linked to each other. I have since been recovered and do not fear them anymore. For the most part I believe they came from a fear of being out of control. I hope your daughter speaks freely to you or someone else about what is going on. I suffered for many years in silence.Those attacks can be terrifing when you dont know what is going on. A book that helped me very much was called hope and help for your nerves by Dr.Clara Weeks. I hope you and your children all the best. Mike
  13. I hope she gets a good checkup.Im sure its been a long month for you both. Prayers for you both.
  14. So sorry about your grandfather hellokitty and your father vjackman. I also have a very close relationship with my grandkids and they are my biggest worry thru all of this. I just dont want my kids and grandkids to hurt if the cancer should come back. But if there would be no hurt that would mean that there was no love and I wouldnt give up all that love for all the tea in china.Im not very good with words but i think you get what I mean. My prayers go out for the both of you and your grandad and father. Mike
  15. Ever since this cancer business started I have been off and on so many meds that it gets confusing. This morning I got my rogaine and viagra mixed up. Now I have a hard head and a fuzzy little pecker.My wife says it looks like a hampster but she wont pet it. Mike
  16. Im so happy for you and your mom.
  17. I agree about prayers and you have mine.
  18. Hang in there Linda and dont lose hope.Chemo might get a little tougher as you go along but I think you made the right choice. May God bless you. Mike
  19. Hi and welcome. Glad you are here. Im hoping that i have the same success as you.
  20. Crossin the highway late last night,he shoulda looked left and he shoulda looked right.He didnt see the station wagon car,the skunk got squashed and there you are. hehe,no more I promise.Blame Don,he got me started.
  21. Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
  22. Hi Brandy and welcome,hope you find much support and info here. Prayers Mike
  23. Hi Kim,my prayers are with you and your dad.
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